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Peirceの1908幎の論文「䞍思議な迷宮―結論郚」("Some Amazing Mazes: Conclusion")に面癜い䞀節があるので、日本語に蚳しおみた。原文のpp. 463-64からの抜粋である。

But on analyzing carefully the idea of Time, I find that to say it is continuous is just like saying that the atomic weight of oxygen is 16, meaning that that shall be the standard for all other atomic weights. The one asserts no more of Time than the other asserts concerning the atomic weight of oxygen;—that is, just nothing at all. If we are to suppose the idea of Time is wholly an affair of immediate consciousness, like the idea of royal purple, it cannot be analyzed and the whole inquiry comes to an end. If it can be analyzed, the way to go about the business is to trace out in imagination a course of observation and reflection that might cause the idea (or so much of it as is not mere feeling) to arise in a mind from which it was at first absent. It might arise in such a mind as a hypothesis to account for the seeming violations of the principle of contradiction in all alternating phenomena, the beats of the pulse, breathing, day and night. For though the idea would be absent from such a mind, that is not to suppose him blind to the facts. His hypothesis would be that we are, somehow, in a situation like that of sailing along a coast in the cabin of a steamboat in a dark night illumined by frequent flashes of lightning, and looking out of the windows. As long as we think the things we see are the same, they seem self-contradictory. But suppose them to be mere aspects, that is, relations to ourselves, and the phenomena are explained by supposing our standpoint to be different in the different flashes. Following out this idea, we soon see that it means nothing at all to say that time is unbroken. For if we all fall into a sleeping-beauty sleep, and time itself stops during the interruption, the instant of going to sleep is absolutely unseparated from the instant of waking; and the interruption is merely in our way of thinking, not in time itself.



【メモ】 Vincenzo De Risi / Geometry and Monadology: Leibniz's Analysis Situs and Philosophy of Space


That space is actually constituted by points, though here abstractly meant as terms of situational relations, is perhaps the highest result of Leibniz’s geometrical investigation and, at the same time, it also marks the core of Leibniz’s theory of phenomenal expression. It shows in fact that a set of non-spatial relations (such as those occurring between monads) can be isomorphic to (“expressed by”) a set of situational relations that per se suffice to produce phenomenal extension and thus, ultimately, faithfully represent the supersensible through the sensible. (p. xii)

Chapter I. Historical Survey

"Having thoroughly inquired, I have found that two things are perfectly similar when they cannot be discerned other than by compresence, for example, two unequal circles of the same matter could not be discerned other than by seeing them together, for in this way we can well see that the one is bigger than the other. You may object: I shall measure the one today, the other tomorrow, and thus I will discern them even without seeing the two of them together. But I say that this still is a way of discerning them not by memory, but by compresence: because the measure of the first one is not stored in your memory, for magnitudes cannot be retained by memory, but in a material measure marked off on a ruler or some other thing. In fact, if all of the things in the world affecting us were diminished by one and the same proportion, it is evident that nobody could make out the change." (Letter to Jean Gallois, September 1677; GM I.180, A III.ii.227-28, A II.i.380) (pp. 58-59)

Chapter II. Geometry

He [Leibniz] says that two figures are congruent not only provided they are only distinguishable through the simultaneous perception of them (which would be the similarity definition), but also provided such a perception requires the presence of a third object (which was not a condition for similarity). For example, two spheres are similar, for you can distinguish them only by seeing them both simultaneously (otherwise, seen one at a time, they prove totally indiscernible). Furthermore, if they are also congruent, you can distinguish them only through their reciprocal situation (one being on the right, the other on the left), which calls in the use of a reference element external to the two spheres such as, for instance, a third object that fixes right and left, or proximity and distance, or an ideal object such as given set of coordinates (Specimen Geometriae luciferae, GM VII.275) (p. 143)

