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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. 4 hours ago

    Le président franco-turc du CFCM annonce qu'ils vont lancer une consultation des musulmans mais n'est ce pas ce que vient de faire ?

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  4. 11 hours ago

    J’ai la peau de l’âme trop sensible. Il faudrait apprendre à son âme à marcher pieds nus Jean Cocteau

  5. 2 hours ago

    Franco Fontana Prague 1967

  6. 34 minutes ago

    That goal may have been Egypt's worst defensive performance since 1967

  7. 35 minutes ago

    Italian National Day at Nahr El Kalb. Music of Rossini, beautiful place, along a Roman aqueduct, with iconic Italian products. Tonight celebration also in Tripoli with many friends.

  8. 6 hours ago

    The Saudi king has fired the head of the entertainment authority after conservative citizens complained about a circus in Riyadh.

  9. 3 hours ago

    Analysts wonder whether a aid package to help deal with its current economic crisis is in fact an attempt to pressure the kingdom into accepting the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan being developed by the United States

  10. 3 hours ago

    to dig a canal that will ultimately make an island nation. The canal will be 60km (37.5 miles) in length and 200 meters wide that will be 15-20 meters deep to create a container base for nuclear waste. (Nuclear waste?)

  11. 3 hours ago

    Successful coordination on OPEC+ deal has & believe that they don't need to forge a multi-dimensional relationship. Both choose to ignore problems in bilateral relationship that have piled up (Iran, Syria). By

  12. 3 hours ago

    2/2 La France prépare la voie à son initiative diplo pr le Yémen, Initiative aux couleurs de l’humanitaire mais à forte connotation politique L'offensive de l’axe saoudo-émirati contre le port stratégique d’al-Hodeïda coïncide avec une contre-offensive pol du camp iranien en Irak

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  13. 3 hours ago

    1/2 La France est engagée aux côtés de son allié aboudhabien au . Elle appuie les Forces émiraties engagées dans la bataille d’al-Hodeïda, à l’issue de laquelle les Emiratis espèrent contraindre les Houthis au dialogue.

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  14. Jun 18

    En 2017, la DGSE a dépensé 55 millions d’euros de plus que prévu… Et on ne saura pas pourquoi

  15. 3 hours ago

    Erdogan’s Plan to Raise a ‘Pious Generation’ Divides Parents in by

  16. 3 hours ago
  17. My latest, on the Turkish opposition’s quest to defeat Erdogan

  18. 3 hours ago

    After and , a small break in .

  19. 5 hours ago

    "La plupart des entreprises françaises ne pourront pas rester en ", explique sur , et ajoute, "les Etats-Unis n’ont pas à être le gendarme économique de la planète"

  20. Jun 10

    Oggi sul Foglio un reportage lungo che ho scritto in Iraq per fare il punto a proposito dello Stato islamico – che non è soltanto un gruppo terroristico molto pericoloso, ma è anche il gruppo più bravo a riorganizzarsi dopo le sconfitte

  21. Jun 12

    I asked General Al Jubouri, commander of operations in Mosul, where Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is. He said: "Baghdadi is not in the border areas". First different opinion I heard about this matter at last, dissenting from the too common view


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