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  1. Pinned Tweet
    12 Nov 2016

    Dear Followers, This is my feed. I'll write what I want. It's not run by a board or by consensus of the readership. Don't like it, unfollow.

  2. Retweeted

    A CHP press conference declaring President Erdoğan had not secured enough votes to win the election outright was broadcast only by Fox TV. Other news channels showed the AK Party victory rally.

  3. 4 minutes ago

    "Can we ask AA? According to AA on TV 92.5% of ballot boxes have been opened in Istanbul. I'm at the YSK office in Maltepe. Its 22:03 and only 15% of the ballot boxes have been opened. All ballot boxes are waiting. Where did [AA] get their results from?"

  4. Retweeted
    17 minutes ago

    AA’ya sorabilirmiyiz ? TV de Anadolu Ajansına göre İstanbul da açılan sandık %92,5 ..Ben Maltepe Türkan Saylan Merkezi’nde ki YSK ‘dayım .Saat şu anda 22:03 ..Sandıkların daha %15 i girildi.Bütün sandıklar Kardelen salonunda bekletiliyor. Sonuçları nerden alıp açıklamışlar?

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  5. Retweeted
    15 minutes ago

    Oy ve Otesi dogrulama sistemi tikir tikir calisiyor, buyrun:

  6. Retweeted
    13 minutes ago

    YSK açılan sandık %61 Adil Seçim açılan sandık %65 Büyükşehirler henüz sistemlere tam olarak yansımış durumda değil. Umudunuzu kaybetmeyin TV ekranlarındaki manipülasyonlara aldanmayın bu seçim ikinci tura kalmıştır. Sandıkları takip etmeye devam edin.

  7. 12 minutes ago

    CHP MP Haluk Pekşen says AA and the Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) have stopped entering votes into the system and that the ballot boxes opened do not tally up with the data entered.

  8. Retweeted
    1 hour ago

    Merhaba burası Hatay'ın Samandağ ilçesi. Ama maalesef Anadolu Ajansına göre %50 Rte gösteriyor. Gördüğünüz üzere sadece 2 oyu var. Başaracağız!!!

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  9. Retweeted
    17 minutes ago

    CHP Spox announces that the presidential race has gone to a second round. AKP media have announced an Erdoğan victory in the first round.

  10. Retweeted
    18 minutes ago

    Post-truth dedikleri nane bu olsa gerek. Gün boyu oy koruma mücadelesi, sonra saymaya başlayacaksın ki bir bakmışsın oooopppp kazandık diye kutlama aşamasına geçmişler, az sonra da balkona çıkarlar. Burada da millet hala "biz oy sayıyoruz, daha bir sürü sandık açılmadı" yazıyor.

  11. Retweeted
    21 minutes ago

    Devlet Bahçeli only held *three* rallies during the entire campaign, the least of any candidate. And yet Turkey's state news agency is claiming his vote percentage nearly doubled

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  12. Retweeted
    26 minutes ago

    The MHP, a AKP-allied party that splintered before the election and barely held any campaign rallies, is being reported as having increased its vote by 45 percent. Even more suspiciously, a lot of that increase is being reported to come from Kurdish areas

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  13. 19 minutes ago

    According to data from the YSK, the number of ballot boxes opened for the presidential race as of 21:55 is only 57.78%. (Again, not to be confused with votes counted).

  14. 22 minutes ago

    Two Russian members of the election observers (who were en massed declared provocateurs, etc by the likes of AA on June 21) have declared the elections were transparent.

  15. 25 minutes ago

    Citizens in Antalya concerned about the safety of votes in transit gathered in front of the courthouse, are threatened by police.

  16. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    Sayın , damadınız Anadolu Ajansı'na "24 Haziran seçim akşamı 21.30 itibariyle bizi %52 olarak ilan edeceksin" dedi mi, demedi mi? Bu gözümüz gibi korumamız gereken seçmen iradesini yok saymak değilse nedir?

  17. 28 minutes ago

    Presidential elections according to with over 100,00 ballot boxes opened and over 25 million votes. notes that Greater City Municipalities and Southeast provinces are still to be counted.

  18. Retweeted
    32 minutes ago

    Turkish state media is working fast to create facts on the ground. But: - The results they report don't add up - The opposition vehemently disputes these results - The rush to immediately declare a winner is highly suspect

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  19. Retweeted
    30 minutes ago

    ÖNEMLİ DUYURU! Büyükşehirlerden veri girişleri halen devam etmektedir. Bir çok büyük ilde oy girişi tamamlandığında sonuçlar büyük ölçüde değişecektir. Umudunuzu kaybetmeyin, güzel sonuçlar almaya devam ediyoruz. Görevlerinizi kesinlikle terk etmeyin!

  20. 30 minutes ago

    Show TV have declared the presidential race is over in the first round, declaring Erdoğan the victor.

  21. 34 minutes ago

    Parliamentary elections according to with 99,136 ballot boxes opened and over 25 million votes. notes that Greater City Municipalities and Southeast provinces are still to be counted.


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