Post by celine on Apr 8, 2013 at 5:47am
Donald Marshall lessee... yes a bunch of the soprano cast has been there before, know about me and clones.
Jayne Riggs Jaccoma donald what about the sopranos cast prob includes all of hollywood rite
Donald Marshall they make the cartoon the clone wars... disney just bought the rights to star wars from george lucas, who also has a clone attends all the biggest people in hollywood,... many are host... parasite hosts of lizards
Meghan Cousineau Hmmm big money, fame... Had to sell their soul to... Reptilians?
Donald Marshall no to the cloners
Meghan Cousineau I see... I cannot wait for all this to be brought to light/consciousness and be stopped
Donald Marshall lizards and hosts are just there... see... they say ok ill sell my soul... they dont tell them that its a real thing to them and pretty much assume you give yourself up to be droned by a lizard at some point. they kinda trick some people like that. get them somewhere in real body and parasite them with a lizard. on the low.
Meghan Cousineau The cloners are "human beings" with the richest pockets, is that it?
Donald Marshall its all going to work out, no ones going to nuke. yes. also parasited hosts. walking around as humans mimicing human behaviour
Meghan Cousineau So who is at the "head" of all this if themselves they are hosts?
Donald Marshall religious sects are the most powerful. them allied with world leaders.
Jared Cheeseman wow
Donald Marshall and the dead chip heads that call the shots from behind the scenes.
Meghan Cousineau Oh so the dead chips heads are at the top, is that correct?
Jared Cheeseman wow
Donald Marshall world laders that died before rich, royals too, still slithering the earth in undead clone existance... flawed tech too, theres major mental side effects. its not lizards in power,... its people.
Meghan Cousineau No kiddin'
Donald Marshall no kiddin. lizards are all gonna die or
Meghan Cousineau But dead people... Are we talking way back romans?
Donald Marshall be contained deeeep underground where theyre supposed to be. no recent. deads since like 1940 ish.
Jayne Riggs Jaccoma like hitler
Donald Marshall yep
Meghan Cousineau Yeah that around the time I thought
Jayne Riggs Jaccoma eisenhower
Donald Marshall stalin mao bunch of them.
Jayne Riggs Jaccoma damn
Meghan Cousineau Rat nest
Jayne Riggs Jaccoma you are a weath of info....understatement
Donald Marshall yep and theyre especially whacked because they only had mark 1 clones then when they died...
Jayne Riggs Jaccoma as opposed to.....
Donald Marshall more side effects... its a hardcopy of your consciousness right but then they upgraded to mark 2, less side effects,... buuuut couldnt record a new recording of the mark 1's theyre stuck as mark 1's... mark 2 is still whacked but mark 1 is nuttier. Meghan Cousineau..... Can scans reveal the dead chips? And is this linked to the fact they want to chip people for "ID"? I.e. being able to deactivate anyone and take over their body? Donald Marshall...... so theyve said. I didnt know if the rfid chips can work like headchips, but probably can now, theyre always upping the technology, and chips can go by the slight electric charge in everyones body. the chips may have an unknown compound coating that masks them. Meghan Cousineau...... Thank you Donald, courage Jared Cheeseman....... wow Donald Marshall....... yep yep no prob.
Post by celine on Apr 15, 2013 at 5:52am
Ryan Sorokowski shared a link.
Michael Jackson Exposing The Illuminati ★♫★♫★ KilluminaTV ★♫★♫★
Donald Marshall ............He was totally down with them and supposedly a host/drone
Dawn Hamm Hart ............hummmmmm - this is the first time that you have said something that I do not resonate with. No big deal but I don't see that at all.
Dawn Hamm Hart .............He was a tortured soul and he paid a heavy price for standing in his TRUTH. There is no way he was down with them.
Donald Marshall ............Holy fuck... your comical... he was a major pedophile,... he payed off more families that no one knows about,... a lot of them,... it broke em.... and that prophenol he took all the time, you cant do anything while on it, just lay there and enjoy, he did it everyday, his muscled atrophied and he got early onset of arthritis, he died intentionally, and lives again in another body... as clones he was even worse... why would you claim to know what he is all about? You see the illusion he portrayed on tv... that was a character... he was and is a monster.
