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Free expansions coming in Komplete 12

Discussion in 'MASCHINE Area' started by davemacp, May 9, 2018.

  1. davemacp

    davemacp NI Product Owner

    Judging by this list, komplete 12 owners will be getting free expansions. Hurts a little that I;ve already bought them, but interesting move.

    <SNPID>012 Elastic Thump
    <SNPID>085 Form
    <SNPID>090 Molten Veil
    <SNPID>095 Queensbridge Story
    <SNPID>140 Massive
    <SNPID>152 The Giant
    <SNPID>158 Drum Lab
    <SNPID>204 Reaktor Prism
    <SNPID>205 The Finger R2
    <SNPID>206 Reaktor Spark R2
    <SNPID>229 Kinetic Metal
    <SNPID>249 Battery 4
    <SNPID>250 Battery 4 Factory Library
    <SNPID>260 Supercharger
    <SNPID>269 Absynth 5
    <SNPID>275 FM8
    <SNPID>324 Kontakt Factory Library
    <SNPID>329 Halcyon Sky
    <SNPID>333 True School
    <SNPID>391 Reaktor 6
    <SNPID>413 Scarbee MM-Bass
    <SNPID>422 Scarbee Vintage Keys
    <SNPID>425 Vintage Organs
    <SNPID>433 West Africa
    <SNPID>435 Studio Drummer
    <SNPID>436 Retro Machines Mk2
    <SNPID>438 Abbey Road 60s Drummer
    <SNPID>447 Solid EQ FX
    <SNPID>449 Solid Dynamics FX
    <SNPID>450 Solid Bus Comp FX
    <SNPID>451 Transient Master FX
    <SNPID>455 Session Horns
    <SNPID>456 Monark
    <SNPID>458 Driver
    <SNPID>459 Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass
    <SNPID>471 Lucid Mission
    <SNPID>485 Komplete Kontrol
    <SNPID>486 The Maverick
    <SNPID>487 The Grandeur
    <SNPID>488 The Gentleman
    <SNPID>489 Rounds
    <SNPID>490 Polyplex
    <SNPID>491 Kontour
    <SNPID>518 Rammfire
    <SNPID>520 Reflektor
    <SNPID>523 Traktors 12
    <SNPID>525 Guitar Rig 5
    <SNPID>544 Replika
    <SNPID>568 Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic
    <SNPID>577 Neon Drive
    <SNPID>587 India
    <SNPID>632 Velvet Lounge
    <SNPID>635 Reaktor Blocks
    <SNPID>636 Reaktor Factory Library
    <SNPID>659 Una Corda
    <SNPID>FX0 Choral
    <SNPID>FX1 Flair
    <SNPID>FX2 Phasis
    <SNPID>K01 Middle East
    <SNPID>K03 Session Strings 2
    <SNPID>K6E Kontakt (6)
    <SNPID>MXE Massive X ???
    <SNPID>MXL Massive X Library ???
    <SNPID>NB1 Native Browser Preview Library
    <SNPID>X01 London Grit
    <SNPID>X05 Deep Matter
  2. wetdentist

    wetdentist NI Product Owner

    Massive X will be a sample-based instrument that is a collection of sampled Massive presets, in conjunction with sounds.com
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  3. Kaldosh

    Kaldosh NI Product Owner

    Is this a genuine info? Seems a bit light for an upgrade
  4. D-One

    D-One Moderator Moderator

    Wait... what? April Fools' Day was last month...
  5. Masch1ne

    Masch1ne NI Product Owner

    I guess I'll wait until Komplete 20 to upgrade.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. awol9000

    awol9000 NI Product Owner

    NI should do a Komplete Maschine package. I'd buy it if it had all the expansions
  7. v00d00ppl

    v00d00ppl NI Product Owner

    Source please
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion NI Product Owner

    ☝ This.
  9. Masch1ne

    Masch1ne NI Product Owner

    Honestly about this.

