
You blocked @DanaNawzar

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    30 Apr 2017

    Some beautiful traditional Kurdish music with Iranian Rastak group ! The music is simply hilarious.

  2. 2 hours ago

    So this is a pro-CHP journalist citing a 'friend's father in law' to claim that somewhere in Turkey the stamps on ballot boxes 'fly away'! She's got 1500+ RTs! CHP base is most similar to Trump's base: a nativist gullible minority with a strong desire for conspiracy theories

  3. 3 hours ago

    CHP's Muharrem Ince will be watching election results from in front of the Turkish Electoral Commission. Sounds bit odd to me. As if CHP is preparing itself to stage protests if they did not like the results.

  4. 4 hours ago

    Bazıları kazanmayacakları anlamış gibi, durup dururken ‘neden kaybettik’ sebepleri anlatıyor. henüz öğleyken ‘Akşam oldu hüzünlendim ben yine’ söyleyen CHP’lilerin tecrübeden biriktirdiği ferasetine hayran olmamak mümkün değil.

  5. 12 hours ago

    Hundreds of people on Twitter saying they’ve seen result of their polling boxes. That is concerning. The history of the glorious website doesn’t concern me. Btw, saying black propaganda is racist. Replace it with ‘CHP propaganda’, it is much more accurate.

  6. 12 hours ago

    Citizens all over Turkey reporting that there are pre-arranged results on CHP's election website before the election has started. i doubt that this serious breach will ever be reported by the international media but it is dangerous enough to be taken seriously

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  7. 12 hours ago

    This is huge. CHP releases election results on its website before the election has even started. They've released results for every single polling box giving CHP/Ince lead in all provinces. This's is no simple technical mistake. The party needs to be held responsible.

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  8. 14 hours ago

    As long as there are no serious breaches which affects the results and by that I don't mean Twitter troll rumours but real and tangible fraud which may affect the results, all parties should accept the results and the so-called Turkey experts should go home.

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  9. 14 hours ago

    To say that a party won't concede defeat because it ran a successful election campaign is the kind of stupidity we tolerate only when it is about Turkey! Btw, he is talking about an opposition that has lost 4 parliamentary elections, 2 referendums & 1 presidential election

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  10. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Beat GIF of this year's 🇩🇪😎

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  11. 15 hours ago

    NYT’s editorial on Turkish elections follows same familiar patterns of the beauty against the beast dismissing Ince’s populist & xenophobic rhetoric. But its thesis is rather a valid one: The fact opposition feels hopeful to win is good for democracy

  12. 16 hours ago

    Iraqi politics is a less entertaining version of the British . Iraq’s Adam is Sadr who has a new relationship every other week. The winners get to take Iraq’s oil & the losers get to f*** it

  13. 17 hours ago


  14. 19 hours ago

    And the Kemalist deleted the tweet and blocked me lol I can't wait to see their faces + faces of many Turkey analysts tomorrow night. Now off to Germany-Sweden match

  15. 19 hours ago

    This Kemalist calls me a 'fake English' for criticising Ataturk/ I am not English, real or fake. But I am not a 'mountain Turk' either; the nickname his beloved Ataturk gave us Kurds. I'm happy Turkey is no longer the Turkey of your Ataturk. And let's hope it will never be!

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  16. Retweeted
    20 hours ago
    Replying to

    And I'm sure the "rights, law, justice" thing is meant only for the coastal, mostly Turkish population!Even though Ince, the carrier of Ataturk's flag, is exploiting Kurds by tickling certain senses, if history is any guide, he views Kurds as no more than a bunch of useful idiots

  17. 20 hours ago

    Erdogan's Turkey has problems, some very big problem. But compared to your beloved Ataturk's Turkey, it comes out much better. Ataturk;s Turkey was where Armenians were annihilated, Kurds assimilated, religious freedoms curbed, prime ministers executed, coups justified.

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  18. 21 hours ago

    CHP'nin üç hali: Seçimden önce: Erdoğan gidicir, kazanacağız. Bu iş bitmiştir. Seçim günü: Sandıklardan g*tlerinizi ayırlmayınız, oylarınızı çalacaklar Seçim günü saat 19:00: Ya bu millet gerici, beton-kafalı,göbeğini kaşıyan makarna aşuftesi, çoban sürüsü

  19. 21 hours ago

    The three Turkish opposition lines that never get old: Before election: Prepare yourself for victory, we are winning On election day: They will steal our votes, protect the polling boxes On election night: The majority of people are uneducated, bton-kafali sheep, goddamn it.

  20. 21 hours ago

    Did you know that Istanbul's subway system is designed in a way, you go in as an unaffiliated citizen but come out as a fierce CHP supporter, randomly? 😂😂😂

  21. 22 hours ago

    Anytime a Turkey analyst says 'the X factor' or 'something is taking place for the first time', my best two guesses are: they are too young to remember last election or have a bad memory. Anyways, some people need to clean their Twitter soon, again.


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