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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Feb 14

    My new piece for : Israel's Deepening Involvement with Syria's Rebels

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  2. The areas under the control of Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army factions, both northern Aleppo and Efrin, are experiencing severe law and order problems despite the lack of regime airstrikes on these regions (due to presence of Turkish troops).

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  3. 2 civilians killed in clashes in the city of al-Bab, northern Aleppo, between members of the al-Waki tribe & Ahrar al-Sharqiya rebel faction after members of the tribe assaulted the rebels & then refused to hand over the attackers to the police

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  4. Members of the Hezbollah and Amal parties/militias assault the central HQ of Hariri's Future Movement in Beirut

  5. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    Israel, quite tellingly, again erred in over-assessing Arab, Islamic and European support it would gain - even in a secret vote.

  6. Retweeted
    6 hours ago

    Among the countless people detained in Syria's prisons facing torture, abysmal conditions, and often execution are many women. One lived to tell.

  7. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    בורות זה כוח, וחוק שנועד להכניס אנשים לכלא לכל חייהם ללא יכולת להתנגד, לאפשר למתנחלים דתיים לגנוב כי סבורים שהם גזע נבחר, ולבטל למעשה כל יכולת של פרט להתנגד לעריצות רוב - "דמוקרטיה".

  8. Video posted by a pro-regime Facebook page accidentally documents Assad regime fighters looting the Palestinian Yarmouk camp. Level of destruction in the camp is immense. (watch toward the end of the video)

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  9. A woman aboard a bus forcibly displacing her from her home in Yalda, south of Damascus, after years under regime siege. Photo by: Rami al-Sayed, AFP

  10. Palestinian activists are reporting that several civilians, including women & children, were killed in an Assad regime airstrike on Street 15 in the Yarmouk Camp. The intensity of the bombardment is preventing the retrieval of the bodies/survivors (Ar)

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  11. Some useful insights, including the documentation of the arrival of thousands of Syrians forcibly displaced from their homes to Efrin

  12. Retweeted
    16 hours ago

    The third letter is the most stunning: chronicle of a death foretold.

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  14. Unless winning is redefined as merely inflicting more casualties and damage on the adversary, the Israeli Army hasn't won a war since 1967

  15. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Wow: Trump team "hired an Israeli private intelligence agency to orchestrate a 'dirty ops' campaign against key individuals from the Obama administration who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal"

  16. An explosion that killed 6 Hamas militants. Initial reports suggested it was a "work accident"

  17. Residents of Kuran, Efrin, staged a protest today against the abuses by rebel factions ruling them after Ahrar a-Sham fighters beat a child from the village. This is the 2nd such protest in Efrin over the past week.

  18. Protesters in Syria have now been fired on by the Assad regime (which killed thousands of protesters), Jabhat al-Nusra/HTS, the YPG, ISIS, Jaysh al-Islam, Faylaq al-Rahman (FSA) and now Turkish troops.

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  19. Today, residents of al-Bab held a demonstration against Firqat al-Hamza and the poor security situation in al-Bab Turkish troops intervened & fired at protesters, injuring 1 of them

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  20. The commander of the group was arrested and brought out in public and was beaten by the hospital staff whom he assaulted (video)

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  21. Yesterday, an FSA faction, Firqat al-Hamza, announced that it has severed relations with a commander in the group & his fighters who stormed a hospital in al-Bab, Aleppo & kidnapped a nurse

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