Infowars: Caravan has no refugees

Infowars did a piece on the "caravan" that "showed up at the border". Though Alex does have a few revelations with this, I have the Mexican perspective and can fill in the rest of the blanks.

1. No "caravan" ever crossed Mexico.

They were in the news for a while because they were used for a propaganda show, but they were actually part of a Catholic caravan for an Easter migration. This happens every year. Since there was a photo op and a story to fake up, the American MSM grabbed this and ran with it under a false flag name. However, the group disbanded in south central Chiapas and vanished from the press. There was no caravan through Mexico at all.

2. People did show up at the border though, who were they?

As it turns out, none of them were assylum seekers. And after reviewing what went on, I can safely state NONE OF THEM WERE FROM LATIN AMERICA. They were all plants from America and Canada, who were issued fake papers, drove a few miles south of Tijuana, and then walked back to the border to "storm it".

3. There is stunningly damning evidence that these were American fakers.


PROBLEM: There are NO Muslims in Latin America, other than those who work for embassies. Look at the text on her shirt. It is written the way Americans write text. If this was a legit refugee, the text would say: Fundacion de Latina Muslimo. ONLY AN AMERICAN WHO NEVER SPOKE SPANISH AS A ROOT LANGUAGE WOULD EVER SCREW THAT UP.

I have actually tried to find Muslims in Mexico, including traveling to other areas and walking all over Mexico city. Outside of the embassies you can search all you want, and there are simply NONE. I have actually studied this, and as soon as any Muslim organizations take off in Latin America, the CIA moves in and crushes them. There are ZERO. There is not one mosque except one I checked out in Mexico City (the only one there) that is a single room on a second floor that is run as a joint effort between the CIA and British MI5. NO ONE there was from Mexico. I told them to their faces they were a honey trap for unsuspecting fools and left before I even went through the door. They are only there to provide plausible support for horse shit "islamic invaders from the south" stories. It was THAT OBVIOUS.

There were times when a few Muslim immigrants tried to grow communities. One of them hit a population of 1,800, and then the CIA moved in, introduced a bunch of false crap, and the group was completely dissolved in a year and a half. That was over and done with 10 years ago. There are simply no Muslims in Latin America. HOW THEN, DID SOME SHOW UP AT THE BORDER WITH A CARAVAN, BOLDLY PROCLAIMING WHO THEY ARE??!!?? UTTER HORSE SHIT.



HAVING MUSLIMS MIXED IN, CLEARLY LABELED, IS HURRICANE ON JUPITER BULLSHIT STORM BULLSHIT. yes, Earth's atmosphere just is not thick enough to support a storm of bullshit that huge. You have to go off- planet for that.



Alfie slipped into a coma after receiving six vaccinations in one day. He was normal before. Two weeks before a vaccine injury judgement could be issued, they took him off, saying he would die (so they could avoid the payout). Only, he did not need life support, when they took it off, he kept on living. So they cut off his food to starve him to death. He did not die fast enough, and was within two weeks of the vaccine payout date. SO THEY GAVE HIM A LETHAL INJECTION to get it over with! YOU CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP!. How about THAT for socialized health care!

Britian's social health care is a system that obviously owns you, and if you want to seek help elsewhere the police will stop you, the courts will stop you, and even if you are given citizenship in a foreign nation (Italy) and have two separate countries (Italy and Germany) offer all care for free, PLUS have a helicopter sent by another nation waiting nearby to fly you there for care, Britain will not let you out, you equaled X, and X must die.


[A] nurse entered the child's cubicle after his father Tom had been called aside and gave him four drugs. A source close to the family told LifeSiteNews that these were injections that were administered to Alfie after Tom had been summoned for an unusual middle-of-the-night meeting with the hospital. The child died two hours later.

Alder Hey hospital doctors had previously conveyed to the Evans' family in a legal document how they intended to use a drug cocktail that included Midazolam and Fentanyl as part of Alfie's "end of life care plan." Side effects of the drugs included respiratory depression. Tom Evans called it an "execution plan" for his son.

Natural News had this. The report is extensive, and proves my comment above, though harsh, is a bullseye. SEE THIS.

It goes on to explain how that particular hospital is infamous for organ harvesting, and how Britain has had over 100,000 suspicious previous baby deaths in hospitals. It just so happens that Alfie made the news. OK, HERE IS MY OPINION:

What my gut is telling me about Alfie:

I did not find this anywhere, it is just a gut feeling.

I believe Alfie was a test subject, who received a special batch of vaccines that were a test bed for future, more damaging types. I believe all his doctors were in on it. They were probably Jewish (at least the ones that mattered were) and Alfie was a perfect test subject for destroying a perfect white race baby. They did not want this to possibly be revealed by allowing alfie out for medical care elsewhere.

THE LIFE SUPPORT WAS A BOLD LIE, it was only a ruse to keep him in the constant presense of Nazi style doctors who were running experiments to find out exactly what destroys the white race and can be put in a vaccine. Alfie had a constant IV, and I have no doubt they were using that IV to nail him with whatever new concoction they came up with next. Then they'd brain scan, to see the results.

Clearly, despite his condition, Alfie did not need life support. There is no conceivable way a baby that needed life support would survive for 4 days without it, while being denied food and water in an effort to intentionally kill him. And even that did not kill him, a lethal injection had to be used.

After using him as a test subject, they absolutely, under no circumstances, could allow him to go to another country for care. If that happened, what they did to him would probably be revealed. The courts, the hospital, the doctors, were all in on it, and the police (who probably did not know the real purpose) followed orders.

I believe the research data they got from Alfie is going to end up in the next batch of vaccines, and autism will then morph to a predominantly white race problem, as they use their new data to reduce the damage to the races they don't want destroyed so badly.

Sound extreme? I hate to say it, but I firmly believe that this is where we are at.

Rasmussen: 46 percent want government jobs for all

My comment: DOUBT IT. Because 46 percent of Americans are not stupid enough to miss the fact that "everyone has a government job" under communism. NICE TRY RASMUSSEN, BUT AMERICA IS NOT THERE YET.

You have your feelings for a reason

If you are pissed and you can't do anything about it because some sort of "rule" is preventing you from doing what you know is right, you probably live under tyranny.

UPDATE to the report (below) about the Utah teen dress

This got hacked and was totally disjointed. Someone hates the following post:

Chinese people have become aware of the issue, and are fully in support of the girl wearing the dress, saying it is cultural appreciation, not cultural appropriation. The only "chinese" who were against her wearing the dress were brainless automotons who were projecting their college brainwashing on an unsuspecting public.

There is no such thing as cultural appropriation outside the realm of liberal hatred for all cultures. Everything with liberalism is a lie: Guys dicks belong in other guy's butts. Abortion is not murder. Stealing from producers and giving to the lazy fosters prosperity. Every major point college professors are ramming into the brains of America's young is a lie. And the backlash on American soil was FAKE, though I am sure the pansies thought it was real. America, which was supposed to be the "great melting pot" was not rooted in any sort of "cultural appropriation". REALITY: the Chinese in fact were VERY HAPPY the girl wore the dress after they found out about it. SEE THIS from the South China Morning Post.


Chinese dress at US prom wins support in China after internet backlash

And I am sure college brain washed American twits who took to twitter on this topic are going to tweet up how wrong the Chinese people are for supporting this girl. They won't have the ability to realize their programming (which they are still paying for via their colleg loan) is pure bullshit.

Utah teen blasted for wearing Chiongsam dress to prom

Utah teen Keziah Daum found a traditional chiongsam dress at a thrift store, and figured it would look great at the prom. So she wore it, everyone loved it including her teachers, and she then put the pictures online. A snowflake meltdown ensued.

She got a large number of comments from culturally castrated "snowflakes" who accused her of cultural appropriation, racism, and whatever else a liberal college professor could ever make a weak mind sensitive to. HERE IS THE DRESS:

My comment:

Liberal fools will not stop with their racism and cultural appropriation crap until Americans are not allowed to eat chinese food (right down to Ramen noodles) or tacos, or curry, or anything else, and in the name of sensitivity all food is reduced to generic brown glop and pellets resembling animal food. If wearing this dress was a crime, that's where we are headed.

Never submit your DNA to any company for ancestry purposes

Once you submit your DNA, it becomes an open public reference with no privacy at all.

The Golden State Killer's mistake was leaving his DNA on garbage at his home. The DNA was used to track his identity through an online open source familial DNA database. This finally answers the question many were concerned about, anyone who has used these sites for DNA background is subject to no legal means of protecting their privacy.

Detectives had searched for four decades for the clue that would unlock the identity of the Golden State Killer, the predator who terrorized California top to bottom with a string of horrific rapes and homicides in the 1970s and ’80s.

