I just watched a white male bartender try to challenge my wife on her Star Trek knowledge. I'm trying to figure out if he's alt-right or incel or what, because it's this weird aggressive insecurity I'm way too familiar with.
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It's funny when I overhear geeky dick-measuring competitions, knowing I'm a developer that knows a world full of outrageously juicy, awesome insider shit that I'll never share with dweebs like that.
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They'll never know how close they got to someone whose job is literally going behind the scenes everywhere, quietly and invisibly, knowing and working with the people they worship and obsess over.
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And I'm not trying to be a dick here, I'm just saying, every opinionated non-developer with strong bitchy views on games is an open clueless joke among devs that actually know shit and don't share anything cool with rude dweebs.
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And to be extra clear, I love talking with people about geeky stuff and I'm very open and approachable by default. But if you act like Mister Big Swinging Dick and are rude about the geeky stuff I built my life around, quietly freezing you out is a fucking pleasure for me. :)
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Rereading the thread from last night, I could have worded it better and made my point without being as inflammatory. I was out having fun with friends, and I enjoy being playfully bitchy on Twitter. I can understand some of the upset responses, but of course some take it too far.
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I actively hide my geekiness at times for this exact reason. But I’ll slip up by having a T-shirt that shows my fandom and they hone in like sharks to blood. The moment that I hear “real gamers” or “true fans” I peace out before I have to hurt their feelings.
My defense mechanism is to act like I'm just a dirty casual. You want to be geekier than me? Shazam - so you shall be. Well done. You win. Have fun.
hahah! Tom, you're one of the smartest people, so I gotta ask -- any memorable experiences playing it that way? That's glorious.
Only about half of them can tell I'm blatantly lying. But you can see them thinking - how do you even call someone on that? "Bullshit you totally know what you're talking about!" Just doesn't work, you know?
I refer you to any number of emails I’ve sent you over the years:)
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Indeed, especially when female. They often try to lecture you immediately, if you worked on a game they liked they blame any issues with the game on you, and if they ever realize you're not straight or not interested in them, they can turn outright violent.
omg, absolutely! Being a woman on the receiving end of that is SO much worse.
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This makes me sad, I really hope I have never stopped someone from talking about the things I like because I was spouting off bullshit. I would like to believe I wasn't though.
If you've given any thought at all to how you come off to others, you're way ahead of the game. :)
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How I feel about guys who think they know MMA ..
Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
>Thinks himself better than others >Looks like Groucho Marx
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White bois are fuckin wild.
Though in tech, it tends to be a broader “cis bois are wild.” Just hearing about my husband’s coworkers sets my teeth on edge.
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