Lemme just make this clear. Pedophile doesn't always equal predator, however, by supporting Tacklebawks, you are giving him the idea that no matter what he does, he will be supported. To my knowledge, he has not caused harm to an actual child, but considering that he has-
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embraced his pedophilia instead of getting help for it, I don't see him as someone worth supporting. He has drawn cubporn, he has retweeted cubporn. I don't know about you, but I have no clue what a child's genitalia looks like and, if I were to draw cubporn, I would -
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a) omg your icon b) omg you're so right i hate twitter
a) omg right a total cutie angel drew it for me!!! I love it so much i’ve bragged about it to all my friends :) b) i hate furry twitter sm
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Really...? Is there a beware on him...? Like did he say anything...?
Oh wow...thank you that's upsetting :/ blocked :/
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I understand the outrage, but wouldn't it be better to link him sites for people who have this mental desease to help him instead of chasing him down?
it's not anyone's responsibility but his own to get help. it's our responsibility to warn others away so they don't support a pedophile who indulges in it instead of getting help.
That doesn't make much sense. If we have the capability of helping, it's on everything. It's this sort of hate that drives them further away from getting treated, because they will think everyone will react the same way. Even professionals.
If we advocate for responsibility of warning people about serious matters, it must be on both ends of the spectrum. If not, we're just spreading hate.
some people deserve "hate". people who victimize children are in that category, as are Nazis.
Those who harm another deserve to be brought up to justice. This hate of witch hunting is not, imo, the way to go.
Making others aware of a possibly dangerous individual is not witch hunting. Everything tells pedophiles that what they are into is wrong, and yet he felt the need to draw it and show it off to others. If he has gone this far, I would hazard to bet that he won't seek help.
What I mean ia, in most cases, it causes people to chase after them. And what I'm trying to explain here is, pedophile is a mental problem, derived from circumstances, sometimes when they are younger. If read before that teenagers who were introduced to CP by a pedophile (1)
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I thought he only got accused of drawing cub stuff, not abusing children? Did I miss that? Or are people still somehow still thinking drawing cub instantly makes you a pedo for some reason?
If you're jacking off to children pretty sure that makes you some sort of pedophile. Just saying.
But a drawing isn't real? One can like art and not the real life thing. Cub is CP in the same way that furry is bestiality and video games FPSs are murder
Keep defending pedos my dude. Gross.
Not defending pedestal, but nice try. Anybody who abuses children deserves every second of punishment they get many times over. I'm defending art
You're acting as if said child abusers don't use&create this art and contribute to people escalating. So many artists who are behind creating this art have COINCIDENTALLY have been found out to either be IRL child groomers/abusers or friends with them w some even being convicted.
I'm sure some ARE pedophiles, but it's not a 1:1 equivalency. Some murderers also played Call of Duty with the intent on learning to murder, but that doesn't mean that everybody who played CoD is a murderer.
Jesus fucking Christ. A pedo is a pedo even if they're not acting on it. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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