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wassim sims Retweeted
suis-je la seule à avoir un pb de stabilité ? mes envies, émotions, sentiments changent mais d’une rapidité, c flippant. jpeux aimer qqun à la folie et 1s après m’en foutre pour la re-aimer après???ou vouloir qqch puis ne plus l’a vouloir pour ensuite regretter de pas l’avoir eu
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wassim sims Retweeted
عزة النفس لیست لساناً ساخراً ولا طبعاً متكبراً عزة النفس هي أن تبتعد عن كل من یقلل من قیمتك . - -محمد علي كلاي
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wassim sims Retweeted
S'il ne fallait retenir qu'une image... Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
wassim sims Retweeted
Ptdrrr dites vous y’a des gens qui envoient «
» quand ils sont énervés
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wassim sims Retweeted
Une supportrice russes dans les tribunes pour le match Arabie Saoudite - Russie. - La fachosphere va crier à l’ « islamisation de l’Europe » - Le
@printempsrepub judaïste va crier à « l’islam politique » Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
wassim sims Retweeted
Whats so different when it comes to Zionist Jewish occupiers????, what makes them above the law??, why this complicity with them??, Wake up world, take a stand of honor and dignity and help ending this catastrophe, end Zionists criminal occupation Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
wassim sims Retweeted
Watch Israel break onto a Palestinian roof top, assault the residents, including an elderly man posing no
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né le même jour Je pense que le dernier a bcp influencé le premier
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elle a oublié le troisiéme pays qui les a rejeté …
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wassim sims Retweeted
Valence la troisième plus grande ville d’Espagne vote en faveur du boycott d’
et le qualifie d’Etat criminel. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
wassim sims Retweeted
Des milliers de nazis ont saccagé la ville de Londres, et attaqué des policiers. Ça ne fait pas la Une, ils ne sont pas d’apparence
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wassim sims Retweeted
The response of
#Israel to peaceful protests ... is butterfly bullets, internationally forbidden, because of its destructive effects on the Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
wassim sims Retweeted
Manchester 09-06-18 We staged a die in at
@HSBC /@HSBC_UK protesting their holdings in Israeli Arms manufacturer@ElbitSystemsLtd and other arms Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
wassim sims Retweeted
GDP (PPP), 2018 ($ trillion) China: 25.2 US: 20.4 India: 10.4 Japan: 5.6 Germany: 4.3 Russia: 4.1 Indonesia: 3.5 Brazil: 3.4 UK: 3 France: 2.9 Mexico: 2.5 Italy: 2.4 Turkey: 2.3 S Korea: 2.1 Spain: 1.8 Canada: 1.8 Saudi: 1.8 Iran: 1.7 Australia: 1.3 Thailand: 1.3 Egypt: 1.3
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wassim sims RetweetedThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
wassim sims Retweeted
Israel's logic ... Caricature by famed artist Carlos
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wassim sims Retweeted
فالنسيا، ثالث أكبر مدينة إسبانية، تعلن إسرائيل دولة غير قانونية وتوقف التعامل معها. تلبية لحركة المقاطعة للكيان الصهيوني .
#فلسطين#مليونية_القدس Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
wassim sims Retweeted
While Tel-Aviv celebriting
#Pride2018. Israeli occupation force killed 3 Palestinian including 15 years old child and injured more than 500 civilians near gaza border . Shame on you Netanyahu And Happy Pride Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
wassim sims Retweeted
Vu la tête qu’elle a elle devrait dire mercii si un jour on la viole Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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