Criminal DNA databases produced no hits, sweeps of crime scenes no fingerprints and hefty rewards no definitive tips. But Paul Holes, an investigator and DNA expert, had a hunch he could create a road map to the killer through his genetics.

Holes used DNA recovered from a crime scene to find the killer’s great-great-great grandparents, who lived in the early 1800s. Branch by painstaking branch, he and a team created about 25 family trees containing thousands of relatives down to the present day.

One fork led to a 72-year-old retiree who was quietly living out his golden years in the Sacramento suburb of Citrus Heights. Holes was intrigued after learning the man was a disgraced cop who had bought guns during two bursts of activity by the killer.

Obviously it is a good thing this guy got caught. However this report does reveal that anyone can be hunted for anything. If they did it with him, they can do it with anyone. Don't ever turn your DNA in to one of these companies. See this.

NK Libya model: I thought this was a hoax! it is not!

Date: Tuesday, 1-May-2018 04:29:10 CNN - The White House is looking at Libya as one example of how it will handle potential negotiations with North Korea on dismantling its nuclear program, John Bolton, US President Donald Trump's national security adviser, said Sunday.

But experts say the Libya model is a dangerous one to trot out when discussing North Korea.

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi agreed to abandon his nuclear ambitions in exchange for sanctions relief in the early 2000s. Within years, Gadhafi was overthrown and killed by rebels backed by Washington (United States).

Bolton appeared to use the Libya case as an example of how North Korea might develop the trust of international partners, just days after after Kim committed to the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean Peninsula during a historic summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

My comment: Now we know where the U.S. is going to try to take a non-nuclear NK.

Or at least they may try to. But China and Russia are RIGHT THERE. Perhaps the Lybia model won't work as well this time?


As it turns out, IDIOT figured he'd make a go of it by bringing "hundreds of pounds" of stolen Iranian documents from a facility they operated from 1999 - 2003, all of which were known about and declassified more than 10 years ago. What an idiot.

I hope he did not think Trump was that stupid. I hope Trump is not that stupid. This just goes to show how desperately Israel is grasping at straws I guess. Remember this?:

Major progress: Korea propaganda speakers dismantled

North and South Korea used enormous speakers with a sonic range of up to 30 miles to blast propaganda at each other across their borders. Those speakers are now being torn down. This is a major development. SEE THIS.

BRITISH POLICE: Watch what you say about Alfie Evans, anything bad will be acted upon!

MY COMMENT: I have a special word, just for the Queen:

An air of superiority wafts off of you like the stench of a rotten loo. Absent guards and barracades which protect "your royal hind ass", you'd be dragged through the streets and lynched!

Yes, Alfie, a vaccine damaged baby who was perfectly normal before he received six shots in one day then had his parents told he was "wasting away due to defective genes" and THEN, TWO WEEKS before he hit the age where vaccine damage payouts were allowed he died ONLY BECAUSE THE POLICE STOOD GUARD AT THE HOSPITAL TO ALLOW NO FOOD IN, AND DISALLOW ALFIE OUT TO BE FED, AND THEY KILLED HIM BY FORCEFULLY NEGLECTING HIM TO DEATH. HE DIED IN 4 DAYS.

They destroyed him with intentionally sabotaged vaccines, and when he did not die quick enough (after being removed from a ventilator) they simply killed him by not feeding him. CUTE.


Degenerate dehumanized filth. Abhorrent malfunctioning trash. An air of superiority wafts off of her like the stench of a ROTTEN OUT HOUSE. That's the only way the British state will intentionally starve a baby to death after destroying the baby; she does, after all, dictate enough on these issues to give it a yay or nay. ROBIN HOOD WAS RIGHT. I always hated her.

DEAR MERSEYSIDE POLICE: If you are going to shut your subjects up with threats, I'll just have to put in a word for them . . . . . STICK IT.


If it is, it is Israel that did it.


The first wave of attacks in Syria that got Russian tech involved was to test Russian systems, how they could be jammed, and also to test the capabilities of Russian jamming.

Russia is not admitting it, but I believe they did respond to the attacks from the U.S. last night, which proved their tech has been completely disabled. It appears the S-200 (at least, possibly S-300 also) systems were flying in circles like malfunctioning bottle rockets, completely missing their targets.

No one confirmed this, but there were some anomalies on video that make it seem so, and there was absolutely no admitted to response from either Russia or Syria. Why? Because they would not want to admit they got totally skunked, that is not good strategy.

It appears that the U.S. tested Russian systems, saw Russian jammers and how they work, and then knew how to jam Russian systems, and prevent American systems from being jammed. This would be done before any major war was allowed to proceed, and now that the U.S. has rendered Russian systems impotent, it is probably GAME ON.

The only thing that will stop it is if Russia can re-code everything rapidly, to get around the jammers and allow Russia to once again jam American stuff. That's the kind of war it will be, let's hope Russia can put a stop to this with quick re-programming. If they did not allow that capability in their systems, they, and the rest of us, are probably screwed.

I don't know what processors Russia used in their systems, but if they are made by Intel, they can all be shut down by the U.S. after the missile launches. The CoreVpro tech is what it is, and will allow remote wireless shutdown. This started with Centrino 15 years ago and if things were kept classified, it could even be pre-centrino tech. What will a missile do if the brain suddenly quits?

If Russian missiles have "intel inside" they are SCREWED.

China now monitors many people's brain waves

Nasa used this tech on astronauts all the way back to Apollo. What I did not know is that China has advanced this tech, and has started using it on mundane people.

Many workers are now required to wear brain monitoring headsets that detect their emotions and to some degree their thoughts.

Here is a relevant snip from this MSM report

"Hangzhou Zhongheng Electric is just one example of the large-scale application of brain surveillance devices to monitor people's emotions and other mental activities in the workplace, according to scientists and companies involved in the government-backed projects.

Concealed in regular safety helmets or uniform hats, these lightweight, wireless sensors constantly monitor the wearer's brainwaves and stream the data to computers that use artificial intelligence algorithms to detect emotional spikes such as depression, anxiety or rage.

The technology is in widespread use around the world but China has applied it on an unprecedented scale in factories, public transport, state-owned companies and the military to increase the competitiveness of its manufacturing industry and to maintain social stability.

My comment: What?!

OK, FAIR IS FAIR. Let's see Xi Jinping be forced to wear one of these devices, on a dedicated HD channel so the Chinese people get full time feedback about whether or not their "president" plans to screw them on any particular day!

China is obviously going full rogue. WE HAD BETTER NOT LET THEM WIN A WORLD WAR, which is apparently on the horizon. Meanwhile:

This is now confirmed: Large scale Israeli/American attacks are underway in Syria

Two days ago, Iran dropped the dollar and switched over to the Euro. And now this.

Yep. Dropping the dollar is the kiss of death. Now Nut Yahoo is blabbering about Iran's nukes, and actually attacking Iranian assets, while Israel holds a stream of meetings on Iran, obviously to kick start a war.

Israel has closed it's airspace in the area closest to attacks, without warning

The Guardian is the first MSM source to confirm this, my details will be different than The Guardian.

The Guardian said Israel did the attacks. But the initial reports on social media said the attacks were carried out from Turkish soil by American forces. The original reports said the Russians could not respond, because American jamming shut their equipment down. Air defenses were fired, but the Russian missiles simply failed to work. Russia is denying that they or Syria launched anything at all. The attacks took out an Iranian weapons cache which triggered a large explosion.

People are speculating that the strikes which took place a couple weeks ago were done so the U.S. could figure out what jamming capabilities or other capabilities Russia had were, so future strikes could go like this, with no effective response from Russia at all. Rumor has it that the U.S. jammed Russia's advanced missiles, and rendered them useless.

"Syrian army said rockets struck several military bases in Hama and Aleppo area. In a news flash, state television said the missile attacks took place at 10:30pm. At one blast location, 50 are confirmed dead.

The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre recorded 2.60-magnitude quake

IRAN: Supreme Leader Khamenei says "the era of hit and run is gone, strikes will be met with strikes", following attack against Iranian targets in Syria last night.

Complete U.S. media blackout on this.

I'll update this as things come in, but right now it is not looking too great for Russia. If their missiles really did get fired in defense, and they totally failed due to jamming, it would obviously be best for them to deny launching anything at all. Time will tell with this I guess, for now my opinion is that Russia did launch, and they did get jammed.

UPDATE: Israel is claiming the strikes had to do with Iran's nuclear program.

"Israeli PM Netanyahu will speak to the media 8pm local time and reveal "dramatic" information about Iranian nuclear project. This after urgent session of the Israeli security cabinet earlier today - executive news",

If so, all this is being done as a precursor to a war that was already planned, but Israel is having a tough time starting.

