>日本は外国人売春婦の輸入先(primarily a destination)として批判されているわけだが、日本はこれまで基本的に外国人売春婦を不法入国の犯罪者として扱い国外追放処理するだけで積極的に人身売買問題に取り組もうとしなかったことを問題とされている。一方、韓国は売春婦の輸出元(primarily a source country)で、日本とは少々事情が異なる。つまりは、日本で外国人売春婦を牛耳ってるのは在日ヤクザが、半島などから売春婦を大量に輸入して、日本で問題になっているということ。日本政府も近年は真剣にこの問題に取り組み出している。
報告書をざっと見てるんですが、「在日ヤクザ」ってどこに書いてありましたか?(the Yakuza とはありますけど)
JAPAN (Tier 2)
Japan is primarily a destination, and to a lesser extent a transit country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. The majority of identified trafficking victims are foreign women who migrate to Japan seeking work, but who are deceived or coerced into debt bondage or sexual servitude. Some migrant workers are reportedly subjected to conditions of forced labor through a "foreign trainee" program. Women and children are trafficked to Japan for commercial sexual exploitation from the People's Republic of China, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia, and, to a lesser extent, Latin America. Internal trafficking of Japanese minor girls and women for sexual exploitation is also a problem. Over the past year, exploiters of women in Japan's booming sex trade appear to have modified their methods of controlling victims to limit their opportunity to escape or seek help. Many female victims will not step forward to seek help for fear of reprisals by their traffickers, who are usually members or associates of Japanese organized crime syndicates (the Yakuza). Japanese men are involved in child sex tourism in Southeast Asia.
The Government of Japan does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. Japan showed modest progress in advancing anti-trafficking reforms over the past year. The Japanese government continued implementing reforms initiated in 2005 through its national plan of action and its inter-ministerial committee on trafficking in persons, though progress appeared to slow during the reporting period.
While prosecutions and convictions under Japan's 2005 trafficking in persons statute increased significantly this year, fewer victims of trafficking were identified and assisted by Japanese authorities. The 58 victims found by the government in 2006 were less than half the number identified in 2005. NGOs and researchers agreed that the number of actual victims probably greatly exceeded government statistics. Some observers attribute this drop in part to a move of more exploitative sex businesses underground. The government should direct a more proactive law enforcement campaign to investigate suspected sites of commercial sexual exploitation in order to identify and assist a far greater number of trafficking victims and sustain progress in punishing trafficking offenders. The government should make greater efforts to investigate the possible forced labor conditions of workers in the "foreign trainee" program, the domestic sexual exploitation of Japanese women and children, and the use of fraudulent marriage as a mechanism for human trafficking. The government should also cooperate more closely with specialized NGO shelters to provide counseling services to victims of trafficking, and focus additional resources on preventing child sex tourism by male Japanese travelers.
The Republic of Korea (R.O.K.) is primarily a source country for the trafficking of women and girls internally and to the United States (often through Canada and Mexico), Japan, Hong Kong, Guam, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Western Europe for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. Women from Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.), the Philippines, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries are trafficked for sexual exploitation to South Korea. A growing number of these foreign victims were trafficked to the R.O.K. for sexual or labor exploitation through brokered international marriages to South Korean men. South Korean men are a significant source of demand for child sex tourism in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.
The Government of the Republic of Korea fully complies with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. Over the last year, the government continued vigorous law enforcement efforts against sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, and expanded protections offered to victims of sex trafficking. The government demonstrated appreciation for the perceived increase in transnational sex trafficking of South Korean women to the United States by increasing cooperative efforts with U.S. law enforcement investigators. These advances, however, were not adequately matched by an awareness of potential labor trafficking among South Korea's large foreign labor force. The South Korean government should take steps to ensure that the new Employment Placement System of labor recruitment offers greater protections to foreign workers by investigating and prosecuting cases of forced labor among migrant workers.
韓国政府は人身売買をなくすための最低限の基準を完全に達成している、と。昨年を通じて、韓国政府は人身売買に対する法執行を精力的に行い、犠牲者に対する保護を拡大した。韓国政府は韓国人女性のアメリカへ人身売買に対してアメリカ政府が取り締まりに協力したことを感謝しました。ただし、このような進歩も海外の韓国人労働者の間に潜在する人身売買の発見のために適切だったわけではない。韓国政府は、移民労働者における強制労働などの実態を調査・起訴するなどして労働者募集のEmployment Placement Systemがより労働者保護につながるよう努力すべきである、と。
一方、朝鮮日報(http://www.chosunonline.com/article/20070614000037 日本語版(ネトウヨさんには記事の引用元を記載するというごく基本的なルールを学んで欲しいけど無理だろうなあ・・・))では、これ以上に言及しています。