    I know NI likes to give away maschine expansions with hardware. How about letting us choose what expansions we want unlike that maschine jam sale? I already had them all so it would have been useless for me.
  10. davemacp

    davemacp NI Product Owner

    It's contained in the latest NativeAccess.xml file, possibly a mistake by NI to include it, not sure. Anyhow, it appears the Ultimate version will contain twice as many expansions.

    <SNPID>012 Elastic Thump
    <SNPID>064 Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic 2
    <SNPID>085 Form
    <SNPID>087 Symphony Essentials Woodwind Solo
    <SNPID>088 Symphony Essentials Woodwind Ensemble
    <SNPID>090 Molten Veil
    <SNPID>095 Queensbridge Story
    <SNPID>140 Massive
    <SNPID>151 Skanner XT
    <SNPID>152 The Giant
    <SNPID>158 Drum Lab
    <SNPID>191 RC 24
    <SNPID>192 RC 48
    <SNPID>204 Reaktor Prism
    <SNPID>205 The Finger R2
    <SNPID>206 Reaktor Spark R2
    <SNPID>209 The Mouth
    <SNPID>212 Razor
    <SNPID>225 Action Strikes
    <SNPID>229 Kinetic Metal
    <SNPID>248 Molekular
    <SNPID>249 Battery 4
    <SNPID>250 Battery 4 Factory Library
    <SNPID>269 Absynth 5
    <SNPID>275 FM8
    <SNPID>294 Supercharger GT
    <SNPID>295 Marble Rims
    <SNPID>314 Session Horns Pro
    <SNPID>324 Kontakt Factory Library
    <SNPID>325 Rise And Hit
    <SNPID>329 Halcyon Sky
    <SNPID>333 True School
    <SNPID>336 Platinum Bounce
    <SNPID>349 Drop Squad Bundle
    <SNPID>391 Reaktor 6
    <SNPID>402 Maschine Drum Selection
    <SNPID>405 Evolve Mutations
    <SNPID>406 Scarbee Pre-Bass
    <SNPID>407 Scarbee Pre-Bass Amped
    <SNPID>408 Balinese Gamelan
    <SNPID>413 Scarbee MM-Bass
    <SNPID>414 Scarbee MM-Bass Amped
    <SNPID>415 Scarbee Jay-Bass
    <SNPID>417 Alicias Keys
    <SNPID>419 Evolve Mutations 2
    <SNPID>422 Scarbee Vintage Keys
    <SNPID>425 Vintage Organs
    <SNPID>430 George Duke Soul Treasures
    <SNPID>431 Scarbee Funk Guitarist
    <SNPID>433 West Africa
    <SNPID>435 Studio Drummer
    <SNPID>436 Retro Machines Mk2
    <SNPID>437 Damage
    <SNPID>438 Abbey Road 60s Drummer
    <SNPID>439 Abbey Road 70s Drummer
    <SNPID>440 Abbey Road 80s Drummer
    <SNPID>441 Abbey Road Modern Drummer
    <SNPID>442 Evolve R2
    <SNPID>444 Enhanced EQ
    <SNPID>445 Passive EQ
    <SNPID>446 Vari Comp
    <SNPID>447 Solid EQ FX
    <SNPID>448 VC 76 FX
    <SNPID>449 Solid Dynamics FX
    <SNPID>450 Solid Bus Comp FX
    <SNPID>451 Transient Master FX
    <SNPID>452 VC 160 FX
    <SNPID>453 VC 2A FX
    <SNPID>454 Action Strings
    <SNPID>456 Monark
    <SNPID>457 Abbey Road Vintage Drummer
    <SNPID>458 Driver
    <SNPID>459 Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass
    <SNPID>469 Abbey Road 50s Drummer
    <SNPID>471 Lucid Mission
    <SNPID>485 Komplete Kontrol
    <SNPID>486 The Maverick
    <SNPID>487 The Grandeur
    <SNPID>488 The Gentleman
    <SNPID>489 Rounds
    <SNPID>490 Polyplex
    <SNPID>491 Kontour
    <SNPID>518 Rammfire
    <SNPID>520 Reflektor
    <SNPID>523 Traktors 12
    <SNPID>525 Guitar Rig 5
    <SNPID>540 Cuba
    <SNPID>546 Caribbean Current
    <SNPID>561 Replika XT
    <SNPID>568 Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic
    <SNPID>569 Emotive Strings
    <SNPID>577 Neon Drive
    <SNPID>581 Astral Flutter
    <SNPID>584 Golden Kingdom
    <SNPID>587 India
    <SNPID>599 Flesh
    <SNPID>632 Velvet Lounge
    <SNPID>635 Reaktor Blocks
    <SNPID>636 Reaktor Factory Library
    <SNPID>653 Cavern Floor
    <SNPID>659 Una Corda
    <SNPID>663 Kinetic Toys
    <SNPID>668 Symphony Essentials Brass Ensemble
    <SNPID>669 Symphony Essentials Brass Solo
    <SNPID>670 Symphony Essentials String Ensemble
    <SNPID>681 Lazer Dice
    <SNPID>949 Thrill
    <SNPID>FX0 Choral
    <SNPID>FX1 Flair
    <SNPID>FX2 Phasis
    <SNPID>FX4 Bite
    <SNPID>FX5 Freak
    <SNPID>FX6 Dirt
    <SNPID>K01 Middle East
    <SNPID>K02 Session Guitarist - Electric Sunburst
    <SNPID>K04 Session Strings Pro 2
    <SNPID>K6E Kontakt (6)
    <SNPID>MXE Massive X ???
    <SNPID>MXL Massive X Library ???
    <SNPID>NB1 Native Browser Preview Library
    <SNPID>SE1 Symphony Essentials Percussion
    <SNPID>X01 London Grit
    <SNPID>X03 Byte Riot
    <SNPID>X04 Decoded Forms
    <SNPID>X05 Deep Matter
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion NI Product Owner