OH THE HORROR! Foxconn allowed to take 7 million gallons a day from Lake Superior to make Iphones

Yes, you may have read this somewhere else, with the people posting it all horrified about how terrible it is. WHAT A FREAKING JOKE. 7 million gallons? PFFT, you could easily take that per day from a mundane lake in South Dakota. How much is 7 million gallons? About 20 acre feet.

Remember the Oroville dam problems that happened last year? Let's put this into perspective that way. Oroville dam holds 3.5 million acre feet. What the * is 20 acre feet from Lake Michigan by comparison?

Why complain about this at all? Foxconn making Iphones on U.S. turf is a great reason to use a little water!

Russia launched a 70 megawatt floating nuclear power plant.

It uses two 35 MW reactors that would normally be used to power naval vessels. It is supposed to have up to a 50 year life span. This type of power plant would make it possible to establish cities in remote regions that it is able to get to - having power is key to this. It looks like an over sized barge, AND IT IS ALREADY AN UGLY RUSTED HULK! Yikes!

I don't have much faith in this idea, if it is already in this degraded condition when launched new, Russia likely did it too cheap and it may be a floating Chernobyl.

This is a serious 11th grade exam question.

The background of this was not made clear, but it did happen:

Ursula was devastated when her boyfriend broke up with her after having sex. To get revenge, she had sex with his best friend the next day. "Ursula had a beautiful baby girl nine months later. Ursula has type O blood, her ex-boyfriend is type AB blood, and his best friend is type A blood. If her baby daddy is her ex-boyfriend, what could her baby' possible blood type(s) NOT be?"

This actually happened. See this.


It would have sent a rover to the moon's polar region by 2022 to look for water and other resources, and was suddenly canceled. Why would it be canceled? Here's a good reason: Because it might be too much of a burden to manage during a war, and the people may be re-assigned to war projects. That is as good an explanation as any for the inexplicable cancellation.

China will not be happy if the Koreas unite and the U.S. stays in South Korea

China has had North Korea as a buffer zone between U.S. occupied South Korea and itself, and has supported North Korea because of this. Contrary to what some people may think, China is not a very nice country, and has engaged in as many genocides as the Bolsheviks did in Russia. There is a good chance China will try to destabilize the situation between the two koreas to prevent them from joining or becoming allies. Because if they do, China is basically going to have the U.S. right on it's border.

. . . . .As if the South China Sea was not a hot enough issue all by itself . . . . .

China's social credit score is already getting incrementally worse. The social credit score punishes you for bad public behavior, such as speeding or jay walking. God forbid you put anything online "they" do not approve of. In the latest social credit score gaffe, China now has a few intersections that spray you with water if you jay walk, and put your face on a large TV screen if you jay walk, AND GET THIS: Facial recognition AI will soon immediately identify you if you jay walk, and you get notified of your fine for jay walking via an automated text message. Jay walk too much, and you won't be able to get a loan at a bank or take public transit. YEAY. Nice country. Perhaps sacrificing the Norks as a buffer zone would be good foreign policy, I think it is time again to piss off little kim!


Release of documents delayed again. What would you expect? The entire policy of releasing documents is a ruse for phoney transparency. The U.S. government is supposed to be totally transparent, with all documents of this type public. If you delay their release for even 1 year it is (supposed to be) a violation, but somehow they got accustomed to calling themselves legit after they held the documents surrounding a PRESIDENTIAL ASSASINATION for damn near 60 years.

This was supposed to be an assassination by a lone nutcase. IF SO, WHY IN THE HELL HAVE THEY KEPT THE DAMN THING CONCEALED FOR SO LONG? WHAT IS THE BIG SECRET?

you will never know. Unless you are smart enough to figure out why they'd keep holding onto documents so many years later. They will never release the documents that really matter, EVER. Because if they do, the FBI and CIA GO DOWN for killing the President.

Come get your fakes! FAKES ONLY. Fakes, jokes and forgeries are all the "little people" deserve, because they can't wrap their minds around the "grand visions" of the elite, for which JFK had to die.

A great quote from Joel Skousen

I am afraid he is right, so up it goes:

"It hasn't taken the world long to learn that Trump is easily flattered into being friendly and accommodating. Trump does not really understand the Deep State or the constant attacks from the media so he still badly wants to be accepted by the establishment. Consequently, any time potential enemies put on a charm offensive and flatter him, he quickly reciprocates even if it means selling out his core positions. We've seen this disturbing pattern before: Trump condemned and excoriated Hillary, Obama, and dictator Xi, but then praised them as wonderful people after meeting them face to face. This week, as Trump got enthused about his upcoming meeting with Kim Jong-un (who runs perhaps the worst prison-camp nation in the world) he described the dictator as "honorable" and indicated willingness to make a deal. I happen to know that Trump has received clear advice that North Korea's promises of denuclearization cannot be trusted, but Trump seems intent on rushing headlong into another phony deal with North Korea, the same thing he condemned in past administrations."

My comment: Is Trump really a buffoon who can be flattered into a horrible deal? Possibly. One would think he'd never become a billionaire if so, however, in his position as President he gets analyzed by the best, who live every day looking for ways to pick him to pieces. Skousen appears to be correct here, the deep state has found his weaknesses and is exploiting them. This would not be a problem for Trump while negotiating a business deal, where it is on the table for a few days and then he's off to negotiate with a different un-associated group. But given time, yes, his opponents will fillet him and we have all the proof, right in front of us now.


WHITE MALE="BADLY VACCINE DAMAGED"="INFERIOR". Alfie was killed on purpose to cover this up.

Alfie Evans is dead

Last night, before he died, I posted something similar to the following and then got trolled out of it. Well, as it turns out this is true so I re-typed it.

If you see anything to the contrary, it is British government trollage.

Alfie Evans was born perfectly normal, and got his condition at a year old, after receiving six vaccines in one doctor visit. The vaccines triggered an auto immune disorder that caused his immune system to destroy his brain. They are saying he had defective genes which caused him to waste away but that is the unilateral universal excuse fronted for vaccine damage every single time. They always blame it on "defective genes".

UNDENIABLE FACT: The British government really does not pay out if the kid dies before age 2, and for Alfie, age 2 was coming up in 14 days. British trolls are desperately trying to assert there is no two year minimum. They are lying. HERE IS THE CAPTURE OF THEIR OWN POLICY, FROM THEIR OWN STATE WEB SITE:

FACT: Vaccines screwed up alfie, caused a brain wasting disorder, (all kids get knocked down by vaccines now, which are eugenics weapons) and the ones who take it worst die like Alfie. Only Alfie did not die from the vaccine itself, he died because they cut off food. They cut off food, because once he hit age 2, he had rights! They could not have that happening.

I don't think the British government was worried about the payout for damage, and they probably will pay out because this is such a high profile story. I believe the british government was in fact worried because this was such obvious vaccine damage, and they don't want anyone investigating a weapon they want to keep on using. If Alfie hit 2, he'd have crossed that threshold.

I actually sent this, and asked them to debunk this rumor:


Kim Jong said he is embarrased by his country's infrastructure. NOT A JOKE.

"As Kim and Moon held a historic summit on Friday, the South Korean president told North Korea's supreme leader he'd like to visit his country in order to climb Mount Paektu, a mountain that plays a significant role in Korean folklore. Kim then said, "I feel embarrassed about the poor transit infrastructure," BBC reports."


He knows he is going to have to admit a few faults before anything can go forward.

There may be a long term terror plot underway in Leon Mexico

Disclaimer: This is still early in my observations, but something happened here that is very odd.

This is separate from the one I reported earlier, that had two fake Immams. Here is what's up:

A large number of Jews of IDF age (typical of young Mossad agents, completely with that look) showed up in Leon a few days ago. I was like WTF, these guys are OBVIOUS, are they really new, or did I miss something. They look like a sleeper cell. Motive for any attack? Here it is:

Anaya is pushing the high tech surveillance state big time. All candidates are slandering Obrador, who is the only candidate that is not a NWO sellout. Lopez Obrador is the only real Mexican running as far as I can perceive. They want him eroded enough for people to believe Anaya won when they rig the e-vote machines and steal it from Obrador, who is simply too far ahead to lose legitimately.

When Anaya gets scammed in, there will most likely be terror attacks in Mexico to cause Mexicans to accept extreme regulations and security measures, which will amount to the end of freedom in Mexico. It will be a Castro style crack down. Anaya is constantly saying "I will provide safety and security to Mexicans, and I will accomplish it with the ultimate high tech biometric surveillance, and laws no one can circumvent."

So back to these Jews. They showed up a few days ago, and I already have them pegged. And I was right about them showing up recently because yesterday one was at Wal Mart, and he bought a mop, a broom, a dust pan and two toilet brushes, plus other cleaning items you'd only buy that way when setting up a new place, and they are not students, it is just after spring break and there's no way they'd be setting up a college dorm room right now. Why did they all arrive together? An obvious Mossad sleeper cell.

