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  1. Pinned Tweet
    10 hours ago

    Hey guys, I will try to clarify all the misunderstanding made by my comic, my family and myself. Hopefully we will bury the hatchet after this. Please RT this thread.

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  2. 10 hours ago

    It's unfair to attack an entire nation and religion, and blamed them for the actions of few religious mobs and an internet troll. Therefore I would like to apologize to the people of Indonesia and Muslims for all the misunderstanding and mishaps I have done.

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  3. 10 hours ago

    I really wish the person who did this could've understand my problems, but it's all in the past and I honestly don't expect vengeance. We all made mistakes.

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  4. 10 hours ago

    My paranoia reached it's peak when the person who blackmailed me and allegedly "doxxed" me threatened to report me to Indonesian police. First I shrugged it off but since my extended family was alerted about this, everybody panicked. I did the most selfish thing ever.

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  5. 10 hours ago

    The reality is: The problem was caused by series of harassments made by religious mobs near me that take things outside of law over the past few years. I should've consulted local LGBT advocates but my paranoia had blinded me from their help, and instead chose to get out.

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  6. 10 hours ago

    The confusion began through series of retweets, mistranslations and misinterpretations of my drawing (and past opinions) and it upsets my fellow countrymen and LGBT people who lives in the country. And I can't deny that I am part of the problem.

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  7. 10 hours ago

    First and foremost, it is not Indonesian government's fault nor Islam's fault for this. My country still highly values democracy and pluralism. While Islam is the majority religion, I still see really good people here regardless of their faith.

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  8. 18 hours ago

    >mfw Despacito 2 wasn't announced at E3 when I was away

  9. 19 hours ago

    Partial fursuits

  10. 19 hours ago
    Replying to

    Eastern European bureaucrat

  11. 19 hours ago

    Kim with Trump's hair looks like a rich Singaporean uncle 😂

  12. Jun 23

    I know I will not forgive myself for ignoring their help and driving my friends away.

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  13. Jun 23

    I know there are misconceptions started by people outside of from my country about the drawing when I tried to take my own life. I have ignored local help because I was too blinded by my dream of going there. I'm sorry if my actions caused grievances among local communities.

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  14. Jun 23

    Hi guys. I'm sorry if I let my followers to attack people who tried to know what happened. While I can't provide them with additional info at the request of my family, it's within their rights to clarify things out. I made mistakes by not explaining to everyone about my country

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  15. Jun 23

    Both of them are good person with good intentions.

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  16. Jun 23

    Also guys please don't bash Arie. They were one of the person who reached me out. I just went to the wrong address, wasn't fully 100% healthy and basically just confused.

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  17. Jun 23

    Hey guys, just wanna say I think it's better to say sorry to for being rude to her. As much as she was skeptical about it, it's not cool to doubt her credibility in medical field. X.x

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  18. Jun 23
    Replying to

    That was a joke. Someone sent me a meme with my avatar upon hearing my recovery. I thought it was a good idea to share the joke with everyone. Sorry about this x.x

  19. Jun 22

    I'm going to let the drama aside. I'll return with more wholesome art UwU

  20. Jun 22

    I hope I can learn everything from this. It's been an entire clusterfuck of a week.


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