Donald Marshall ............you can resonate whatever you want... I know. Dawn Hamm Hart .......sorry to offend u - was not my intention I just do not resonate with it. I resonate with alot of what u say I can assure you. I am not the enemy.
Brenda Butler .......yes and poor michael didnt get his message through people just yapping and clueless
Donald Marshall .......Micheal Jackson was and is a monster (he still lives on chip in bodysnatchers body). At the cloning center he used to chase me around with sewing needles stabbing my little kid clone with them until I came up with a song for him. He and his relatives did much to me.
Donald Marshall Micheal was a host of a vrill. He acted all gentle and nice. He wasn't. He was just weak.
Brenda Butler so what was his message donald
Donald Marshall I friggin hate him his ugly mother and his whole family
Brenda Butler and why would he bother telling us
Donald Marshall He was bullshitting Brenda Butler i am just learning all this now donald help me understand plz
Donald Marshall He was as down with them as one can get... He didn't EVER give any critical info
Brenda Butler he couldnt though too many yapping at once right
Donald Marshall He was just trying to look like a good guy. He was one of the worst.
Brenda Butler man you cant believe anything anymore no wonder i dont care for tv anymore
Donald Marshall Never mind,,, omg
Brenda Butler no i didnt mean anything rash
Brenda Butler i want to understand donald really
Brenda Butler its important for me to learn all i can donald
Brenda Butler you know i decided to go back and watch the series v...i want to understand
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 6:43am
Re: the R.F.I.D. CHIP « Reply #3 on Nov 11, 2012, 9:11am »
10th nov 2012 Donald Marshall:....
if you get the rfid chip even in your arm it acts as a brain chip, theyve upgraded the technology, they can upload a dead consciousness into you and it only takes a short time for them to become coherant... but once the chip is shut down the original person comes back into control,... not vrill drones tho,.. its permanent and there is no coming back... gotta kill them off, original person if effectively brain dead
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 7:05am
21/03/13 Douglas Henson shared a link. Re-posting this article from last summer, it relates to Donald's testimony about artificial immortality through consciousness preservation in chips implanted into new bodies. The description of "Avatar C" is the most similar to what Donald is saying. www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/a....l#ixzz218zkLD9ARussian research project offers 'immortality' to billionaires - by transplanting their brains into r www.dailymail.co.ukA Russian entrepreneur who heads a hi-tech research project has contacted Donald Marshall This was a test to gauge public opinion on the topic, they do that all the time... If the public go nuts and say OMG the twisted science blah blah, then they will hold off on the idea and advertising it,.. if the public is positive, saying "Oh what a scientific breakthrough what an advantage that will be, then they advertise it more, test the waters. The tech is flawed though, they don't mention how you might become a bisexual child molester that sometimes has the compulsion to bite people and kill people... they can't fix the flaw, it is a dead end in tech, it can't be solved. Donald Marshall........... but some people have been so slimy in life, that they fear an afterlife and judgement by some creator so they live a half life as one of these things. Others dont believe in divinity and just want to exist for as long as possible. Nick Bootneck Jordan............... Similar to this Donald...?http://www.beamsinvestigations.org.uk/BT's%20'Soul%20Catcher%202025'%20Implants.htm BT's 'Soul Catcher 2025' Implants www.beamsinvestigations.org.ukThe British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society - Monitoring and Reporting Center Donald Marshall............. OH DAYUM!!! Donald Marshall ............Well.... that's it... They have them now, they've had them for like 15 years,... and rich people have used these chips to record their consciousnesses on before they die, then have some rotten people get a pretty victim, and either drill a small hole in the head, insert the soulstone microchip with flawed recorded consciousness of the dead person on it. or they take the eye out carefully, and push the chip in on a thin rod...put the eye back in,... no need to drill the skull. The dead consciousness takes over, (bodysnatches like a Vrill) after recovery, they walk around usually with babysitters, (a handler) and live until they find someone else they'd like to be. Then kill themselves andhave their pals put another chip into that person... and repeat the process. Read more: donaldmarshall.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=14&page=5#ixzz2SMdKDX2c
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 7:43am
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 7:49am
