A Little Investigation

little 000  

Patrick Little came out of nowhere and information on him seems scarce, even coming from investigative reporters. Every voter deserves to know who their candidates are and hopefully this post will shed a little light. This investigation is by no means complete. I encourage the People to form their own opinions based on the evidence available…and there’s plenty more to be found.
Don’t be sheep.


 Part One: His cover examined 

According to an interview on the Brexit Party podcast, after serving as a network admin in the U.S. Marine Corps, Little read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald and became redpilled on the Jewish Question (http://archive.is/UL0Yq). Little then left a $100k/year IT job to combat Jews and save the white race. Let’s examine this claim.patrick resumeAccording to his online resume he was an IT guy in the U.S. Marines.  But there’s another employer listed: Vets 4 Trump.

little-vets-4-trumphttp://archive.is/Vjg7bhttps://angel.co/vets4trump (they scrubbed Patrick once I started poking around)

Vets4Trump website seems abandoned. Odd.

little vets for trump 6

And the Facebook fanpage seems dead too.

little vets for trump 9

Vets4Trump seems like a front. They even tried raising $10 million on Fundly.

little vets for trump scam.JPG

Shane Burns, eh? Who is that?

little vets for trump 10


little vets for trump 12

Shane’s LinkedIn has lots of leads. Ultimately it shows he’s the founder of REC Protocol

little vets for trump 11


Keep “renewable energy” in mind as we go forward. 

While involved with Vets4Trump Patrick also worked with Nicole Garay.

little-vets-for-trump-6She’s the Vice Chair of the Sans Francisco Republican Party, and a Zionist Jew.


Her Twitter was also scrubbed recently and replaced.


Who are these Zionists connected to the banking elite and Trump’s campaign? Why is everything backtraced to a small clique of Jewish persons operating within business and politics? And why are they scrubbing their tracks? Very strange. 

What about Patrick’s claim of leaving a high paying IT job to save the white race? According to a business proposal sent by Little to (((John Moren))), Little is/was self-employed.

LITTLE-BUSINESS-6http://archive.is/1XgmR | https://file.io/HNjN8E | https://file.io/D4iW7E | https://file.io/ZgDBTzlittle morenhttps://web.archive.org/web/20180525195454/https://blog.sfgate.com/cityinsider/2011/09/19/citys-new-harbor-master-dives-right-in

The current facts lead me to believe Patrick merely put his own business on hold while LARPing as George Lincoln Rockwell. This, in my opinion, is not the act of a martyr but a conman. I’m certain Little can reclaim his career at any time or maybe anon’s prophesy is correct?

little prediction

To re-cap: Patrick Little left a $100k/year IT job, read Culture of Critique, and became a redpilled anti-Semite.

little coverstory 3

That cover sounds familiar…

little coverstory 2http://archive.is/Xg2dA

I wonder what else is the same? Wasn’t Mike Enoch a Libertarian before going “full 1488?”

little enoch libertarian

>muh libertarianism!

little libertarian

Oh look. Patrick Little was also a Libertarian before taking the anti-Semitic redpill. https://voterrecords.com/voter/10970191/patrick-little


is Unit 8200 getting lazy? Little’s and Enoch’s cover-story are virtually identical.

So what about Kevin MacDonald? Besides claiming Jews are more successful than everyone else because they’re smarter (their control certainly has nothing to do nepotism and criminality), Kevin defends Mike Enoch and TRS. Listen to MacDonald’s interview on (((Torah Talk))): https://youtu.be/6K6gT-yNw-4?t=1h4m40s Anyone refusing to expose Zionist nepotism while supporting likely MOSSAD operatives like Mike Enoch (will talk about him more later), all while promoting “based Nationalist Israel” is not redpilled and are incapable of redpilling others. MacDonald and Libertarianism both seem like stepping stones to anti-Semitism which produces Zionism. Clever, but not clever enough.

israel macdonald

Pat’s entire cover-story is suspicious. He’s worked with a lot of powerful Zionist Jews, has employment connections to the U.S. Government beyond just the Marines, and he came outta nowhere. I wonder if he’s also Jewish?




 Part Two: Is Patrick Little Jewish? 

This section is clearly for fun. Without both a DNA test and his family tree there’s no way of knowing his lineage, but we can discover enough information to form an educated opinion. 

Patrick Ryan Little, 33 years old, is known to have lived in Florida….where he studied Hebrew. O_O

little coverstory 1


Interesting note: Little also studied Yiddish while attending high school in Germany. Check out the above article.

