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  1. POTUS Trump spending Memorial Day attacking federal law enforcement and undermining rule of law.

  2. "Do you think we can change Everybody that hates Before it's too late So proud to be free But who can we blame Don't be ashamed ... How I wish How I wish you were here We're one lost soul swimming in a fish bowl Year after year Wish you were here"

  3. Classy and poignant tribute to Trump, from Trump, for Memorial Day.

  4. Honest question for my antisemitic/Trump trolls: Trump/GOP slashed taxes for 1%, ended post-Great Recession bank regulations, and is using Trump Co. to make deals with authoritarian regimes around globe. What is the case that Trump Family is fighting for working families?

  5. Retweeted

    The tax cuts are working exactly as intended.

  6. Undo
  7. Evolution: We did not talk to Russians -> We talked to Russians about adoptions -> We talked about trafficking stolen docs, but collusion not technically illegal -> We did a bunch of illigal collusion and money laundering with Russia, but really Obama’s fault for not stopping us.

  8. Too bad he has been dead for 400 year, because Shakespeare's take on the Trump administration would be awesome.

  9. Reminder: it is official US gov't policy to snatch children, as young as 1 year old, from their parents, after they legally present themselves to US gov't at border, as fleeing refugees. Gov't is unable to locate 25% of those children taken in this new Trump/Republican policy.

  10. In many ways this is like DACA: Republicans do something cuel, then try to blame everyone else and force negotiatation to get them to not cruelly harm people. We do not want to perpetuate this cycle.

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  11. Snatching children from refugee & immigrant parents isn’t law; it’s policy of Trump admin that they can change at will. We cannot let Republicans (1) avoid responsibility for their cruel policy (2) force negotiation to stop doing it. That would incentivize them to keep doing this

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  12. Retweeted
    May 27

    Or resigned for being a domestic abuser (Porter), or not being able to get security clearance (many), or been fired and plead guilty (Flynn), or been fired for being too damn despicable, even for Trump (Bannon, Gorka).

  13. May 27

    On this Memorial Day Weekend, POTUS Trump wants you to remember the lives of Trump cronies whose corrupt, anti-American, work with Russia, and other foreign entanglements, have been derailed by Mueller probe (19 individuals indicted and counting).

  14. May 26

    . is now just mocking America about it part (along with HHS) in abusing and losing children.

  15. May 26

    Trump Jr. using US presidency to make money for himself & his father's company. And, this is building on illegal foreign engagements during campaign. It is important to rule of law that he is held to justice. That being said: would be hysterical if he ends up defecting to Russia.

  16. May 26
  17. May 26

    There is no Democratic : (Jeffery Lord & Chris Cillizza), (which has GOP morning and weekend shows), , etc. (1) helped elect POTUS Trump with their false equivalency & slavish devotion to giving him coverage (2) have journalistic standards

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  18. May 26

    POTUS Trump's new policy is to rip children (as young as 1 year) from parents, including refugees who have done everything "right" by presenting themselves to authorities at border. WE ARE NOW THE HUMAN RIGHTS' ABUSER. WE ARE THE COUNTRY OTHER COUNTRIES TRY TO "DEAL WITH".

  19. May 26

    cc/ for some pundits false equivalency knows no bounds.

  20. May 26

    Reminder: is not a news organization, it is a Trump/Republican State Media org, like what you would see in Russia, which spins outright lies of Dear Leader. Note: separating children from parents is deliberate Trump strategy to be so cruel refugees stop coming to US.

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