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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. 9 minutes ago

    Trump told Macron this morning that he will announce withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. Trump is preparing to reinstate all sanctions waived as part of the nuclear accord — and impose additional economic penalties as well.

  3. 12 minutes ago

    “We will see more migration, more unemployment, more bankruptcies, more impoverishment. Some might think this will lead to regime change, but protests will be cracked down and the government will be able to run the country. We will just get poorer.”

  4. 12 minutes ago

    De quels leviers disposent Emmanuel & la lorsqu'il s'agit d'influer sur les positions américaines ? Absolument aucun même si il faut reconnaître qu'Emmanuel Macron aura tenté de relever un défi perdu d'avance.

  5. 6 hours ago

    Là où avait différencié les menaces posées par l' et hiérarchisé celles-ci en plaçant le nucléaire en haut de la liste, ramène tout à un seul et unique package. Son objectif n'est pas de lutter contre la prolifération mais bien de lutter contre la RII.

  6. 7 hours ago

    J'étais en Iran ces 15 derniers jours et c'est en effet l'état d'esprit que j'ai pu observer chez beaucoup d'Iraniens.

  7. 2 hours ago

    Petite interview du jour, pas sur l' mais bien sur la et la problématique des Loups gris. "Turquie : qui sont les Loups gris, ces ultranationalistes prônant le panturquisme ?"

  8. 2 hours ago

    Et l'air de rien, pendant ce temps là, ... Le Canada réinstaure les permis d'exportation de blindés à l’Arabie saoudite

  9. 20 minutes ago

    New Iran Polling Data Provides Vital Background For Trump’s Pending Announcement

  10. 22 minutes ago

    “The United States is preparing to reinstate all sanctions it had waived as part of the nuclear accord — and impose additional economic penalties as well.”

  11. 24 minutes ago

    On nuclear deal says that Trump "is expected to stop short of reneging on the deal altogether. ­Instead, he will address a portion of the wide range of sanctions that were waived when the deal was first implemented.''

  12. 25 minutes ago

    From Kyoto, to the ICC, TPP, Iran deal - I could go on - the US has been an unreliable partner in international agreements V/

  13. 25 minutes ago

    Question of the day: how far will EU + Russia & China carry on business with usual with ? A lot will depend on how far Washington allows it ...

  14. 26 minutes ago

    How will the U.S. be better off in leaving ? That's what Trump needs to explain.Will isolate US from European allies, strengthen Iran & release it from the handcuffs of the nuclear deal.This is reckless and a major mistake V/

  15. 31 minutes ago

    has “worked assiduously to overcome any misgivings President may initially have had after his early tweets in support of the and move against Qatar,” says ’s

  16. 32 minutes ago

    Breaking: “Saudi Arabia will allow airlines to use its airspace soon” — Tel Aviv’s Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz V/

  17. 33 minutes ago

    [Fixing The Iranian Missile Problem] It won’t be easy, but Europe and Washington should pressure Iran into suspending missile flight-testing. via

  18. Juan Cole is convincing on Lebanon elections. He argue that many Sunnis stayed home b/c KSA let them down: 1. By supporting Salafi extremists, such as Islamic Army 2. For kidnapping Hariri. 3. By screwing Palestinians via

  19. 48 minutes ago

    Tomorrow not only but EU will be faced with perhaps its only shot to salvage both the nuclear agreement and the credibility on the line. via

  20. 3 hours ago

    I stand by this but I am not expecting Trump to do the sensible thing or to have a workable Plan B. This is not wise!

  21. 3 hours ago

    "Préserver l’accord est la meilleure solution pour l’Europe et pour l’Iran" estime Robert Malley, ex-négociateur sur le nucléaire iranien de l'équipe d'Obama


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