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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. Assad on Intel sharing w EU "We did have communications w intel agencies in Europe, but it was stopped. They want to exchange information despite their being politically against ours, so we said when you change your political position, we’re ready.

  3. Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies pledge $2.5 billion in support of Jordan’s monarchy after protests spark fears of another Arab Spring

  4. 10 hours ago

    For the first time ever: and seem lost on the campaign trail, but unpopularity doesn't necessarily spell failure in

  5. 2 hours ago

    L’idée que les transformations que connaît l' ont été simplement décrétées, du jour au lendemain, par une simple décision au sommet, méconnaît les changements en profondeur qu’a connues la société depuis des décennies.

  6. 2 hours ago

    "The new council is probably the death knell of the Gulf Cooperation Council...An initial judgment is that the new coordination council reflects the “bromance” between MbS and MbZ"

  7. Jun 8

    Israeli snipers have now shot over 20 journalists covering the protests. I've asked the army 5 times now what they're doing to prevent more deaths and injuries. They refuse to answer. Now, another journalist has been shot.

  8. Iran’s oil buyers may balk at US demands b/c "uniformly hostile" to U.S. objectives. EU hopes to keep Iran in nuclear deal w/o U.S. participation—something Iran says only possible if oil sales cont.- by via h/t

  9. 5 hours ago

    It's all going to end in tears. The 's annual 1bn dollar 'foreign policy' and its boss look useless and farcical, after failed rescue. My latest

  10. Naples va-t-elle sauver l’honneur de l’Italie et tout simplement de l’Europe en accueillant l’Aquarius avec plus de 600 migrants sauvés en mer auquel Malte et le gouvernement où siège Matteo Salvini refuse l’accostage ?

  11. 6 hours ago

    Three Arab states pledge $2.5bn to after protests - Lesson to Arab monarchs - leverage popular protests.

  12. Italy closes its port to 600 on a migrant rescue ship. Salvini says: "“Malta takes in nobody. France pushes people back at the border, Spain defends its frontier w weapons. From today, Italy will also start to say no to human trafficking"

  13. 9 hours ago

    The Gulf states, clearly a bit rattled by the recent protests in Jordan, have pledged $2.5bn in aid to the kingdom over the next five years.

  14. 6 hours ago

    Buyers of Iranian oil are "uniformly hostile" to US demands that they stop, and they're likely to delay and resist complying with new sanctions.

  15. 8 hours ago

    Billion dollar headscarf. How the deal is making the 's annual 1bn dollar foreign policy and its boss look useless and farcical. My latest

  16. 17 hours ago
  17. Jun 10

    Why Italians are pissed off. Their GDP economic growth never recovered from the 2008 recession.

  18. 22 hours ago

    According to some news outlets, car dealerships in the kingdom have experienced a huge influx of female customers on the heels of women being issued driver's licenses earlier in the week.

  19. 21 hours ago

    L’Emir jihadiste serait vivant et toujours actif selon un Un journal Emirati qui cite des sources sécuritaires libyennes

  20. 23 hours ago
  21. 23 hours ago

    Last Lailat al-Qadr MBS became Crown Prince; this year the Mekkah summit shows where the Hashimite Kingdom sits in the Struggle for the Holy Cities....


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