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    Apr 9

    NEW - My latest on escalating dynamics between & in : - "The days of ‘rolling back’ in are gone. Containment & deterrence may be all that's left. And the situation is too dangerous for to kick down the road.”

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  2. ’s speech is stunningly out of step with reality. A long wish list, with a massive means/ends gap -- sound familiar? How will we “crush” the 's armed proxies by pulling out of the & surrendering to , … and … Iran?

  3. One key point stressed by is ’s central role re. “activist Salafist” support for ’s early Salafi insurgency. Ahrar al-Sham was largely founded by Kuwait’s Umma Party, plus others like Mohammad al-Abduli from the UAE.

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  4. A fantastic read by by - it corrects many popular misunderstandings: - Brothers in Alms: Financiers & ’s Insurgency

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  5. Interested in , , Al-Qaeda & other armed groups? Guess what? is offering the 2nd ed. of w. a “flash” 50% off. International shipping. - The called it “indispensable."

  6. residents conducted a “popular strike” over the weekend. Some reports claim that U.S. troops, / fighters & allied tribal leaders “forcefully” disbanded the strike & coerced businesspeople to return to work, threatening imprisonment.

  7. Saraya al-Jihad claims it was behind the explosions at Airbase, after infiltrating the facility & detonating arms depots & a weapons workshop. The group issued photos it claims its operatives took inside the base. [via ]

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  8. Ahrar al-Sham’s former Political Chief, , has resigned from the group. “Abu Khaled” was a young, quietly spoken politico from Deir ez Zour, close to , with a degree in Sociology.

  9. So, thinks it can get out of by asking politely… => ’s response: - “No one can force Iran to do anything… We will remain in Syria at ’s request.”

  10. Key pt. by : - uses the “protector of minorities” label for influence, but that would ignore: - His regime’s responsibility for majority of damaged/destroyed churches - Arrest, torture etc., of Christians - 20yrs+ manipulative relationship with jihadis

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  11. Important by : - ’s People Claimed Pope Francis Was With Them Supporting . Nope. [’s Orthodox Church has long been a key lever of influence within ’s regime]

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  12. May 18

    "Dimitrios Pagourtzis" confirmed as suspect. He followed x13 accounts on Instagram - look at the last x4: - gunsFansClub - badgalRobyn - sickguns - gunspictures - guns_fanatics - _guns_lovers_ - guns.glory - whitehouse - ivankatrump - Flotus - realdonaldtrump

  13. May 18

    An -backed insurgency continues to challenge ’s internal security. Groups have killed 22 police officers & wounded 3,500+ since 2011. C4 explosives & sophisticated weapons increasingly being seized.

  14. May 18

    The admin’s recent decisions vis-a-vis the amounted to “a recklessness that is frightening,” said ’s Bruce Riedel. - "Trump’s ‘recklessness’ spurs jitters in the Middle East,” by

  15. May 18

    Regime state media says a “technical malfunction” caused an explosion in AB’s arms depot. - Question: What kind of “technical malfunction” can occur in stored munitions?

  16. May 18

    A prominent AQ military figure (in Tanzim Huras al-Din), Abu Jassem Kansafra, was killed when an IED hidden in his car exploded in ’s Jabal al-Zawiyeh region. He’d been a member of Jund al-Malahem & was a leading Huras al-Din military commander.

  17. May 18

    According to the , & have bombed hospitals **92** times so far in 2018. = 89 dead civilians; a substantial increase from 2017. Drones have begun following ambulances back to hospitals, preceding targeted airstrikes.

  18. May 18

    "Here's Why & Could Be Set For A "Very Long & Bloody” Summer” - Good overview with insightful expert comment - by :

  19. May 18

    Can’t Stop Exporting Terror & Trouble in the . Here’s Why. [The scars of the 8-yr - war have never been forgotten or forgiven. Their righteous ‘resistance’ = their raison d’être] - Valuable context worth reading, by

  20. May 18

    Looking forward to this book - Aimen Dean has a fascinating story to tell on Al-Qaeda. And & have plenty to contribute on top of that. Get this one.

  21. May 18

    Reports of x7 explosions inside ’s strategically vital airbase. Initial images from pro-regime sources indicate a very large explosion - likely arms depot. Cause unknown.

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