Showtime, indeed... Now it's my turn to chime in on this, and the fact I'm a pedofurry tactician will make what I will say startling. I don't care whether the NYPD exonerated you. This was a grand voluntary exercise in self-defeating and truculent hysterics and provocation.
You have demonstrated profound levels of indiscretion and foolishness by screaming to the world that police came and took things. WHY WOULD YOU TELL YOUR ENEMIES THEIR ATTACKS HAVE REGISTERED AND ARE CAUSING CHAOS?! WHY WOULD YOU PROVE TO OUR ENEMIES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THIS?!
You could have simply said nothing, which would in turn reduce their attention on you and not give them tactical data or hope. You also could have just not spoken to police when the knock + talk was done and deferred a response while you did research and deliberations.
You could have deprived people of intel while you deliberated, then acted quietly. Knowledge is power. Deprivation of knowledge is disempowering. But no, you proclaimed everything to the world, made your enemies happy, made pedofurries fearful, and just embarrassed yourself.
I'm not saying I can't sympathize/empathize. Yes, I presume it's quite terrifying to have a sex crimes investigator with unknown intentions and presumptions want to chat, especially given what Zaush did. It's clearly grating to be accused of crimes by so many, especially when you
were obscure and irrelevant the day before, I understand that. I would have mobilized despite being so saddled with personal shit to help you if somehow I learned of this at the time. But you have won no real victory here and have further endangered us and further emboldened our
enemies during a time of escalating hostilities and the conflation of AltFurry and pedophilia/cub. You shouldn't be proud at all. You should be humiliated and seek to self-enlighten and atone over this monumental failure of yours. On a side note, wow, they work fast. I was sure
these reports took weeks to be processed. Interesting. Also, I've known people can do FOIA requests for police reports, but I've never seen one executed. Interesting. Anyway, pray you are left alone, and not have to become further acquainted with the child sex crimes personnel.
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