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    Swedish Police 2017: "We had a record number of shootings." Twitter: "Swedish police confirm Sweden is collapsing!" Swedish Police 2018: "Shootings have decreased significantly in 2018." Twitter: "You can't trust anything Swedish police say. They're part of a leftist conspiracy!"

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  2. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    The Turkish parliament has voted through a bill that to allow the cabinet to pass certain laws and decrees with the force of law when the country is not in a state of emergency and without parliamentary approval

  3. Retweeted
    May 9

    U.S. Embassy Twitter account name has been changed to: @USEmbassyJerusalem. Stay tuned, still looking for a suitable header photo. שמחים להודיע על שינוי שם חשבון הטוויטר שלנו ל- @USEmbassyJerusalem (עדיין מחפשים תמונה מתאימה)

  4. Retweeted
    May 9

    Sanctions are very bad news for Turkey: - 7th trade partner (just below France) - 2nd natural gas supplier. More sanctions = More dependence from Russia - Higher energy prices = higher current account deficit - Regional instability - The precedents ()

  5. May 9

    A necessary step in the disputed areas. The Kurdish language education system has been out of sync with the Arabic language one, leaving Kurds less equiped for matriculation in universities. This step will remedy this problem. However, the overall system is still very outdated.

  6. May 8

    I am not sure this matters but I have moved to Sweden. It is nicer than I thought it would be.

  7. Retweeted
    May 8

    To tie this back to Turkey: US sanctions looming on Brunson, potential S-400 sanctions/consequences, arms embargo written into the House draft of the NDAA, and now we are going to ask Treasury to convince Ankara to decrease Iranian oil imports, or force Ankara to get a waiver

  8. Retweeted
    May 8

    In response to US persistent violations & unlawful withdrawal from the nuclear deal, as instructed by President Rouhani, I'll spearhead a diplomatic effort to examine whether remaining JCPOA participants can ensure its full benefits for Iran. Outcome will determine our response.

  9. Retweeted
    May 8

    Trump's withdrawal from the Iran deal is a major defeat for the three major European powers who tried to pull their weight collectively in Washington. To no avail.

  10. May 8

    Will be very interesting to see if a European work-around deal is produced considering the much higher enthusiasm and importance given to the agreement in Europe compared to the US.

  11. Retweeted
    May 8

    Two days ago Iraqi officers told Fox that Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is hiding in Hajin or near al Shaddadi in Syria. We know that the only two airstrikes by Iraqi Air Force across the border were exactly there: Hajin (19 April) and near Shaddadi (6 May)

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  12. Retweeted
    May 6

    Yazidi IDP camps in Dohuk area were flooded last night. More than 350,000 Yazidis still live in these camps. They can’t return home because their homeland is not de-mined, their homes are destroyed and they can’t find jobs if they do return.

  13. Retweeted
    May 7

    Finally got round to launching that podcast I said I'd do. If you want to know how suicide car bombs are built by ISIS, which paramilitary factions are operating in Syria, or why American militias hoard machine guns, this podcast is for you. Subscribe:

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  14. Retweeted
    May 7

    records 400 violations during the -campaigns alongside issuing different penalties in province, office in says.

  15. Retweeted
    May 7

    Handan Bagci and Seraffettin Ozalp, elected co-mayors of Van Ozalp that were replaced with trustees by government, have been sent to prison after their sentence was approved by the higher court.

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  16. Retweeted
    May 6

    Iraqi top court postpones hearings on KRG oil exports to June

  17. May 7

    I have a sneaking suspicion that many HDP voters have lost any faith that the system works as a method to ensure their representation. In the event I am right, I believe many would actually not vote or even vote Erdogan in the second round to accelerate Turkey's downward spiral.

  18. Retweeted
    May 5

    I'm a fan of decentralization and hope it can happen but I like this tweet because it is at least a strong foil for discussion - it makes a point that can stimulate debate

  19. Retweeted
    May 5

    Price of fish increased from 4k to 5.5 k IQD per kilo. According to the fish salesman the price increase is because of the large number of elections candidates holding banquets and feasts all over the country. Wasn't sure if he was joking.

  20. Retweeted
    May 4

    Ince, a former physics teacher, also pledged to turn the presidential palace in Ankara into a school for the country's best and brightest, if elected next month. via

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