to the NYAG: why do you tweet anything other than press releases on cases? so unethical and really disturbing that you turn the office into a carnival show. Conduct unbecoming the profession and a Municipal Officer, casting a bad light on the profession. Stop the behavior.
Who killed Seth ? Trump's mob after he hacked the DNC so he won't talk. Do you know Mueller has his phone records, email and texts? Let's watch what Michael Cohen have saved, you know Cohen, Trump's hit man.
Don't worry what my AG do in her page.
@SDNYnews -
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hope this is not to me. we know
#SethRichMurder was a#ClintonMurders#Op.#Wikileaks#DNCdownloads#MS13? -
it isnt its to
@gelenyarilez -
I was getting a complex!!!
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Hi Barbara. What's going on with NY's double jeopardy bill that was introduced earlier this year to allow NY state prosecutions to proceed at the state level despite presidential pardons? If you and
@NYGovCuomo don't do something about it soon, Michael Cohen is the next pardon. -
@MichaelCohen212 will be convicted, brought to pauperdom, risk his family... -
We are going to have to rewrite the constitution in order to keep crappy people like trump and his party’s cronies from hijacking America . I know of a few things that need to be added and a few removed.
The respect for the office of President has vanished, and a rewrite is needed
There's a need to enforce anyone running for president to show: 1. 10 years of taxes 2. A medical exam by the government not his/her doctor 3. To pass a security clearance because Trump won't even pass that
Welcome to 1930's Germany. We don't want just regular Americans in office around here.
Regular Americans, a diverse collective enclave in Congress and Senate is exactly what we need and want
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"We must preserve our ability to persecute political opponents"
Persecute? Yup, that's what BHO's cronies did. Trump addressing this and rightfully so.
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Wait. This sounds exactly like you plan on rejailing people for political reasons if you want to use this power for those who receive pardons and you specifically mention it for one side as well.
Also, it seems strange you would use Joe Arpaio instead of actual New Yorkers that had been pardoned under previous Presidents. It is hard not to believe that you are not making a 100% political argument right now which is disturbing, to say the least.
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Relax, Trump has given no indication that he plans to pardon Hillary, Weiner, Sheldon Silver, Dean Skelos, William Boyland, or any of the other long list of New Yorkers.
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When she is convicted. Not before, ooohh wait the prog-libs don't believe in "innocent until proven guilty."
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