History Main / PercussiveMaintenance

19th Jun '18 12:04:22 PM User000name
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* On ''Series/MadMen'', season 2 episode 13 on a television
10th Jun '18 1:21:18 PM Flynt_Coal
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* {{Subverted}} in Film/TheLostWorldJurassicPark, where Ian Malcolm repeatedly attempts this with an uncooperative satellite phone, and [[TheSmartGuy Eddie Carr]] repeatedly tells him ''not'' to do this.
-->'''Eddie:''' Violence and technology... ''not'' good bedfellows!
7th Jun '18 11:14:28 PM jormis29
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* In ''Spycraft 2.0'', the Wheelman class gains the "Manual Adjustment" ability, letting them use this, depending on their level, to automatically succeed at most Mechanics, Electronics, and Security skill checks, should the initial skill roll fail.


* In ''Spycraft ''TabletopGame/{{Spycraft}} 2.0'', the Wheelman class gains the "Manual Adjustment" ability, letting them use this, depending on their level, to automatically succeed at most Mechanics, Electronics, and Security skill checks, should the initial skill roll fail.
5th Jun '18 7:51:20 AM GojiBiscuits
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5th Jun '18 7:51:13 AM GojiBiscuits
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** If your iPhone is having trouble with a replaced touch screen detecting input properly, it's normally because the new screen is not fully seated into its connectors. Giving it a good thump against your hand should work if you don't have a screwdriver handy.
19th Apr '18 10:29:20 AM CorahsUncle
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* In the ''Series/GetSmart'' episode "Schwartz's Island", Siegfried does this to the secret technobable machine by kicking it.


* In the ''Series/GetSmart'' episode "Schwartz's Island", Siegfried does this to the secret technobable technobabble machine by kicking it.

* In the ''Series/SmallWonder'' pilot episode, Jamie fixes a malfunctioning Vicki by slapping her, remarking that it's how Ted fixes the stereo. In the third-season episode "Bank Hostages", Vicki herself performs this on an errant ATM: " That's how my father fixes me."


* In the ''Series/SmallWonder'' pilot episode, Jamie fixes a malfunctioning Vicki by slapping her, remarking that it's how Ted fixes the stereo. In the third-season episode "Bank Hostages", Vicki herself performs this on an errant ATM: " That's "That's how my father fixes me."
19th Apr '18 10:26:04 AM ngh93
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* In ''Disney/ChickenLittle'', Runt hyperventilates and loses it after a vending machine gobbles up their bill they paid in order to get a MacGuffin. He then proceeds to unleash absolute vandalism upon the machine with great gusto, which then gives up its soda pop.


* In ''Disney/ChickenLittle'', Runt hyperventilates and loses it after a vending machine gobbles up their bill they paid in order won't accept his dollar to get a MacGuffin. He then proceeds to unleash absolute vandalism upon the machine with great gusto, which then gives up its soda pop.
19th Apr '18 10:24:05 AM ngh93
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* At the beginning of ''Film/{{Jack Frost|1998}}'' (the family version, not the serial killer version), Creator/MichaelKeaton's character is going to a music gig with his band but then decides to go back to watch his son's hockey game. His best friend gives him his car. A snow storm starts, and the guy is trying to see where he is going. Then the windshield wipers stop working. This is when he tries PercussiveMaintenance on the dash to try to get them working again, as his friend showed him before. Unfortunately, he loses sight of the road and drives off a cliff.


* At the beginning of ''Film/{{Jack Frost|1998}}'' ''[[Film/JackFrost1998 Jack Frost]]'' (the family version, not the serial killer version), Creator/MichaelKeaton's character is going to a music gig with his band but then decides to go back to watch his son's hockey game.spend Christmas with is family. His best friend gives him his car. A snow storm starts, and the guy is trying to see where he is going. Then the windshield wipers stop working. This is when he tries PercussiveMaintenance on the dash to try to get them working again, as his friend showed him before. Unfortunately, he loses sight of the road and drives off a cliff.
16th Apr '18 11:58:17 PM Laqueesha
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* Onkyo home theater A/V receivers have a notorious reputation for faulty audio channels. Sometimes audio channels will stop working and can easily be fixed by tapping the receiver on the front or site with its remote control.


* Onkyo home theater A/V receivers have a notorious reputation for faulty audio channels. Sometimes audio channels will stop working and can easily be fixed by tapping the receiver on the front or site with a hard object, like its remote control.
20th Mar '18 6:45:29 PM WillBGood
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* [[http://www.sexdrugsandjunecleaver.com/2009/03/02/fixing-broken-things/ Percussive Maintenance]] applied to [[BlackComedy a baby]].


%% * [[http://www.sexdrugsandjunecleaver.com/2009/03/02/fixing-broken-things/ Percussive Maintenance]] applied to [[BlackComedy a baby]].
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