【ロイヤル・ウェディング】 写真で見る ハリー王子とメガンさんの結婚式


Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and the Duchess of Sussex in the Ascot Landau carriage during the procession after getting married Image copyright Reuters
Image caption サセックス公爵夫妻となったハリー王子とメガン妃が挙式後、4頭立ての馬車に乗り、ウィンザー市内をパレードした。
Crowds cheer for Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex Image copyright EPA
Image caption 沿道から大勢が新郎新婦を祝福
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex set off in the Ascot Landau Carriage Image copyright Reuters
Image caption 慈善活動などが評価された市民約1200人がウィンザー城の敷地内に招かれた
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Image copyright PA
Image caption 馬車に乗って礼拝堂を離れる新郎新婦
Doria Ragland, mother of the bride, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall walk down the steps of St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle after the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Image copyright PA
Image caption 結婚式の後、礼拝堂を並んで出る新郎新婦の親たち。左から、メガン妃の母ドリア・ラグランドさん、チャールズ皇太子、皇太子の妻のコーンウォール公爵夫人
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle kiss on the steps of St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle Image copyright Reuters
Image caption 礼拝堂の外で夫妻として口づけする2人
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leave St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle after their wedding Image copyright PA
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Image copyright PA
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip during the wedding service Image copyright PA
Image caption ハリー王子の祖父母、エリザベス女王とフィリップ殿下も参列した
Meghan Markle Image copyright PA
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle during their wedding service Image copyright PA
Image caption メガンさんのベールをあげたハリー王子
Most Rev Bishop Michael Curry Image copyright PA
Image caption 愛の力について熱弁した米聖公会のマイケル・カリー首座主教
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Image copyright Reuters
Image caption 10人の子供たちが新郎新婦に付き添った。ハリー王子の兄ウィリアム王子の子供たちも参加した
Prince Harry looks at his bride, Meghan Markle, as she arrives accompanied by the Prince of Wales Image copyright Reuters
Image caption 欠席したメガンさんの父の代わりに、チャールズ皇太子が花嫁を祭壇までエスコートした
Meghan Markle walks down the aisle as she arrives in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle Image copyright PA
Image caption メガンさんのベールは長さ5メートル
Meghan Markle arrives at St George"s Chapel at Windsor Castle Image copyright Reuters
Image caption 純白のボートネックのドレスは、女性として初めて仏オートクチュールメゾン「ジバンシィ」を率いる英国人デザイナー、クレア・ワイト・ケラーさんの作品
Meghan Markle with her mother Doria Ragland drive down the Long Walk as they arrive at Windsor Castle Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption 母親とウィンザー城に向かうメガンさん
The Duchess of Cambridge arrives with the bridesmaids at St George"s Chapel at Windsor Castle Image copyright Reuters
Image caption The Duchess of Cambridge arrived with the bridesmaids and pageboys
Prince Harry and Prince William Image copyright Rex/Shutterstock
Image caption ウィリアム王子と礼拝堂に到着したハリー王子
Well-wishers gather along the Long Walk leading to Windsor Castle ahead of the wedding and carriage procession of Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Windsor Image copyright TOLGA AKMEN/AFP
Image caption ウィンザー城の外には多くの市民や観光客、報道陣が集まった
Police offers and spectators gather on the Long Walk ahead of the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Image copyright Hannah McKay/Reuters
Image caption 10万人以上がウィンザー市内の沿道に並んだ
Royal fans gather ahead of wedding of Britain's Prince Harry to Meghan Markle in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. Image copyright Hannah McKay/REUTERS
Image caption ウィンザー城の外に集まる人たち
Well-wishers arrive on the Long Walk leading to Windsor Castle ahead of the wedding and carriage procession of Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Windsor, on May 19, 2018 Image copyright DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/afp
Image caption 早朝からウィンザー城に向かう人たち
Royal fans on the Long Walk in Windsor ahead of the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Image copyright Peter Summers/PA
Image caption 前の晩から野宿して結婚パレードを待つ人たち
Hollywood star George Clooney and his wife Amal Clooney Image copyright PA
Image caption ウィンザー城に到着した米俳優ジョージ・クルーニーさんと、妻で国際人権弁護士のアマル・クルーニーさん
Royal fans line the streets ahead of the royal wedding ceremony of Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. Image copyright TOM NICHOLSON/EPA
Flowers and foliage surround the High Altar of St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle for the wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle. Image copyright Danny Lawson/PA
Image caption 結婚式の花が飾られた聖ジョージ礼拝堂の祭壇

(英語記事 Royal wedding 2018: In pictures
