The artist in question is Fabercastel/Fabrocastel, and mid-late Dec 2017 posted a sketch they did and "apologized" if it "offended". I have censored the image, it's available uncensored on their page. They admitted it was non-consensual CP in which the cub pictured is
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Since the initial posting, they've posted between 9 and 12 more sketches, almost of them CP. Nobody had commented on these questioning the age of the smaller
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Again, nobody questioned the age of this character or what was being done to him. Faber/Fabro had already admitted at the very beginning that he's drawn CP, and the varying degrees of questionable consent in some of these is outright
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It wasn't until this specific image that someone brought up and questioned how young this character is, and DM'd Fabro to bring this up. Fabro's reply was that it was "just size difference" and "Most of the time it's people (adults) roleplaying."
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Fabro also brushed off the impact art can have on people, especially in a community with are plenty of underage furs. Art isn't just to look pretty, it can have varying degrees of influence over people. Children, whether real or fictional, should NEVER be sexualized.
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Names and profile pics of other users have been omitted to protect them. Images are censored for the most explicit content, but all images can be seen in full, uncensored on Fabrocastel's page.
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I feel like imaginary art should be okay. To call someone out like this seems messed up to me
Sexualizing children under any circumstance is not okay. Full stop.
I don't understand the difference between this and, say, vore. Just nobody is saying vore turns people into cannibals, so I feel like it's unfair to draw the line in the sand here
Vore typically does not involve children or underage characters. The very first picture Fabro posted was of a cub being drugged and raped. Sexualizing children is not okay.
What makes the concept of children.. worse? I'm wrestling with this question, really. Why is that specifically worse, to the point of total social death, than all the other morally bad kinks
Like, don't get me wrong, I don't like it either, I just don't have a solid argument to deny people. Aside from personal outrage, I guess
Because children don't understand what's being done to them or why, and they have no way to fight back. It's damaging to them, physically and mentally, but the mental wounds last far longer than the physical. It hurts CSA survivors to see people jacking it to their nightmares.
And it's not just "personal outrage", drawn CP walks the razor's edge as far as the law is concerned in regards to CP. If it were images of real kids, there'd be a crackdown on it, but because no real kids were used, it gets away with something otherwise illegal.
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Well, I never get the problems people like you have with this „CP“. No child with common sense would want to do that stuff right away and no adult wants to start f*cking children right away. It‘s fictional characters with fictional poses in fictional settings from and by adults.
Some of these pictures are completely non-consensual, and some also involve drugs. "It's just fiction!" isn't an excuse.
There's no actual victim. Of course it's sensible to mention that it's just a drawing. Ya'll look for any reason to start a witch hunt.
Sexualizing children is not okay under any circumstances.
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I can’t find their account. Was it deleted...?
Fabrocastel is their Twitter handle, but they're also on FA under the name fabercastel. It looks like his profile is still up
Oh, I think I might have been misspelling it.
So sorry about that!
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