The fear porn obliterates actual radiation dangers IMO - and I read through data like mad. Jews (koreans) play both sides here as well
Replying to @jackiemopsy @blackseraphim2
My thinking is, we are poisoned by a lot of things in the modern world, and some precautions should be taken, but there is a point where excessive precautions are counterproductive. We're all going to die someday. So I just prepare myself for, instead of obsessively avoid death.
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Replying to @blackseraphim2 @sarahtweetsjp
Seraphim you are agreeing without knowing anything about radiation. I thought you make decision based only on hard facts? Have you gone into details about unit 4 spent fuel pools?
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I happen to agree with GUndersen that unit 4 spent fuel only partially burnt - this actually makes me "pronuke" apparently - but I came to the conclusion after 3 years of researching into it
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And how did you just come to this casual "agreement"? How is your dorsomedial prefrontal cortex doing?
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Replying to @jackiemopsy @blackseraphim2
Maybe she doesnt know that communism and freemasonry is jewish, or how many civilians have been slaughtered. Over the past couple centuries, there were so many bloodbaths. Russia, Hungary, Spain, Mexico, Ukraine, not to mention China and Korea... I could go on and on.
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As if it were a coincidence that all top Bolsheviks were Jews. Yes, we are all human. War is a sickness of humanity. But if a house has a rat infestation, I don't see people saying, "No, it's an *animal* infestation! Your anti-rat-ism is a mental illness! All animals are equal!"
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Replying to @sarahtweetsjp @blackseraphim2
Oh no, Seraphimm knows all of that - s/he is not a simpleton
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Replying to @jackiemopsy @blackseraphim2
Pride keeps people from the truth. Taking an honest anti-jew stance destroys any chance of being respected in this antichristian world. You have to walk on eggshells around the assassins of Jesus if you want to be successful.
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I think people would realize the problem is all jews and all spiritual jews (=those brainwashed by jew media) if they listened to better music.
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