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File: 1526576820435.jpg -(338807 B, 710x960) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
338807 No.5302  

The modern Russian language was created by a half-black guy with Ephiopian origin.
prove me wrong.

>> No.5304  

Basically he created gangsta rap

>> No.5305  
File: 1526576989817.jpg -(31997 B, 450x563) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

His descendant from Ephiopia - the Peter's servant.

>> No.5314  


>> No.5320  

He was a spear-chuckin' jungle bunny. He probably had a religion, seeing as how this guy was one or more centuries ago. I remember my mother was being an extreme bitch to me regarding Christianity one time. Basically she strongly believes it, and I argued that people can't be sure, etc. (I have made this argument to her for about 3 or 5 years at this time.) Then later I was just relaxing in my room and she comes in, all bitchy, and says that I should take a year off from school (college) to "figure out the truth". There was other somewhat less important stuff I forgot about the duration of time in question, but if you knew that stuff you would agree that she was being very bitchy. I have this bookmark from that time:

https://www.bing.com/search?pc=THWI&form=AMZNS2&q=mom+is+a+dumb+bitch - "mom is a dumb bitch - Bing"

It has some funny lyrics on said web page:

(>>5304 Gangster rap was a mistake)
Dumb Ass Bitch Quotes, Quotations & Sayings 2018
Dumb Ass Bitch quotes - 1. Its about to go down.. My mom told me to tell you! To mind your damn motherfucking business bitch, you lil' stupid bitch , dumb teacher bitch, 2+2 not knowin' what the fuck it is bich, cross eyed cryin' down your back fat foot ass bitch, long titty no nipple havin' ass bich!

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