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2018-05-12 RejectKaigi 2018

Published in: Technology
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  1. 1. 2009 21070 2010 22227 2011 21910 2012 22647 2013 25760 2014 27272 2015 22999 2016 19982 2017 16352 2018 6052 => 17096
  2. 2."TO_CHAR(created_at, 'YYYY')").count.sort # => [["2009", 39336], ["2010", 59267], ["2011", 82608], ["2012", 104318], ["2013", 125526], ["2014", 155369], ["2015", 132626], ["2016", 121681], ["2017", 108671], ["2018", 36498]] => 105485
  3. 3. my $array = ["a", "b", "c"]; for (@$array) { print $_ . "n"; } my $array2 = [map { $_ . "foo"; } @$array];
  4. 4. def foo @foo ||= heavy_method end # heavy_method boolean def foo return @foo if defined?(@foo) @foo = heavy_method end
  5. 5. sub foo { shift->{_foo} //= heavy_method }
  6. 6. package Hoge; use parent 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = qw/foo bar/; sub foo { ... } sub bar { ... }
  7. 7. package Fuga; use Hoge qw/foo/;
  8. 8. # perl reverse uniq grep { $_ ~= /foo/ } <ARGV>; # ruby {|l| l ~/foo/ }.uniq.reverse
  9. 9. sub hoge { my $foo = 'foo'; my $bar = 'bar'; { my $foo = 'baz'; print $foo . $bar . "n"; # => 'bazbar' } print $foo . $bar . "n"; # => 'foobar' }
  10. 10. sub hoge { { # memcached my $guard = Proc::Guard->new(command => ["memcached", "-p", "11211"]); # do something ... } # memcached }
  11. 11. our $foo = 'foo'; sub print_foo { print $foo . "n"; } print_foo; # foo { local $foo = 'bar'; print_foo; # bar } print_foo; # foo
  12. 12. sub foo { my ($num, $str) = @_; print $num . "n"; print $str . "n"; } foo(1, "a");
  13. 13. use Smart::Args::TypeTiny qw(args); sub create { args my $id => 'Id', my $title => 'Str', my $description => 'Maybe[Str]', my $comment => { isa => 'Str', optional => 1 }, # do something... } # hash create( id => 1, title => "title", description => undef, );
  14. 14. my $a = localtime; my @b = localtime; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $a; # $VAR1 = 'Fri May 4 16:14:45 2018'; print Dumper @b; # $VAR1 = 45; # $VAR2 = 14; # $VAR3 = 16; # $VAR4 = 4; # $VAR5 = 4; # $VAR6 = '118'; # $VAR7 = 5; # $VAR8 = 123;
  15. 15. sub foo { print @_ . 'n'; } my $method_name = 'foo'; { # no strict 'refs'; &{$method_name}('bar'); }
  16. 16. 5.027009 => { delta_from => 5.027008, changed => { 'B::Op_private' => '5.027009', ... # 140 'warnings' => '1.41', }, removed => { 'Module::CoreList::TieHashDelta'=> 1, } }, 5.027010 => { delta_from => 5.027009, changed => { 'App::Prove' => '3.42', ... # 193

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