
You blocked @RageHound

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  1. 15 hours ago

    Your daily reminder that you are not a predator

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  4. 18 hours ago

    New dakimakuras are available for pre-order now! You can purchase Pink guy, some sexy bugs, even 's lovely character Cupcake on a 50 x 150 cm body pillowcase!

  5. Additionally, I'll be implementing own block list of antagonistic accounts unwilling to interact respectfully. Fuck this fandom sometimes, its such a spiteful minefield hidden behind cute animals.

  6. I'm done commenting on or offering my own political opinion as well as defending others. Its a waste of my time and energy. I'll also be adding muted words to notifications. I've had enough of this.

  7. I've briefly resurfaced to plug good friend and talented artist who is now offering a stunning range of dakis including Cupcake, my own sona :D

  8. As a result, videos will also be on delay. Thank you for understanding.

  9. If anyone needs me I'll be binging and working through the aftermath of trying to have an unpopular opinion. Whenever I'm unsteady, he gets me.

  10. As the name implies, I will be AFK indefinitely.

  11. I am absolutely furious today. I would like a few minutes of quiet. I tried to defend a video taken a bit out of context with no link given to the original video and apparently that makes me Satan himself. Ok.

  12. Undo
  13. YouTuber Spotlight: Moms of Furries

  14. Hey sorry guys! I know I've gotten tons of messages asking why they can't find me on the YouTuber page on :( Working to resolve this, please use this link in the interim: So sorry for the inconvenience!

  15. Patiently waiting for to react to the new KH3 trailer from E3

  16. I like that at E3 The Last of Us 2 showed great gameplay, amazing realism... And y'all are still tripping that Ellie is a lesbian. FFS really?

  17. Jun 11

    cinematic parallels

  18. Returning to Paladins after 3+ Months Away

  19. Some have picked up on it, but the reason many of my movements dont match my words in newer because my camera is acting up and not saving files (yikes) so I've had to resort to re-using old footage. This should be resolved soon. Sorry! I need the adsense revenue badly.

  20. What's My Sexual Orientation? And Why?


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