So I got his make and model and year of car, the license plate number, the whole 9 yards plus I know where they live. Two of them moved straight into jobs (obviously needed as a cover story) and I know where they work (ouch). I'll be keeping an eye on those bastards and yes, it only happened because of the slave investigation I am doing. I am simply too alert in the environment for obvious crap to slip by. If it is nothing, it will be nothing, and they won't even realize they got my attention (other than I asked them questions, like is there a Kosher store in Leon) in a friendly way.

DISCLAIMER: I have not caught them making a bomb. I am only going on a hunch. Probably a well founded hunch. Time will tell.


This was a public service announcement. I'd much rather blabber well ahead of time, before they do their sh*t (probably a car bomb or something) to be blamed on Muslims and as a bonus, get Mexicans supporting an attack on Iran. I'd rather not let this happen, so let it be known: IF ANYTHING HAPPENS IN MEXICO, YOU ALL KNOW THE BACKGROUND STORY (I ESTIMATE) TWO MONTHS AND A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT.


LET IT BE KNOWN: Israel, and not Muslims, tried to blow up the Mexican congress.

They tried to bury this, but that is not what happens around here. OH BOO HOO. CENSOR PAYPAL.

Here is the translated text of the entire report:

Army General and Head of the PGR Releases Two Israelis Arrested With Guns and Explosives Inside the Mexican Congress

By Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan
In a mind-blowing development, La Voz de Aztlan has learned that Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha (left) who heads the Procuraduria General de la Republica (Mexican Department of Justice) has released the retired Israeli Defense Forces colonel and presumed MOSSAD agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and Israeli illegal immigrant Saur Ben Zvi after both had penetrated the security of the Mexican Congress and were in possession of guns, hand grenades and explosives.

This morning La Voz de Aztlan had a personal telephone interview with the Mexican Congressional Press Secretary, Lic. Adriana Lopez, and verified the arrest of the two Israelis after they had entered through the highly secured front entrance of the Palacio Legislativo de San Lazaro. She stated to La Voz de Aztlan that the two terrorists had taken advantage of a situation that occurred around 1700 hours of Wednesday October 10 when a large contingent of Sugar Industry Unionists were entering through the metal detectors. The two Israelis followed about 50 of the unionists to the office of the President of the Mexican Congress Beatriz Paredes. The two Israelis were first pretending to be press photographers but called the attention of the sugar unionists because of their nervous and out of the ordinary behavior. About ten of the unionists confronted them and observed that they were carrying guns and and what looked to them to be explosives. They held the two Israelis until Official Congressional Security personnel took them into custody. The head of Congressional Security Salvador Alarcon verified that the Israelis had in their possession nine hand grenades, sticks of dynamite, detonators, wiring and two 9mm "Glock" automatics.

Mexican Congressional Press Secretary Lic. Adriana Lopez informed La Voz de Aztlan in the telephone interview that Congressional Security then turned the terrorists Salvador Guersson Smecke, age 34, and Saur Ben Zvi, age 27, to the Procuraduria General de la Republica (Mexican Department of Justice) which is headed by Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha. Initial reports by the Procuraduria General de la Republica (PGR) were that both Israelis worked for a private security agency and that they both had gun permits. It turned out that there is no connection of either suspect to any private security agency. The PGR has released the retired Israeli I.D.F. colonel with the official explanation that he had a legal permit to carry a gun. They also released the illegal Israeli immigrant on about $4,000 bail and the case turned over to the Mexican immigration authorities. Mexican Congressional Press Secretary Lic. Adriana Lopez was surprised to hear from La Voz de Aztlan of the release of the two Israelis.

Concha, GutmanLa Voz de Aztlan has also learned that the Israeli Embassy used heavy handed measures to have the two Israelis released. Very high level emergency meetings took place between Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Jorge Gutman, General Macedo de la Concha and a top Ariel Sharon envoy who flew to Mexico City specially for that purpose. Elias Luf of the Israeli Embassy worked night and day and their official spokeswoman Hila Engelhart went into high gear after many hours of complete silence. What went on during those high level meetings no one knows, but many in Mexico are in disbelief at their release. Guns and any kind of explosive is highly illegal for Mexican citizens and the fact that these two Israelis had them inside the Mexican Congress makes their release highly suspect. What is really going on? Jorge Gutman, the Mexican Foreign Secretary, has strong Zionist connections and himself is of Jewish descent. Mexican Army General Macedo de la Concha has strong connections to the U.S. Military Industrial-Complex and through this to the Israeli Defense Forces. Have any of these connections influenced the decision to release the two Zionist terrorists?

The initial arrests of the two Israelis inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lazaro made top news on Mexico City television and radio on the evening of October 10. TV Azteca had extensive coverage on the first night and on the following day. La Cronica de Hoy and El Universal both covered the incident the following two days but now it seems that there is a lack of reports. The PGR has a Press Bulletin on their official website but they have made no updates. No U.S. media has made any mention, that we know, except one by this Sunday. Pravda of Moscow has a note of the initial La Voz de Aztlan article.

What were the Israelis up to? We think we know. The Vicente Fox government has been very careful of involving Mexico in a war against Islam. The Mexican population as well as the two major opposition political parties, the PRI and the PRD will not allow it. President Bush and the U.S. Zionists want Mexico fully involved in the war principally because if things get tough in the middle east and the oil rich Arabs leave the coalition, the U.S. military machine is going to need alternative sources of oil and PEMEX is just across the border. We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were going to blow up the Mexican Congress. The second phase was to mobilize both the Mexican and US press to blame Osama bin Laden. Most likely then Mexico would declare war on Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism.

So there you have it, the full eloquent translation from Voz de Aztlan, which got destroyed for never backing off on this report. But it was not just Voz de Aztlan, THE SCREEN CAPTURE IS FROM AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SOURCE. This report got slandered into oblivion, and the Voz got slandered into obscurity.


I have been silent about the lawsuits, Comey, etc for a reason

I can sum it up in a sentence: There is no rule of law in the United States, everything is infiltrated and subverted, and all we can do is wait and see who wins - the people, or the enemy.

What more can I say? It is all a drama with nothing substantial happening for real in favor of the American people. It would be an enormous favor if Russia cratered DC with a 20+ megaton hypersonic missile launched at 7,000 mph from 10 miles off the coast. That way it would arrive before anyone could react. Ballistic missiles would not accomplish jack, they'd all be in the bunker on time. That is where we are at.

Civil war is sounding pretty good about now. How about George Soros funding the Trump lawsuit to the tune of $40 million? How can that even be allowed? The headlines are absolutely impossible, because the corruption has reached impossible levels, and the media refuses to report in a way that would ever help the American people solve anything.

It all comes across in such a shock wave it is impossible to report it, there are so many egregious cases of corruption along with media scamming that there is simply no way to touch it all. The only thing we can really do is wait and see who wins. Hopefully America will not cower if the bad guys win. Hopefully there will be a war if they succeed in stopping Trump from doing the will of the people and solving the problems peacefully. Don't bet on him succeeding, it is obvious the enemy is now the foundation of the republic. In such cases, war has always been the only answer.

It is too late for a "new type of DNA" to be discovered

The recent revelation of a new type of DNA being discovered has a hidden truth behind it. This is my opinion. I do not believe scientists found the orignal DNA in the 1950's, and for 65 years consistently overlooked another type of DNA. I don't believe the human genome project overlooked it either. I believe this new type of DNA, which does indeed exist, got into people via tainted vaccines, possibly morgellons, and possibly GMO foods.

Scanning electron microscopes could reveal individual atoms in the early 90's. I don't believe we had that level of tech for almost 30 years, throughout the entire human genome project, and overlooked this "new type of DNA". Not for a minute.

The ziopress and greater scientific community can talk all it wants about a new discovery, and a huge chunk of it could know it was a lab created discovery and never speak up. And if it is lab created, the future of mankind is probably absolutely screwed.

The so-called "elite" have wanted a true underclass to rule since the beginning of time. They hate any race or people that can challenge them. Already there are many reports about "gene therapy" where your actual genome is tweaked to give a desired result. And it is not, in my opinion, at all far fetched to believe this "new type of DNA" is an offshoot of that.

Considering how long ago genuine DNA was discovered, what is really more plausible? To have a tech we have been told about, that is tested and works create a new type of DNA that is now being observed in people, or somehow, mysteriously, have a second type of DNA go totally unnoticed all the way through the space race and tech revolution, the entire human genome project, for most of the baby boom generation, generation X, the Millenials, and now, most of generation Y? More than 3 ENTIRE generations passed since the initial discovery of DNA, and this other type somehow went un-noticed?