    NI also listed a Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 in the Maschine Scripts. However, they did not include a 25-key version. So, it's at least possible that we will eventually see an 88-key version in the next two to ten years. Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 5.40.31 PM.png
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  12. NTRLX

    NTRLX NI Product Owner

    Why is that? Why in the next 10 years? I think is already baked and deeply frozen and waits for september/october
  13. Masch1ne

    Masch1ne NI Product Owner

    I'll be skipping this update.
  14. D-One

    D-One Moderator Moderator

    I like this new trend of snooping around in the content files :D
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  15. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion NI Product Owner

    You could be right. I was just giving a realistic expectation given NI's track record for providing the final product once we've heard about it. But, hey... They could surprise me (& most of us) and only take anywhere from 3-8 in that range of time.
    So do I!
  16. Organik_Dream

    Organik_Dream NI Product Owner

    Oh ... Why call it komplete 12....
  17. Dallon426

    Dallon426 NI Product Owner

    They should redo their line. That might make upgrading more exciting. Through the years I've used native instruments sounds less and less due to the fact that other companies have higher quality sounds. Ample sounds, sonicoutre, embertone, etc. I've deleted most of the NI library because komplete can't compete. That's why I'd never upgrade. Not until they do a serious update of their sounds.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. djwaxxy

    djwaxxy NI Product Owner

    not really a massive leap up from k11ultimate.and ive got most of the maschine expansions :(
    only intrested in massive x and kontakt 6 if that appears but seeing as you cant buy the normal update if your on ultimate ill hold off for a year until they do the half price sales and might buy it then.
  19. ntula

    ntula NI Product Owner

    is skipping komplete ultimate bundles and just getting one by one only of what i really need. the last, k11u was an install disaster with native access, not even going to bother again and i find i really only use a select few samples and effects. the only things i would want on that list are the dirt and freak effect, the one i really one is not on it, sym essential percussion pro....
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  20. Masch1ne

    Masch1ne NI Product Owner

    I think a lot of the gui's need a do over.
    FM8, Absynth, massive is very clunky if you have a large patch library.

    Time to update guys.
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