Alright, let’s examine Patrick’s connections to Florida.

little jewish 0

 A couple relatives are listed, possibly his mother and father or aunt/uncle. Let’s examine Kathleen. https://nuwber.com/person/563a2dc4e0cd4806cb7f3a67

little mom 0

little mom 001https://www.beenverified.com/people/kathleen-m-little-191530416

Ah, so her middle initial “M” is for McDonough, likely her maiden name.

little mom 12https://www.whitepages.com/name/Kathleen-Mcdonough-Little/Jacksonville-FL/r3eqda7

In the Family & Relatives section we find Patrick. This is definitely her. We also find a few family members: William, Lauren, /ourguy/ Patrick, Michael, and David Little. Let’s look into William Hunter Little. 

little dad

He’s a real estate agent in Florida.

little dad 2.JPG

And employed at Watson Commercial. I wonder if they have an employee page?

little dad brother

Success! And not only is William listed but so is David Little.

little dad 4little dad 3

Let’s look at David.

little brother 3little brother 2Looks Jewish to me. What do you think?

William and David share the same eyes. They’re prbly father and son. Does Patrick Little have the same eyes?



Surrounding yourself with Jews. Working with Jews.  Learning Hebrew and Yiddish. Family seems to be Jewish. Highly suspicious. Are Jewish, Pat?




 Part Two: Mike Enoch

Enoch and TRS have disavowed Patrick Little, which seems questionable considering Little reflects TRS style anti-Semitism.  In my opinion the conflict is manufactured to confuse anons. /pol/ destroyed Mike Enoch and TRS so thoroughly that any person they promote is automatically viewed as a subversive plant. It seems natural Enoch would distance himself from prospects he and other TRS agents spam.


little TRS 1Full size: https://imgur.com/a/3epbnxO                                                                                            

little enoch

If Enoch and Little has disavowed one another why do they look so /comfy/?

And why are shills promoting TRS in Patrick Little threads? 

Moreover, the little support Patrick receives on /pol/ is looking like a PSYOP. 

cry more kike 🙂

organic-1lolwut?! Maybe Portugalbro is just really excited about Patrick Little…


organic-2Jesus Christ…




psst…hey faggot, want to elect /ourguy/?



Go ahead and try to convince me Patrick Little isn’t secretly being helped by TRS. I wonder if in a few days Enoch, Anglin, and others will openly embrace Little seeing as that’s the only move they can make now…or let Little fade into obscurity. Pick your poison, Mikey.



 Part Three: Road to Power

road to power 2

The Road to Power paid for the Patrick Little robocall in an attempt to spread Little’s brand. 

road to power 7

A recent article by Chad Sokol has exposed The Road to Power as run by Scott D. Rhodes, 49. He was busted leaving flyers promoting the DailyStormer at high schools and parking lots.


In the same article we discover Rhodes’ real surname is Platek.

little rhodes 4

> inb4 Platek is (((Platek)))

little rhodes 1

A Polish Jew!

road to power 14

What’s most interesting to me is that Mr. (((Platek))) seems involved with Andrew Anglin, Weev, and the DailyStormer — even spreading their flyers. In my opinion, it’s evidence they’re helping Little along with TRS.


Hey kid… want a redpill?



To me, what really makes Patek glow is his American Discovery Publishing, LCC description. “Our team of research specialists, consumer advocates, editors, marketing specialists, programmers and designers…” This wouldn’t stand-out were it not for the fact Patek is involved in propaganda and information warfare. His “team” sounds like an Intelligence cell. 

little rhodes 2What is Unit 8200?

This guy promotes Patrick Little and Andrew Anglin. Who is paying him? Is he involved with Mike Enoch too? And why does his flyer tell Jews to go back to Israel — is he a Zionist?




 Part Four: EuroFolk Radio

Beside TRS and Patek, Little is being launched into eceleb status by various small-time nobodies on YouTube. Let’s look at one now EuroFolk Radio.

eurofolkradio 0http://archive.is/29fDZ


eurofolkradio 2hmmm…not much in the Whois. Let’s check the IP.

eurofolkradio 1Ah ha! So they also run openfreepress.com.

eurofolkradio 3http://archive.is/nKdmj

They didn’t hide their contact info 🙂 Who is Paul Hesling? Check out his email addy: paul@voxinet.com

eurofolkradio 8

We’ve found an old LTD! I wonder what Paul is up to these days?..



It seems he’s running an alternative energy LTD, called Energy7, along with a few other gentlemen.

eurofolkradio 10 https://archive.li/ZsCzR

Why are they operating in Africa?

eurofolkradio 11

Maybe if we look into the other directors of Energy7 it’ll make some sense.

eurofolkradio 12

First, Felix Riedl. 

eurofolkradio 6He’s done lots of work with children in Africa.

http://archive.is/x3LAR | http://archive.is/csBqE | http://archive.li/trUF6

And Norbert Ruther seems to be a corrupt German politician.

eurofolkradio 4eurofolkradio 5He’s also a Cultural Marxist. I wonder what they’re up to in Africa, and why they’re involved in White Nationalist podcasts. This one little podcast is connected to some very powerful players. Makes me wonder who TRS is connected to.