It never existed. This is something totally new.

I know what I think . . . . . and if you refuse to be vaccinated (as I have for decades now) GMO mosquitos will probably do the trick. HOW ABOUT THIS SCENARIO:

After facing huge opposition to mass forced vaccination, the "elite" developed a new type of mosquito that could survive all climates, and had a terminator gene to kill it off after 60 generations. That's 7 or 8 years. During this time, they hid out in their deep underground bunkers, and then, after the last generation of these mosquitos was gone, they emerged AS GODS.

I doubt that scenario would be far fetched, they already have the bunkers, they already have the mosquitos, and they already have the gene tweaking tech, and people are already turning up with an "entirely undiscovered type of DNA" What is stopping them from taking it all the way?

Prepare for Kim Jong to be killed

Last night they had him on Mex TV walking back and forth across the border with South Korean president Moon. This may seem like good news on the surface, but it is the last thing in the world the war hawks want.

My prediction is that if Kim Jong does not get assassinated over his recent peaceful gestures, IF he is actually allowed to connect with the world economically, North Korea will be an absolute economic power house.

While cut off economically as a "hermit nation" North Korea managed to successfully launch two satellites and build nukes to more than a basic standard. All designed completely on their own little turf. What is going to happen if their leash is taken off?

I don't think the war hawks will be interested in finding out. I could obviously be wrong - maybe this really is something positive, but I doubt it. It all happened too easily and too suddenly. Something is probably amiss.


Photographer likely robbed of ant eater photo victory

Why would I post about this? Because it annoys me.

Here's the back story - a photographer entered a photo of an ant eater into a high profile wildlife photography contest. After he won, some people stepped forward and claimed he used a taxidermy specimen because there was an ant eater on display in a show case of the park he got the photo in, and they claimed he took that ant eater, posed it, and took a fake shot. The advantage from this would easily produce a win. But there are problems, I am calling it a case of common core stupidity robbing a win.

The people who rescinded his award went on knee jerk comparisons rather than actual analysis. Here is what I observed, that makes me think he won legitimately.

The pose is similar, yes, but not exact. You can't move a taxidermy specimen even a millimeter without breaking it, and the pose is not perfectly the same. It is possible ant eaters take similar poses. Maybe not, but my guess is yes. And the hair patterns on the photo contest ant eater are not identical. From there, anti-common core kicks in.

Obviously he could photoshop a different color pattern. But I have ways of revealing that. It is easy. All you do is drag the photo into an editor, and move the center levels slider. You can also try sharpness adjustments, which make any fakery pop right out. That's not what happened with this photo. Ok, so here it is.

HOW, you may ask, does this have anything to do with reactor 3? Here's the answer.

I got contacted by a reactor engineer who claimed reactor 3 was blown out of the containment by the nuclear weapon that was placed under it, and he sent me a plain as day photo of it. I was biased thinking that would be impossible, and I overlooked it, and he got mad and sent me photos I posted myself, and where reactor 3 was in them. Low and behold, I saw it then, but when I went back through the mail to get his crystal clear photo, that mail was mysteriously missing. A guy in australia then "emergency" messaged me, saying I was mistaken, and it was really a crane, and not reactor 3. But I know a photoshop fake when I see one, and knew the pasted in crane from a "different perspective" was fake. But absent that reactor engineer's photo I could not definitively prove it.

SO I SEARCHED AND SEARCHED, in the drone footage, for one frame of drone footage that was not censored looking back at that area from a different perspective and I found it. PHOTOSHOP BUSTED.

At first, I did an in depth photoshop analysis that proved, like the ant eater photo, that the crane paste in was fake. And I was going to post that. Low and behold, I instead found this photo sequence I did a while ago (but after the photoshop analysis), that has the drone capture that proves that indeed, there never was a crane there, it really was reactor 3. DEAR ZIO TRIBE, YOU GOT BUSTED BY DRONE FOOTAGE YOU DID NOT PROPERLY CENSOR, HERE IT IS.

OK, OK, I carried on for an AWFUL LONG TIME about an ant eater, and rather than post my equal photo analysis of the reactor 3 "crane" that proves it is a paste in, I posted drone footage that proved reactor 3 really was there, and not a crane. Please wait while I try to find that photoshop analysis, because well, after reading about an ant eater, YOU DESERVE TO SEE IT.

I did not find the super detailed photo analysis, but this will do:

BY THIS MEASURE, I DECLARE THE ANT EATER PHOTO REAL. If it is not, the photographer who faked it was a HELL OF A LOT BETTER than the people who tried to pull THIS BULLSHIT:

CONCLUSION: Yes, an ant eater really can stand up to a "crane" at reactor 3, because the ant eater actually existed!

QUESTION: If reactor 3 was laying out in the open at Fukushima, why would the Ziopress cover it up? EASY ANSWER: Because only one thing could have possibly blown it clean out of the containment:


Russia's non GMO wheat now accounts for HALF the wheat in the world

This is new to me. I hit This RT report, which states that Russian exports now account for over half of all the wheat sold around the world, and then I thought, Gee, if I remember right, Russia banned GMO's. One quick search of the topic, and Sure enough, they did.

So I can happily report that over half the world is not stuck eating Monsanto's synthetic and glyphosate ridden CRAP. Sadly, if you are in America, I can't say that's you.


U2's Bono joined with black south africans in a song about killing whites! Here it is.

North Korea nuclear test site collapse

I ignored this, because it has been in the news for six months already. Everyone knew it was coming. And this is probably at least a supplemental reason behind Kim Jong saying he suspended all testing.

No big deal here. All the worries about radioactive releases are bunk. Yes, you might pick something up in China on a 10 digit geiger counter, on the last digit, so you could technically say it was from NK but the amounts of materials used were simply too small to be truly significant, and virtually all of them are now deeply buried.

Kim can find another mountain that already has a tunnel in it and resume. Probably shortly.

The story of Alfie Evans

Alfie Evans is a little British boy who has a brain wasting "disorder" probably caused by tainted vaccines. The family probably does not know vaccines likely caused it, but in relation to what is going on what actually caused it is not very important. The important part of the Alfie Evans story is that it shows how horrible it is when the state gets too powerful. Alfie Evans has been on life support for most of his life, after for unexplained reasons his brain began wasting away at an early age. The british medical system kept him on life support for the past 9 months, and finally decided to pull the plug. In addition to pulling the plug, the doctors got the judge to put out an order disallowing Alfie from being taken anywhere else for treatment.

The Vatican became aware of Alfie, and a fundraiser was launched that produced enough to fully fund medical care in Rome. In conjunction with this, Alfie was given citizenship in Italy to help him escape England. But it was not to be -

Rather than allow Alfie to go to Italy for treatment, the doctors took Alfie off life support, saying he'd die in minutes. That did not happen. Alfie continued breathing and stayed alive and is still alive, but has been denied food by the hospital to force him to die from starvation, rather than a need for life support.

RATIONAL CONCLUSION: Alfie was never sick or dying. He was instead an experiment into brain wasting afflictions fronted by three doctors who don't want him taken elsewhere, where their crimes may be discovered. The British government is in on it, because the courts keep ruling that despite the fact he's fully paid and has citizenship elsewhere, he can't go anywhere else for "treatment".

So they are killing him on purpose with methods that would kill any baby, sick or not. That's what tyranny brings people, not only does this speak out against nationalized health care clearly, it proves that in Britain, the state is a tyranny that does whatever the hell it wants with anyone. Obviously they destroyed this kid themselves, and the don't want what they did to be revealed by a legitimate medical team.

The caravans from Mexico

None of them started in Chiapas. There is no practical way to go from the southern border of Mexico to the northern border in less than six months on foot. These are not organic grass roots caravans, they are funded by wealthy people for political purposes. IF there are any real caravans at all. Most likely they organize five miles from the border MAX and consist of people that are paid to do it.

The Unabomber truly understood the leftist mindset!

The Unabomber actually understood leftism well. Perhaps what he did not know was that at the very top, there were people in control who were not following their own mantra, and were using leftism as a weapon of destruction. I did not read his entire manifesto (I do not have time for that, but this section absolutely nails the leftist psy op:

This is surprisingly archived by The New York Times. That's the first accurate thing I have ever seen them do!


10. By "feelings of inferiority" we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.

11. When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights activists, whether or not they belong to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities and about anything that is said concerning minorities. The terms "negro," "oriental," "handicapped" or "chick" for an African, an Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory connotation. "Broad" and "chick" were merely the feminine equivalents of "guy," "dude" or "fellow." The negative connotations have been attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal rights activists have gone so far as to reject the word "pet" and insist on its replacement by "animal companion." Leftish anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative. They want to replace the world "primitive" by "nonliterate." They seem almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the hypersensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)

12. Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect" terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual white males from middle- to upper-middle-class families.

13. Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)

14. Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.

15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

16. Words like "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative," "enterprise," "optimism," etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone's problems for them, satisfy everyone's needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

17. Art forms that appeal to modern leftish intellectuals tend to focus on sordidness, defeat and despair, or else they take an orgiastic tone, throwing off rational control as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything through rational calculation and all that was left was to immerse oneself in the sensations of the moment.

18. Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist's feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual's ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is "inferior" it is not his fault, but society's, because he has not been brought up properly.

19. The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. [1] But the leftist is too far gone for that. Hisfeelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself.

20. Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists protest by lying down in front of vehicles, they intentionally provoke police or racists to abuse them, etc. These tactics may often be effective, but many leftists use them not as a means to an end but because they PREFER masochistic tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist trait.

21. Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists' hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

22. If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.

23. We emphasize that the foregoing does not pretend to be an accurate description of everyone who might be considered a leftist. It is only a rough indication of a general tendency of leftism.

My comment: Well, he's right. His other topics are a little whacked, but he nailed this one.


NOT supposed to do that! It was still flying the Russian flag after the diplomats based there got expelled. This is a serious violation of international law. SEE THIS.

NEXT: They will find "Trumps ties to Russia in a basement file cabinet!


Twitter is working feverishly to censor all posts about this. #boeverset is still online but there is widespread talk that all photos of what is going on now are getting wiped off Twitter post haste due to the prevalent anti-white agenda in place practically everywhere now.

I could not find this picture at #boerverset, Every link people are posting that is actually showing what is happening now ends up empty when clicked. Why would the people who own these companies censor this if they did not hate whites, and want whites wiped out? They can lie all they want about being "neutral", actions speak louder than words.

As expected, Google is saying zero about the current attacks which can only mean the mister "do no evil" who at least fronted the founding of Google wants this to happen without it being noticed.

Whites in South Africa should all go to Australia and let the black community propser on it's own.


The election rigging for a special election in Arizona failed, a conservative Republican managed to overcome it and won by a few points.

The bad news is that the rigging still happened and no one is being held accountable. Where? That's not possible to know, but there's simply no way liberals came up so enormously in such a short time. This next election will probably be rigged with an AI watching over the e-vote machines to make sure nothing bad happens, and we get communism rammed down our throats come hell or high water.

Predictive programming? Latest avengers ends with a plot of mass genocide

I saw a post from a concerned individual who saw the latest Avengers in Thailand. Here is part of what was posted:

"Guys, I just saw the Avengers movie in Thailand with my son and the ending was so in your face Satanic.

To put it plainly the cabal is planning to murder 1/2 the people in the world for the good of the Earth. Basically all their planning is done and they are going to pull the trigger very, very soon. Expect WWIII to start this year."

So I looked for a spoiler, and this is what this guy is worried about:

The movie ends with Thanos, (who is a character referred to in the early 70's and not used much since) and he was assigned to kill off half of all living in the universe by "Mistress death".

Mistress Death believed that there was a cosmic imbalance in the universe - that there were more living than there were dead. As a result, Death resurrects her loyal servant Thanos, who is appointed the task of killing off half of the population of the universe.

The movie ends with this AFTER the credits roll, it interrupts the credits. it is left as an open hanging theme, and there is a sense with the way it is presented that there will not be another Avenger's movie.

It should be obvious by now that there is a war cabal that wants world war 3 badly, just for the sake of having the war, and the control they can assert when they move in and pick up the pieces. But themes like this are common in comic books, and we know this is a goal of the so-called "elite". We will have to wait and see I guess.

Russia is giving S-300 missiles to Syria for FREE.

A year ago, people were questioning the value of the S-300 because Israel had the codes and could shut it down. However, Russia's old stuff worked just fine in the latest conflict, and if there was still a problem with the S-300 identifying Israeli war planes as "friendly" Russia would have sent Syria more of the old stuff that already worked.

So for a victory in previous petty battles, Israel gave away an enormous secret: They could shut the S-300 down. BAD MOVE. BAD STUPID MOVE. Now they have a real problem, SEE THIS

BLOCKBUSTER: Yulia Skripal was injected with nerve agent 18 days into her coma

From Pravdareport:

Yulia Skripal received toxic chemical injection while in a coma, Russian embassy officials say

The Russian embassy in the United Kingdom said that there were high chances that a toxic chemical was injected into the blood of Yulia Skripal before her blood samples were collected. The Russian Embassy demanded the UK should let Russian medical specialists access the woman.

"Russian citizen Yulia Skripal has been illegally detained by the British authorities since March 4, 2018, and her contacts with us have been blocked," a press secretary of the embassy said. He added that Russian diplomats are concerned about the state of the woman's health and the lack of official information about her. The official added that all statements that British official had made so far could not be considered reliable.

According to the embassy spokesman, Russian specialists, having only the OPCW report, do not have a real picture of the situation and can not analyze the events that have happened in Salisbury. They can not assess the possible involvement of British intelligence services in the Salisbury incident either.

Russian specialists ask more and more questions. For example, it remains unclear how a non-decomposed toxic chemical established by Porton Down was found in a blood sample of one of the victims 18 days after the contact, even though the other victim, who suffered a more serious poisoning, did not show such a phenomenon.

According to him, such an observation was not typical of nerve agents, which may indirectly mean, with a high degree of probability, that a chemical agent had been injected into the blood of Yulia Skripal before her blood samples were collected when she was in a coma.

MY COMMENT: That's what wars are made of. The original post by Pravdareport is HERE this is a serious problem!

There is a high probability Britain will kill both of them to "prove a point", but Yulia did get a call out a couple weeks ago, saying she was OK and her dad was recovering. Whether or not Britain actually kills them will depend only upon whether or not they think they can either frame Russia for causing it, AND them believing they can get away with it.

An interesting read

PressTV did an in depth report about the "industry of Islamophobia". I don't agree with all of this, And PressTV misses a key issue, which is the fact that what they are reporting about is a concerted effort by Jews to divide the world, so world war 3 will go exactly how the "elite" want it to go. They can't have that unless Christians loathe and fear Muslims. The report completely misses the fact that the immigrant situation is a clear act of war by the Jews, to destroy Christian nations. But the report is more correct than most, SEE THIS.

Iran is the world champion in Volley ball

They beat out Russia and took first place, the U.S. placed sixth. Not a bad showing for a nation that gets slandered so much. If Iran was allowed into the Olympics, they'd definitely do well in skiing competitions, Iran has the best snow on earth, and very good ski resorts.

The U.S. was sanctioning Iran, so Iran dumped the dollar

This is yesterday's news now, which I ignored yesterday because Iran has talked about this for so long the topic is worn out. But they actually went and did it, they now trade in Euros. The reason? Because if the U.S. is refusing to trade with Iran, why use American currency to trade with everyone else? The Euro was simply more efficient. Here is their reasoning, from them:

"The move is seen by Iranian officials as a logical and necessary step. The threat of further US sanctions has destabilised Iran's foreign exchange market in recent months. Bank transactions involving the dollar are already difficult for Iran; sanctions have made US banks unwilling to do business with Tehran; foreign firms can be exposed to sanctions if they do Iranian deals in dollars, even if the operations involve non-US branches."

Bottom line? Iran would be stupid to not ditch the dollar, it was threatening their national security because the U.S. was being too much of a jerk. See this.

??!!?? This is circling the web and it is a hoax.

This really was posted to @Queerty but it is a hoax.

Yes the photo is real, and yes they are friends, but as I originally suspected, Hogg is not gay.


I heard you are not feeling well after Barbara died. I have a question:

Was approximately 17 years of a "greatly rewarded" life enough of a benefit to get from 911? That seems like an awful short time. Now that you are on your way out, are you happy about it? I think you might be judged less if you FESS UP! But you probably wont.

911: An event staged by old geezers who figured they'd live forever, and NEVER have to answer for it!

I removed the sodium cesium report because I did not like it.

It read like stupid doom crap and I don't think it will ever be possible to accomodate a sodium cesium bond well enough to have it ever be useful as an explosive. If you could, it would but it is just never going to happen.

Here is a comment that sums it up perfectly, posted to social media: It's mostly bullshit.

Basically if you provide specific unnatural conditions and enough energy you can force things to go into unnatural arrangements.

Hardly amazing and hardly stable

In case you have seen this on the web, here is the abstract that caused it all. I had an error about nitrogen posted for about three minutes in my comment about it also.


The radioactive debris on the beach story happened in Florida, which means it could not have been from reactor 3. I at least stated a most probable suspect as the Chinese space station, with an unregistered reactor.

I don't know how I screwed that up, other than that I am too pressed for time with all the battles I have been fighting lately.

