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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Feb 22

    It's finally out! My lengthy report on my visit to the Jazeera canton (esp. Qamishli & Hasakah city) in eastern Syria in January 2018. Explores Autonomous Administration governance, relations btwn the region & Syrian govt, and implications for US policy

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  2. 20 minutes ago

    To clarify on the electricity matter (since this was asked), apparently some areas of Idlib get national grid electricity in exchange for allowing electricity to pass through lines to Aleppo.

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  3. 1 hour ago

    Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham's monthly revenues of $5.95 million and their sources, according to Saleh al-Hamawi (former figure in Jabhat al-Nusra)

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  4. Retweeted
    15 hours ago

    Hopefully of use as a repository of primary texts:a post in which I have compiled and translated recent Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham officials' statements on subject of relations w/, largely commenting on the Turkish observation points in northwest

  5. 6 hours ago

    Hussein al-Yasiri, asssociated with Aws al-Khafaji’s Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas Forces, on Iraq’s water crisis: ‘Every noble Iraqi must boycott Iran and Turkey in business, tourism and politics’

  6. Jun 2

    One of the issues here is the definition of a 'militia' in this context: Local Defence Forces units, for example, are on the registers of the Syrian armed forces.

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  7. Jun 2

    I heard something on these lines not too long ago:i.e. to streamline more formations under regular military command.Cancelling NDF,which is now just civilian volunteer group,wouldn't surprise me. As for Syrian Marines,they are under Russian-backed V Corps

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  8. Jun 2
  9. Retweeted
    Jun 1

    Check out my latest exclusive for on the Islamic State's Hisba apparatus structure at the provincial and sub-provincial level, all based on internal documents!

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  10. Retweeted
    Jun 1

    If you are having difficulties with the original site of publication, here is my exclusive article on the internal structure of Islamic State's Hisba apparatus uploaded to my site. Enjoy!

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  11. Retweeted
    Jun 1

    The Internal Structure of the Islamic State’s Hisba Apparatus by Great research shedding light on morality police.

  12. Retweeted

    An interesting read on Iran's intentions/strategy in Syria by . Iran in Syria: "Cognitive Empathy" and Interests

  13. Retweeted
    May 31

    My latest post: story of Iraqi fighter who started out in Maliki's 'proto-Hashd', then got involved w/Emergency Response Division, then eventually went to Syria and fought in Aleppo under an Iraqi group affiliated w/Syrian private militia Suqur al-Sahara'

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  14. May 31

    Some other concepts covered in this piece include the difference between the 'Hashd of defence' that has a notable presence in Baghdad belt area and the more familiar 'Hashd Sha'abi'

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  15. Retweeted
    May 29

    Oh Raheem. You’re just too much fun. 1) You’re right. My practice, blog and bestselling book are a mirage. Only you see the truth, you clever duck. 2) There are no duty solicitors at the Crown Court. He was represented by an experienced, independent criminal barrister. SB x

  16. Retweeted
    May 29

    Oh my dear sweet Raheem. 1) No-one is “charged” with contempt. It is a purely judicial function. 2) We don’t have “public defenders” in England and Wales. He was represented by a very experienced independent criminal barrister. 3) “Duress of arrest” is not a thing. Love SB x

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  17. Retweeted
    May 29

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