Designed in England |
The creation we call 'Super Tinplate' in Standard Scale. Re defining traditional Gauge 0 coarse scale. |
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Being the Best is No Accident |
ACE Trains PO Box 2985 London W11 2WP Tel: +44 (0) 20 7727 1592 - 24 hour message service ACE Trains London Ltd. t/a ACE Trains are the owners of this site. |
ACE Trains capture all the spirit of an earlier period of vintage ready to run model trains. They have retained all the glamour and excitement without stretching the idiom into all the electronic gizzmos of recent years. If you want steam engine noises get a live steam loco. If you want all the pipes and rivets go fine scale. If you want weight rugged performance and do not wish to spend your precious train playing time cleaning track and worrying about reverse polarity go for three rail ACE. No need to re invent the wheel. If you insist on two rail you have the option with ACE from 2009 onwards - total flexibility.
ACE Trains have revived all that was best about gauge 0 model railways.
Allen and Charlotte Levy founded ACE Trains in 1996, as a Company whose founding shareholders were and still are Allen and Charlotte Levy.
It was originally named Alchem Trains Ltd, Allen, Charlotte and Emily latterly abbreviated to ACE Trains Ltd.
ACE Policy
We do not make limited editions but aim at producing what we consider adequate quantities. Often we are too modest which leads to price escalation when lines sell through. However apart from some occasional special offers we do not trash our price structures if we have long-term stock. This may be the reason why ACE Trains have become one of the most collectible gauge 0 train ranges of the last few decades.
ACE Trains reserve the right to adjust retail prices as announced. However any adjustments will be announced on this site.
Do not, if requested, pay a deposit or indeed a larger amount on any forthcoming ACE production.
Make a reservation if you wish but do not couple it with any payment. All credit card details should be on single transaction basis only when the dealer is ready to despatch.
This is particularly relevant to any ACE products that are not yet physically in the possession of the dealer concerned.
Check with ACE Trains if you are in any doubt.
We say this because we cannot guarantee that as yet undelivered ACE will be available to any given dealer at some future time and we do not want to become involved in customers trying to cancel their orders through late delivery.
By all means order what you feel you might like to receive but do not tie yourself to any particular dealer.
We have always operated this policy for our in house sales and all reservations are without conditions and can be cancelled at any time.
ACE Trains Newsletter
We are proposing to publish on a regular basis a newsletter to circulated by e-mail.
If anyone would wish to receive it please forward your name and email address to with ‘ACE Trains Newsletter' in the subject line.
The ACE Team at ACE Open Day July 16th at Tappers.
The ACE Team. The first Jubilee casting shown.
Graham Locke reported that attendance the best ever
at a Tappers special event'.
E/25 Ex N.E.R G5 running at Sandown.
E/18 Type C/2 LMS 5690 Leander
(click on picture for larger view )
Important Notice
C/21 Coach running rectification
It has come to our notice that when fitting the roofs (that is the last operation prior to packing) during manufacture of coaches in China the operatives sometimes give the roof a thump that clips the roof in place very effectively.
However it can sometimes distort the coach chassis bogie pivot area of the coach floor.
Any distortion of the coach floor can bring the position of the wheels too close to the coach body side and sole bar area coursing them to collide and rub together on curves.
The remedy is to simply pull the bogie down with your fingers to effectively straighten any floor distortion that may be present.
ACE Trains Compendium 1995 – 2018
Landscape A4 format, 114 pages on art paper. All ACE production over 23 years most in full colour. The best all colour gauge 0 model railway catalogue since 1940.
Wire bound soft bound copy with acetate cover £12 (plus postage if required). Small edition of case bound hard back £20 (plus postage if required).
Archive Web Site - We no longer publish the archive on line but have it in our ACE archive. Virtually all of the information has now been published as The Compendium – the best colour listing of ready to run Gauge 0 since 1940.
Hi Allen,
I have just had the opportunity to try out the Ace Warship on my railway. I am much impressed I had been warned that the sound would get on my nerves after a time. Not at all this is a new dimension to my railway with a most realistic engine sound that disappears from shed to shed and gradually comes into earshot as it travels by. The slow running is exceptional with the engine sound. It is a shame that we are not all 30 years younger these exceptional models just get better as time goes by without the price going through the roof.
Regards Roy.