I was wondering why no one else reposted that, HA HA HA, NOT!

If the extreme cold continues, farm crops may fail

We are not there yet, but if the cold does not stop, agriculture will be affected. Well, some of it (orchards) are probably already affected. I am talking corn, soybeans, and vegetables. Wheat probably won't fail.

It is important to note that the summer of 1816 had a great impact in New England, with the rest of the country being relatively spared. So the fact that the late snows are over so much more of the country this time around could be a bad omen, but we don't have the answer yet. It is however time to consider what the growing season will be like.

1816 was "the summer we almost froze to death". It was caused by volcanic eruptions, in conjunction with a sunspot cycle similar to what we are having now. No one knows which one affected the climate more, but the volcanoes were significant. Here is a quote of what this summer was like: The following is edited down from THIS SOURCE

In New England the summer of 1816 included some early June snow, cold nights in both July and August, for example the widespread frost at low level sites around New England on the 8-9th July and the damaging frosts on the 22nd August from interior New England right the way south into North Carolina (Ludlum 1989). There were droughts too and finally killing frosts in September, such as that of the 27th in New England (Ludlum 1976, 1989). This all led to crop failures and food shortages and helped stimulate a move westwards the following year. In both Connecticut and parts of New York State frosts after April are rare, but in 1816 frosts were recorded every month of the year (Lamb 1816, Neil Davids).

Summer temperatures were between slightly below average and 3-5 degrees below average, depending on which source you choose to believe. The most severe cold snap came in early June and killed the vegetable crop in parts of New England, ruining some farmers. This, and a couple of other cold snaps, each just a few days long, has made the summer of 1816 notorious and infamous, hardly surprising given the far reaching consequences of the unseasonable weather. It should also be pointed out that since 1816 it has been just as cold or even colder in each of the summer months but never in consecutive months.

The most notorious part of the infamous summer of '16 was the cold snap in early June. June began promising enough and on the 5th temperatures in New England climbed into the low 30's Celsius, for example Salem, Mass., reached 32C. However, during the afternoon of the 5th thundery showers broke out over New England and later in the day a cold front swept across the region, dragging cold air down from Canada in its wake. The next day, the 6th, was much colder. Some places were as much as 27 degrees colder than the day before (Ludlum 1989), and in parts of Vermont and in Boston temperatures reached little more than 7C (Ludlum 1985, Laskin 1996). Conditions turned colder during the next 2 or 3 days and precipitation that fell became increasingly wintry in nature. On the 7th snow fell over the northern highlands of New England, snow flurries fell in parts of Connecticut and Massachusetts (Ludlum 1976), in Salem and Boston for example, and away from the coast, snow fell in June as far south as 42 degrees north (Lamb 1995). Near Danville, Vermont snowdrifts just over 50cms high were reported (Ludlum 1985). Contemporary reports spoke of prolonged falls of snow, snow settling and lying for a couple of days and very windy weather at times (Ludlum 1985). However, by the 10th and 11th conditions began to improve, although mornings were still frosty.

July 1816 was notable for a lack of warm nights, which, it turns out, are necessary in allowing corn to grow and ripen. Some of the coldest nights were on the 8th and 9th when a light ground frost affected some areas, such as the Upper Connecticut Valley and at Middlebury, Windsor and Williamstown in Vermont (Ludlum 1985). July 1816 was also a very dry month and drought began to affect the harvest in some parts of New England. Moving into August, temperatures were normal for the first two-thirds of the month, and peaked in the low 30's Celsius on the 18th and 19th, whilst connditions remained dry. The passage of an active cold front on the 20th led to a cooling down and a couple of spells of frosty nights during the last third of the month which wiped out crops in some northern parts of New England (Ludlum 1985). Contemporary reports mentioned snow covered mountains in August and the dry, cool conditions of late August persisted through September which ended with a series of crop killing frosts (Ludlum 1985)."

My comment: We are not there yet, however, according to history just because it warms up does not mean we are safe from a very bad growing year, 1816 had plenty of heat waves, the problem was that they were mixed with cold snaps. We are at this point, with all of these late heavy snows, going to have to wait until July to know if the growing season will actually produce as needed.

China stole an underwater Navy drone

The U.S. is upset with China for stealing an intelligence drone the Navy was operating in international waters (but in the South China sea.) And they did it the funniest way, when the drone surfaced for pick up, the Chinese launched a zodiac and plucked it from the water by hand, in full sight of the U.S. Navy ship! SEE THIS.

The Chinese responded to American radio contact, but refused to explain why they took the drone. They then took off.

OPINION: Toronto van attack is "as advertised" this time

Obviously the tech exists to remote control vehicles in assaults like this, but there are too many differences with this event compared to others that were obviously staged.

The biggest glaring difference: The driver is alive, which means we have no patsy. If this was a setup, they would have killed him so he would not be able to talk about it. And he tried to get the cops to shoot him, and they did not. There are also eyewitness testimonies that he was actually driving the vehicle, and was not panicking. If the vehicle was remote controlled he would have been freaking out.

Another thing that indicates this was as advertised is the types of maneuvers the van made. Remote control events will have control delays, and that did not happen with this. Instead he made moves that came extremely close to other vehicles in super crowded traffic, which would not be possible unless the van was being skillfully driven live.

Another thing that indicates this was as advertised is the totally smashed up front end of the van, which would have destroyed any cameras that would have been needed for remote control. There is too much damage there from multiple hits.

Another thing that indicates this was as advertised is the fact that the driver is an immigrant, yet they are not claiming terror, they are saying he was nuts. AN IMMIGRANT. THEY WENT THERE, and Canada is too "politically correct" to allow that, unless what happened absolutely demanded that be mentioned, despite the fact that they are not saying it was terror. Big slap in the face to immigrants, ZERO POLITICAL BENEFIT equals "They were not expecting this, and did not have a 'canned story line' ready."

No patsy, instead a live perpetrator plus precision driving plus multiple smash events that would have wrecked cameras plus zero political gain equals this happened, just as the news says.

FINALLY a major attack event was not a conspiracy. ZERO points given to the false flag crew for not doing this one, no doubt they are already setting up for the next show and when they do it, they'll get dissected here. In this case, nothing to see, even CNN is probably doing accurate reporting.


"Which actions by #HillaryClinton do you think are the most satanic?" Ben Carson replies, "the willingness to kill babies, innocent babies."

There is no California bill banning the bible!

I read the entire bill, yes it talks about "politically sensitive" book restrictions, but not the bible in any way at all, this is a HOAX.

Obviously any Jew that owns a book store or book chain wants the bible out of it, the last time I checked this was in the 90's so I do not know if they got brazen enough to get rid of the bibles by themselves or not.


If you are white and conservative, Google job referrals and virtually all others have unmasked you, and blackballed you from hiring services. You will not appear, or appear and be slandered.

If you are white and conservative, the Jewish community which owns these services has slated you for destruction by doing everything they can to deny you work by back stabbing you in the hiring process. And as it turns out, this is nothing new, they have been doing it for approximately 15 years.

In their attempts to destroy white conservative America, the Jews have rigged their hiring sites to make good and sure only liberals and foreigners can ever get hired. This is the real reason why so many white male professionals cannot find work. This is an act of war, and it has to be worded the way I worded it to make it clear who the attacker is, no response can ever be issued unless you know where an attack came from. Since Jews own virtually all services of this type, credit for this atrocity has to be properly assigned. Fortunately it is getting some exposure now, but this is precisely why such an enormous chunk of America's homeless population is white, male, and professional.

Here it is from Breitbart (though even Breitbart dares not to name the enemy)

Exclusive - Harmeet Dhillon: Silicon Valley 'Actively Trying to Blacklist' Conservatives 'Through Some Hiring Engines'

Wikileaks: "We can't be sued"

Wikileaks response to DNC lawsuit:

"Do you think "we have a right to lie without being exposed by Wikileaks" is really a vote winnier?"

My comment: Very nice. Now let's see Assange do a live chat FROM THE BALCONY. Looks like white hats took it over, but I doubt he's alive

The Onion has switched to reporting seriously, rather than satire. SEE THIS:

DNC Files Lawsuit Alleging Nation Should Never, Ever Stop Focusing On 2016 Election

WASHINGTON-Demanding greater accountability for the race's outcome, the Democratic National Committee reportedly filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit Friday alleging that the nation should never, ever stop focusing on the 2016 presidential election.

"Our lawsuit lays out, in no uncertain terms, that the nation should never under any circumstances move on from the 2016 election results," said DNC chairman Tom Perez, adding that the 66-page lawsuit filed in a New York federal court asserts that the American people must remain solely preoccupied with every little goddamn detail from the 2016 presidential race.

