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  1. Pinned Tweet
    14 Apr 2016
    Replying to

    "État islamique, le fait accompli"

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    1 hour ago

    novoIRAM shot at Ukrainian forces

  4. 8 hours ago
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    «Were it not for the arrival of French Mirage aircraft that made low, roaring passes in a show of force that scattered the extremists, far more Americans and their Nigerien partners likely would have been killed»

  6. Retweeted
    20 hours ago
  7. 21 hours ago
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    22 hours ago

    The IDF struck an SA22 aerial interception system as part of a wide-scale attack against Iranian military sites in Syria

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    24 hours ago

    10 mai 2012 : Décès du photojournaliste allemand Horst FAAS. Il est le photographe qui a couvert la du le plus longtemps de 1962 à 1974. Prix Pulitzer en 1975 pour sa couverture de la guerre.

  10. May 10
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    May 10

    Quand les menaces de mort électroniques de l’état islamique sont fabriquées en réalité par des hackers russes .....

  12. Retweeted

    It’s notable that the -an state media didn’t mention at all any news about the rockets fired at which accused Iran of firing them from Syrian soil.

  13. Retweeted
    May 9

    Wow. Netanyahu wears the St George's ribbon as he comes to May 9 Parade with Putin. Not even Serbia's Vucic has one. (The ribbon, a symbol of Russian military glory, is also of late the symbol of Russian irredentism and is banned in Ukraine.)

  14. Retweeted
    May 9

    Une vingtaine de missiles tirés contre des positions de Tsahal, certains interceptés par le Dôme de fer. Quelques dégâts, aucun blessés. Israël, qui attribue cette frappe à Téhéran, à riposté simultanément contre une cinquantaine de cibles iraniennes en Syrie

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  15. Retweeted
    May 9

    JUST IN: Iranian General Qasem Soleimani commanded rocket strike on its Golan bases - Israeli military

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    Quds Force positions targeted by IDF include: Intelligence observation posts, logistics command position, military command posts and bases, weapons depot in Syria International Airport, the launch vehicle that conducted the 20 rocket launch.

  17. May 9
  18. Retweeted
    May 8

    s’apprête à diffuser un com (2pages) menaçant « les entreprises occidentales et en particulier de  depuis la jusqu’en ... qui pillent c pays... ceci pour s’attaquer à la source de la corruption des gouvernements locaux incapables »

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  19. Retweeted
    May 8

    🌍 Sahel: Nouvelles menaces d'Aqmi L'organisation pourrait s'en prendre aux entreprises occidentales installées dans la région et accusées de piller les ressources du pays. Explications 5hTU

  20. May 8
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    May 8

    Here a massive bayyah pledged to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, video was published on instagram by one of the jihadists inside...

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