 Part Five: WTF is Going On?

In my opinion there are a few possible reasons for this level of Deep State fuckery:

  1. To give Feinstein or another Democrat the vote
  2. To give another Republican the vote
  3. To promote a culture of anti-Semitism which results in Zionism

Let’s briefly look at why one or all of these is correct.


  1. To give Feinstein or another Democrat the vote

This scenario should be obvious to everyone. Patrick Little is highly unlikely to win California with his juvenile antics and the polls prove it. Patrick is doing a great job scaring the liberals into never voting Red.

little poll

2. To give another Republican the vote

This may be less obvious but consider who else is running as Republican. Most of the below candidates lack any social media presence and several of them even lack proper websites. 


There is only one candidate with a legitimate shot at winning the Trump crowd. Everyone else are total nobodies. And it just so happens she’s a Zionist Jew.

LITTLE CRUZerin cruz 3erin cruz 1

Compared to Patrick “Literally Hitler” Little, Erin Cruz is looking good to the Trumpfags. In the end it may very well be Feinstein VS. Cruz. Either way, only Israel wins.


3. To promote a culture of anti-Semitism which results in Zionism

It feels counter-intuitive to rally against anti-Semitism given the crimes of the Tribe, but anons are realizing anti-Semitism and Zionism are two sides of the same shekel. Patrick Little, TRS, the Road to Power, Anglin and the DailyStormer… they all promote two things: Anti-Semitism and Zionism. By exposing the problems Jews cause it’s easy generating widespread anti-Semitism, which makes spreading Zionism natural because let’s just deport the Jews to Israel, right? This is Zionism, anons, even if reluctant… and it didn’t work so well for Hitler. Zionists create the problems, Zionists offer their solution. In a future post we’ll explore both anti-Semitism and Zionism. Until then, stop falling for their tricks. Zionism is not the answer to the JQ and anti-Semitism belongs on /pol/.

little zionist 2TRS Jewish Nationalism



The last unspoken option four: all of the above

What if they are manipulating both sides to create confusion? At the height of said confusion they can offer a seemingly reasonable solution and you are likely to accept it. Regardless of what their goal is I could never believe Patrick Little is an organic candidate without a hidden agenda, but that’s my opinion. 

This concludes Part One of our Little Investigation. Part Two later.


little maltegoBonus: I’ve uploaded a Maltego barebones file here.



Is 4chan compromised by Zionist Jews who now protect the Patrick Little spammers? Let’s find out…

little bannedBanned for posting an image exposing Jewish subversion of /pol/

little 4chan 2Jewish subversives not banned for actual spam

4chan redpillO hai Jay!


little-how-do-you-do.jpgDisclaimer: The information contained in this post is the product of OSINT; all information is publicly available. If I’ve made any mistakes please contact me with the correction along with proofs. The purpose of this post is to spread what I sincerely believe is the truth based on research. Don’t do anything illegal as a result of what I write. See the original Spencergate disclaimer for more information: https://spencergate.wordpress.com/legal


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5 thoughts on “A Little Investigation

  1. If Patrick is promoting ‘Zionism’ so much, then why did he go on the BIGGEST ANTI-ZIONIST YOUTUBE CHANNEL, Ryan Dawson?
    Or is Ryan Dawsom ‘controlled opposition’ too? You shills can’t even keep your narratives straight!


    1. Deporting Jews to Israel because you’re not sure what else to do is the product of anti-Semitism and properly called “Zionism” — even if reluctant. Patrick Little supports deportations before rendering Israel incapable of attacking America and Europe once all Jews are in the safety of Israel. This is Zionism and it was Hitler’s mis-step. Don’t let our generation die out to Zionism. Be smarter.


  2. that’s a screenshot of his linkdin *after he removed the start-up he was working for as an engineer (obviously he didn’t want to tarnish the company when he started naming the jew on his linkdin, fucktard). The Blitz wireless LLC was only a little side gig he was trying to do, at that time but didn’t pan out into anything. Voters for trump was just something he was casually helping out with after he quit his job and it never panned out into anything. He doesn’t even know the people involved, had met one guy (i think) and was just like, “yeah sure I’ll help,” and thought it was gonna pan out into something more but it just faded from his attention and/or just in general. This article is shit-tier wild conspiracy nonsense. simply run as a cover to dox his family. Nothing more. You’re a piece of shit or probably work for the jidf. and i know tons of ex libertarians in this thing… are they all part of this conspiracy with mike enoch as well? you’re a complete piece of shit and this is an absolute nothing garbage article. who are you? come out and publicly debate Patrick you fucking coward. show yourself…


    1. As for debating Little, sure, but I have no need to dox myself for him considering he’s now a nobody. If Little is interested he can explain why deporting Jews before removing Israel’s ability to attack the West is a good decision. Thanks for your comment.


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