over the past few weeks i & others befriended this amazing, funny, talented person @rizzydraws . who despite their situation, was so hopeful and optimistic. only for him to be doxxed. a gay man in a homophobic country. leading him to take his own life. i dont want to believe thispic.twitter.com/MGzS7Fn242
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In a January post on FB, Riz said that he was told to start GFM by friends incl Glaive from California (if they can clarify that's good) In the same post, people said Riz threatened his Malaysian friend(s?) with suicide if they wouldn't start GFM for him https://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1988155228175023&id=100009416957592&_rdr …pic.twitter.com/fzHVM4aJ6H
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Replying to @icblues @shinka254 and
⊕★ティヤス★ ⊕ @ Andromeda Retweeted farrah moan
Indonesian activists have been trying to reach out to Riz/his representatives to help but so far they haven't responded.https://twitter.com/arierdty/status/1008276865864232961?s=19 …
⊕★ティヤス★ ⊕ @ Andromeda added,
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After talking with Arie Rizzy and his family say they now refuse to help or offer support and want nothing to do with Rizzy lmao He claims to want to help and claims there's plenty of support for him to go to yet refuses to help. Dude doesn't actually care.
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