After what happened to Gunnthrá, I went in guns blazing, disregarding him at first as just another maggot under my boots. Until part 5... It was him or me...gods forgive
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R.I.P helbindi best villain who got so much character development in 5 levels than sultr in 3 chapters
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helbindi ended up being such a good boy thank you is
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The Asura's Wrath Sequel looks lit
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aaaaaahh this is too good. Ylgr looks too cute and Helbindi looks ready to kill any one if anything happened to her.
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ngl if hes dead dead, im gonna be disappointed
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If Helbindi dies, i'm gonna riot all the way to japan.
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god when the datamine for this update came out I was thinking "let them be friends" intsys basically gave me what i expected of them which is Good
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I Saw too much Jojos...i though the Guy was Whammu
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Such a character development!
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I hope by the end of this book, we’ll get to have limited time banners featuring both Askrian and Muspell units. It could even work as a voting gauntlet.
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Can't we have a Fire Emblem spinoff starring these 2? I even came up with a perfect setting a year later after the final battle, both Surtr,Muspell,The Askr Trio, and Fjorm fell...but somehow Helbindi was revived and Ylgr survived so the 2 set off a journey to find a new home.
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Lord ippers doing god's work over here
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Protect them both plz
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Protect her.
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