"We're calling on WikiLeaks, Russia, and Trump campaign officials to join the Democratic Party in our efforts to spend the next several years prioritizing endless discussions about potential election interference and what that means for democracy. We believe there was a deliberate effort to throw the race to Donald Trump, and that the American people have a right to publicly re-litigate Hillary Clinton's defeat and promote far - reaching conspiracy theories instead of concentrating on anything remotely politically constructive for the next few decades at least."

A t press time, DNC officials were calling for an emergency legal injunction to block the nation from learning absolutely anything from the 2016 election.


No topic has been trolled into oblivion more than Frazzledrip/pedovore, and all you can find now is it was "confirmed fake" and "a hoax" and "all fronted by one guy who is thoroghly discredited".


DEAR TROLLS: How are you going to feel about this topic when your kid vanishes without a trace?

A woman got an apple on an airplane

She saved it for a connecting flight. She never left the airport. On check in to the next flight, the TSA found the apple, IN THE AIRLINE SNACK BAG, and fined her $500 for illegally transporting produce.

This is not a joke, it is simply how far down the communist rat hole America has fallen. See this

Russia to students abroad: Far Eastern Siberia is better than Britain, come home!

Another case of "you can't make this up", from The Daily Star.

Russian students living in the UK have been urged to return home as tensions between Russia and the UK worsen.

The threat of security problems and "provocations" following the poisoning of spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia mean they should flee now and move to the "wild east" of Russia.

A campaign aimed at bringing home young people studying in the UK and other Western countries has been launched by an official group representing former Soviet states.

They claim there are excellent opportunities in the far east of Siberia instead of London - but the plan has been mocked on social media."

My comment: I double checked to see if this was satire, it is not. Is anyone here old enough to remember when the worst punishment you could ever get would be to be sent to work in Eastern Siberia? Cold as hell? Anyone remember that cold war joke? And THAT IS BETTER THAN BRITAIN??!!?? Maybe for a true Russian patriot!

I would have stuck to saying: We want you to come home for your own safety, and then left out the Siberia part! But no, it was "Come home, we'll be VERY HAPPY to send you to Siberia!"

GOTTA LAUGH: Little Kim Jong to Trump: Stop supporting Israel!

Right after Kim Jong agreed to suspend all nuclear testing including ballistic missile testing, Kim Jong called out Trump for supporting Israel, because Israel is destroying the middle east. HA HA, I hope Kim Jong works that issue into any agreement to keep his nuclear program suspended.

Sometimes the news is absolutely comical, SEE THIS, and I gotta say, sometimes Kim Jong is good for a laugh!

Frazzle drip post removed.

Most everyone saw that post. It is not redacted. However, since the internet is full of hoaxes, I'll give a 5 percent case of "plausible deniability". But I will say this: Some people are definitely hoaxing because the quality of the video is not high enough to give the descriptions or produce the captures people are posting. It is average cell phone quality, where the light is low enough to cause the cell phone to work hard to capture the video. The video is not intentionally degraded. Cell phones simply don't do very good in poor lighting, only "good enough". If you find the real one, that is what it will be. And that matches perfectly with the original claim that Weiner nailed the video for "life insurance". He was Huma's husband. That would be how he was there, using whatever cell phone he had. That explanation fits perfect. It will not be blood curdling freak you out HD. Nuff said, and this post will also be taken down, with the final claim "it could be a hoax, but I DOUBT IT" because well, there is video software that can fake this. Doubt that's the case in this particular case though, because well, you know - "life insurance".


She got labeled a "Russian Bot" by the British government and changed her name! I say that was a bad move, she should change it back to Syrian girl and say to hell with them! No one values what they say anyway, they do not have an "opinion", a lie is not an "opinion", it is just a lie.

Kim Jong giving up nuke and missile testing

Trump calling him "rocket man" must have worked, it cracked little kim. HOW ABOUT THAT TWITTER DIPLOMACY everyone ridicules? How about awarding Trump the peace prize? From CNN:

CNN's Will Ripley, one of the few journalists who regularly reports from the repressive Hermit Kingdom, phoned in to Wolf Blitzer's show on Friday night to cover the breaking news.

"Kim Jong Un has announced to his country and his own people that he has completed his nuclear program, and therefore there is no need to continue developing nuclear weapons," Ripley reported.

"This is an extraordinarily significant development, and frankly a huge win for President Trump going into these discussions, this potential summit, with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un," he continued.

Ripley quoted a North Korean official who had optimistic words about the move: "Finally Kim Jong Un has decided to open up," the source said. "This is a new chapter for the DPRK. He has committed himself to the path of denuclearization and will now focus solely on economic growth and the national economy. Finally he has realized the best path forward is to open up the country and normalize relations

"He is finally being recognized by the international community, and this is an historic, timely opportunity," the North Korean official concluded.

Closing comment: Let's see how well this works when the outcome is a Rothschield central bank!


This is interesting, I never knew nuclear testing videos like this were ever released. The five men were military officers who all volunteered (except one). SEE THIS

Guaranteed: No snowlflake would ever do this. None of the people had any ill effects that are known of, they all died old.

Facebook- NEW INFO: It is worse than anyone realizes


because Facebook may be drawing circles of association, which are needed for a sudden communist crack down. They have all the info they need to take people out in groups. They know who thinks what, and have it permanently recorded, and they know of every place you might run to and everyone you might call during a communist takeover. Facebook goes into your phone without your explicit permission and keeps a record of every SMS you ever sent,drafted messages you never sent, of every call you ever made, how long the call was, all calls received, missed calls, to who, from who, plus in many cases all your bills, when they were paid, every contact you have, plus the ongoing history of every contact you ever had even if you deleted them, lease forms (for property) and anything else you have ever scanned even if it "never got sent over facebook" all of your email contacts, every single social event you ever went to, the birth days of all your friends, and behind your back, every conversation you are having.

Facebook stores data on every single time you log in, including from where, the device you used (smartphone or computer), the network you were on (T-Mobile), and the browser or app you used. Facebook even keeps a record of where you were, and when, and keeps a record of this multiple times every day if your phone has GPS.

Quote: "Facebook has data on where I was dating back to 2014, including multiple locations throughout specific days. Specifically, it showed where I was on Dec. 23, including at my previous apartment in Jersey City, New Jersey, in Times Square and in Chelsea, Manhattan, right down to the specific part of the street I was standing on."

And I would be willing to bet that Facebook has the audio of all your calls as well, but they don't want to put that in your official file. If they have everything else, what would ever stop them?

Why would Facebook be doing this? The obvious answer: Zukerberg is likely setting up an intelligence database to assist in a future crack down, and also to destroy people who are already targeted. We are in the middle of a left/right war, and the left intends to win. Having everyone's data in secret would be the ultimate tool, especially when it even has a record of "what part of a street you were standing on" 4 years ago, plus the location you spent time at previously, plus how long it took you to get from A to B. People were afraid of the government. It looks like Facebook and others are a lot more to worry about, the enemy that owns these companies never got your vote, rigged or not.

Child sacrifice is real, here is the story from someone in my circle of friends

(which I have said on this site with less detail before:)

She was within my circle of friends (and still is, though I have not spoken to her for a very long time) She does not want her name stated in relation to this. She was Mormon. I tried to date her, but she never dated anyone and was always "distant", but you could tell she had a beautiful soul, and she was pretty.

No one knew her secret. She was quiet and respected by people, but always kept a distance. One year, a very good friend of mine (who was closer to her) hired her as an employee. And she opened up to him and told him what went on when she was a child.

As it turned out, her Mormon parents were satanists. Very few Mormons are that way, this is the only case I have ever heard of, so the problem is not exclusively Jewish (though it is very prevalent in that community.)

As a child, she was required by her parents to assist in child murder rituals, that are exactly as described on the internet. She did not want to be a part of it, but parents exert enormous pressure. These rituals were done for power and fortune and they are openly satanic. The people who engage in this lifestyle have a cover religion (in this case Mormon) but behind the curtain they are satanists. And evidently, there are a lot more of these people than the overall public knows about.

I could not figure out why such a beautiful woman was alone. She clearly did not dislike me, she just did not let me close. She did not let anyone close except for one girl, who would step in and speak for her, this girl was always with her. This girl knew the secret, and was not a satanist.

So years later, (and I am talking a LOT of years later) she went to work for a very good friend, opened up, and explained it all. She was badly scarred and felt absolutely horrible about herself for what went on. She did not follow in her parent's footstepts, she withdrew from them. She never dated anyone when she was younger (before age 35 that I know of, and probably more than that) because she felt so bad about herself with what happened.

This is a directly confirmed case that the entire child sacrifice situation is indeed real, virtually ALL people who rise in power do these things, if you make a deal with the devil and prove your conviction by committing acts that will without question land you in hell, Satan will generously reward you in this life, every door will be opened.

including the door to hell.