« Reply #3 on Jul 16, 2012, 2:16pm » Donald Marshall:........ ever look at the bodies of the German leadership after the nuremberg trials? looked a little wierd didnt they?. didnt look like the original people. they werent them. they were mark 1's. organicnrobotoids. they still slither this earth. and they died and got stuck in earlier clones. as evil as they were the death transition,,, made them even more so. They must be found snd deactivated. its not even killin em. theyre already long dead. its more deactivation. theyre absolutely malevolent sinister and somenstill call the shots in the world. why so much evil happens innthe world,... well one of the reasons. Read more: donaldmarshall.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=30&page=1#ixzz2SMohSA3P
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 7:51am
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 7:52am
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 7:58am
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 8:05am
Donald Marshal:........." nah they can reanimate you into a shadow.you come back evil gay child molester. they all do. its flawed.. they have neurosurgeons trying to fix this problem. all over the world german scientists asian russian they cant fix it. they would stop doing it but they fear death. said theyre scared of possibly facing gods judgement and will reanimate themselves. they record your consciousness on a chip just before u die. then they implant this chip in a clone body's head OR a victims head. then they implant this chip in a clone . but use chips now. thats an undead chiphead. can do it to a clone body and have to just get replacement bodies like every 6 months or so. or real body stolen which makes have less side effects and no need to change bodies. destroy the mindworks satellite all the undead chipheads will drop. they dont even need to be executed... a button push deactivated em. Read more: donaldmarshall.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=30&page=1##ixzz2SMseM4TI
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 8:08am
Donald Marshall....in the beginning they had organic robotiods, they were primitive Mark 1 clones... first kind... they look like a messed up you,... look different wierd in the face... some of the nazi bodies in the nuremberg case had theyre bodies switched out for organic robotiods to fake their deaths...the dead bodies that were shown of the leadership were almost all mark 1 clones... they faked theyre deaths. theyre still living now kind of,... very evil, as they died naturally before consciousnesses could be recorded on hips good...now they live in mark 3 and 4 clones with a microchip in the brain with theyre really badly recorded mark 1 clone consciousness recorded, cant upgrade. Theyre very evil like that, worse than usual... also they put the chip into REAL peoples heads and bodysnatch them like that kinda like Vrill lizards do but with a chip...less side effects with a real persons body used and they dont need to replace a mark 3 or 4 clone... the clones degrade and need to be remade and chip reinstalled... but they look different each time slightly so they make 20 at a time and pick the most similar one. Some refuse to bodysnatch and just use clones. Russia started replacing people in us government. with China... still do. Russia China Britain and Germany. They still do... Read more: donaldmarshall.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=30&page=2#ixzz2SMtC4Qmm
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 8:11am
Q}............ Is the switch to deactivate the chipheads ........ the cloning centre or through computer?........... . A)..........Donald Marshall:............ unknown about off switch, Ive seen them deactivate them tho, they just shut off. no pain or anything. who has access to this button?............ Donald Marshall............ mindcomputers company is one way,... they have back ups, but this mindcomputers company must be stopped.... they have a site on the net even. lol........ describing half of the stuff they can do. lol. Read more: donaldmarshall.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=30&page=2#ixzz2SMu4mi26
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 8:13am
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 8:15am
Post by celine on May 5, 2013 at 8:18am
Donald Marshall:............... dunno about souls in clones,... i feel just like real life unless theyve drugged the clone with something... smack yer own face n all... then ya cry cuz ya know the evil hag has activated a clone of you while your in rem sleep stage then ya get mad lol.......... i feel like when a clone I have a soul.... same as in real.... same feeling. im like curious george bad,... i had to know everything,... i wondered about the soul thing too... so did they... they dont know what happens to your "consciousness" as they call it they can only preserve a flawed negative of you...they have lotsa theories.... all I know is i dont wanna go wherever they end up... or come back mark 3 or 4 clone for elizabeth to stab. mega death... the worst thing they say that can happen to a living thing...it keeps people from talkin. Read more: donaldmarshall.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=30&page=3#ixzz2SMvfL9fj