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  1. Pinned Tweet
    12 Nov 2016

    Dear Followers, This is my feed. I'll write what I want. It's not run by a board or by consensus of the readership. Don't like it, unfollow.

  2. 58 minutes ago

    Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Süleyman from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from

  3. Retweeted

    Supporters of the are raising money for one of the urban farmers who is fighting displacement - and cancer

  4. 2 hours ago

    Please note, I admire your ability to compartmentalise. I wish FM Çavuşoğlu the best of luck, and hope for his sake that his EU counterparts are just as keen on cognitive dissonance and compartmentalisation as he is.

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  5. 2 hours ago

    If you think saying "EU SUPPORTS FETÖ" and at the same time also saying "TURKEY IS PART OF EUROPE, WE WANT TO BE AN EU MEMBER COUNTRY" is acceptable and consistent foreign policy, please help yourself to another Xanax and don't bother tweeting at me.

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  6. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    Rebel-held northwestern Syria is filling up with poor and unemployed people—but the armed groups are always hiring. Good report by .

  7. Retweeted
    May 28

    SOLOTÜRK'ün uçuşlarının 19 Mayıs'ta Muharrem İnce ile karşılaştıktan sonra iptal edildiği iddiası doğru değil. SOLOTÜRK, uçuşların iptalini 18 Mayıs'ta sosyal medya hesaplarından duyurmuştu.

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  8. 3 hours ago

    In other random observations: I saw more Hüda-Par flags in Midyat than I did of any other party.

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  9. 3 hours ago

    One thing I noticed during lunch was at a nearby table there was a couple, and the lady was covered. It could be she was in the early stages of pregnancy, taking medication or just didn't feel like fasting today. They seemed to enjoy their meal as much as I did.

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  10. 3 hours ago

    A few views of a couple abandoned buildings of Kafro village and its church (which is behind two sets of fences and very much in use).

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  11. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    Erdogan outfoxed himself by replacing the parliamentary regime with an all powerful presidential system in last referendum. He could’ve stayed in power with ~35% of votes. Now he has to get 50%+1 of the votes. A unified opposition is likely to outvote him now in a fair election.

  12. 3 hours ago

    Oh, look. Mafia boss Sedat Peker to hold a rally in Elazığ in support of Erdoğan and the Cumhur İttifakı.

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  13. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    Sanatçı Belma Ersu'nun girişimiyle başlayan nöbet da adlı bir hesapta paylaşılıyor. Heykelin yerine dönemeyişi bir performans sürecine dönüşüyor

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  14. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    Şimdi o heykele 'sürgünde heykel' diyorlar ve izni, resmi ve güvenli şekilde parka konacağı günü bekliyorlar. Bu esnada ise sanatçılar nöbet duruyor. Heykelin kaidesi üzerinde heykel yerine konana dek birer sanatçı duruyor.

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  15. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    Fakat Belediyeden yeni heykelin burada durması için izin çıkmadı. Heykelin resmi olarak burada kalması için gereken izin olmayınca da Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi heykeli kendi şubelerinin fuayesinde sergilemeye başladı

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  16. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    Heykel, İlhan Koman tarafından 1992'de şehre bir yılbaşı hediyesi olarak verildiği, 31 Aralık'ta yerleştirildiği için yeniden yapılan heykel de 31 Aralık 2018'de parktaki yerine yine bir yılbaşı hediyesi gibi kondu

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  17. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    İlhan Koman'ın Ankara'daki Seğmenler Parkı'ndan çalınan heykelini hatırlar mısınız? Bu heykel 2016'da çalınmıştı ve bulunamadı. Ancak Galeri Nev Ankara'da kalıbı duruyordu. O kalıptan heykelin bir yenisinin yapılması için kampanya başlatıldı, izleyiciler de katkıda bulundu

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  18. 3 hours ago

    The CHP had submitted a petition to the Justice Ministry to inspect the extradition request submitted for Gülen. Initially, only İnce was invited but how the Justice Ministry has granted an appointment to a 4-person delegation from the CHP to see the files.

  19. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    Pro-Erdoğan media gives space to Muharrem İnce, the CHP candidate and a really powerful orator. Yet they're careful not to give air time to Meral Akşener and Temel Mollaoğlu, right wing candidates who are more likely to steal votes from AKP's base.

  20. 3 hours ago

    CHP Deputy Chairman : "For societal peace to be established, we believe the peace process that has been stopped ought to be restarted. However it should be done under the oversight of parliament."

  21. Retweeted
    May 31

    er geç biri yapacaktı


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