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    Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>

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    «Comment apporter des solutions nouvelles pour les crises à venir?» Le rapport de Pierre Vimont réalisé pour Leaders pour la paix est à lire dans

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    Iran UK amb : PM May informed Pres. Rouhani in her call that UK, France and Germany will present on Tuesday in Brussels a package of initiatives to FM Zarif, to protect implementation of and ensuring that Iran will enjoy from the economic benefit of the deal

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    2 hours ago

    The Forces participate in 'Operation Red Thunder' in in West Coast of : Armed Forces, Sudanese Armed Forces, Southern Amaliqah Brigades, national resistance and Tihama resistance.

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    2 hours ago
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    2 hours ago

    Southern Armed Forces, supported by the Armed Forces and 'ese Armed Forces, liberated yesterday al-Hayma seaport north of the city of al-Khokha at the western coast of in governorate.

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    3 hours ago
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    Imad Moustapha says that Israeli strikes on "Iranian" military in Syria were really strikes on Syrian military via

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    3 hours ago

    issues 1st formal claim in 2weeks: Ansar al-Shari'a (Hamza al-Zinjibari battalion) killed dozens of -backed Security Belt forces & destroyed several mil vehicles in al-Maraqisha mountains, Abyan. 3-day battle began dawn Thurs & involved coalition & US air power

  10. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    Hindmarsh oversees the Presidential Guard, the unit tasked with directing the 's campaign in . "They are taking the fight to the enemy around the region," said a Western diplomat. V/

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    5 hours ago

    Payam Mohseni and on Iran's aims in Syria: ensuring the survival of its Syrian ally and securing its position in Syria with its own deterrent "red lines," not deliberately provoking a confrontation with Israel.

  12. Retweeted
    May 13

    Hubert Védrine : "Ça fait des décennies qu’il y a des sanctions unilatérales prises par les Etats-Unis. C’est insupportable. En pratique ce que nous vivons c’est une prise en otage par la menace américaine de l’ensemble de l’économie mondiale"

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    12 hours ago

    Big developments in Iraq. According to unofficial preliminary results Muqtada Sadr coalition ( 1370000) 54 seats, Hadi Amri (1295000)45 seats, PM Hayder Abadi (996778) 39 seats, Maliki 25, Amar Hakim 19. Obviously this will make gov formation much complicated.

  15. Retweeted

    After tension escalated between UAE & govt bcz of presence of UAE military n Socotra, Saudis intervened to “ease” tension be sending their own troops to the island. Way to go Arabs!

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    14 hours ago

    So, Kerry met with Kamal Khartazi, head of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations:

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    As risks of an Israeli-Iranian confrontation over Syria rise, this is worth a read.

  19. Retweeted
    May 12

    “Trump isn'’t trying to avoid war with ." He wants war with Iran, warns V/

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    23 hours ago
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    21 hours ago

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