On the notion of homogony and in general on the importance of motion in the foundation of the continuum, Cassirer has forcefully insisted in his Leibniz' System: «Man begreift jedoch, dass es fÃŒr Leibniz schwierig sein musste, die reine Auffassung der KontinuitÀt, die er zunÀchst am Problem der VerÀnderung gewonnen hatte, auch dann festzuhalten, wenn er fÃŒr die Definition vom Sein der Ausdehnung ausging. Denn gerade dies erwies sich als das Originale von Leibniz' Gedanken, dass er die Unmöglichkeit zeigt, die Stetigkeit als Eigenschaft an einem gegebenen Sein erschöpfend zu bestimmen. Erst aus dem Gesetz des Werdens verstehen wir das Kontinuum. Die Unbestimmtheit, die wir auch in Kants Definition noch fanden, lÀsst sich gleichfalls darauf zurÃŒckfÃŒhren, dass Kant die KontinuitÀt hier noch als Eigenschaft der Grösse, nicht als Prinzip ihrer Entstehung sucht.» [It is understood, however, that it would be difficult for Leibniz to maintain the pure notion of continuity, which he had first gained from the problem of change, even if he had assumed the definition of being as extension. For precisely this proved to be the originality of Leibniz's thinking: that he showed the impossibility of exhaustively determining continuity as a property of a given being. Only from the law of Becoming can we understand the continuum. The indeterminacy which we have also found in Kant's definition can also be attributed to the fact that Kant seeks continuity here as a property of magnitude rather than a principle of its origin.] (Werke, vol. 1, p. 167). Here we need however to remark that, no matter how much you look into kinematics, never will you extract from it nor from its metaphysical foundation even the least proof that it should be continuous. Nor let us be deceived by the fact that Leibniz has assumed it to be true since his young years for definition purposes («motus est mutatio situs continua»), as he should then demonstrate (and he does not) that a continuous change of situation is also possible, which is untrue if one assumes space to be discontinuous. The answer Cassirer seems to suggest to such a puzzle is that continuity of motion is however dynamically founded, i.e. founded on the continuity of force, which in turn may be founded on the continuity of monadic activity. Yet, it is precisely in this way that one goes out of kinematics and thus geometry, so that all objections about using motion in geometry present themselves again—in fact motion cannot be used in geometry because the continuity of changes of a monad is (perhaps) only a contingent one. Hence, it is not motion in itself, let alone the motion generated by the system of forces, that can guarantee continuity of space, but rather, as already suggested, some transcendental operation of production of space. (pp. 184-85n)

Chapter III. Phenomenology

"That is said to express a thing in which there are relations [habitudines] which correspond to the relations of the thing expressed. But there are various kinds of expression; for example, the model of a machine expresses the machine itself, the projective delineation on a plane expresses a solid, speech expresses thoughts and truths, characters express numbers, and an algebraic equation expresses a circle or some other figure. What is common to all these expressions is that we can pass from a consideration of the relations in the expression to a knowledge of the corresponding properties of the thing expressed. Hence it is clearly not necessary for that which expresses to be similar to the thing expressed, if only a certain analogy is maintained between the relations." (G VII: 263–64) (p. 298)

What most matters here about the relational character of the distinctive properties of monads is that an isomorphism which fully or partly expresses intermonadic relations as relations occurring between representational elements whatsoever is clearly a faithful isomorphism, in the sense that beyond such relations there is nothing else that may further characterize monads. In other words, saying that a perceptual isomorphism expresses the relations between monads is equivalent to saying that it expresses monads themselves, because monads consist in those relations or, at least, are perfectly individuated by them. Leibniz's substance, as it were, ends up as a function. (p. 323)

As however supersensible and phenomenal elements, at least in their distinctive features, are reducible to two sets of relations, an isomorphism for which all relations between monads are preserved would only express the logical identity between the noumenal world and the phenomenal one—hence, it would radically deny any phenomenalism. As we can see, some relations must exist that are not preserved by the situational isomorphism or at least (distributive) by the totality of homomorphisms. (p. 326)

[M]ost divergences between Critical Idealism and Leibnizean Phenomenalism can be reduced to the following. In Leibniz, the relation between phenomena and noumena is regulated by a structural morphism, whereas in Kant by a simply functional relation (not a determination, but only the ground of it, the Bestimmungsgrund). Thus, for example, no real intentionality can be recognized in Berkeley's idealism, because here, owing to the lack of any partial isomorphism, the noumenal world is simply overruled (i.e., identified with the phenomenal one): «But, say you, though the ideas themselves do not exist without the mind, yet there may be things like them, whereof they are copies or resemblances, which things exist without the mind in an unthinking substance. I answer, an idea can be like nothing but an idea; a colour or figure can be like nothing but another colour or figure.» (Treatise, §8). It is evident that here Berkeley deals with similarity in a most ingenious way and without having the notion of a structural identity that can be preserved beyond material distinctions of genus between phenomena and noumena. What he misses is the very concept of expression. Relevantly, even though no morphism is involved in Kantian philosophy, some functional relationship however subsists there linking a phenomenon to the thing-in-itself. (p. 327)

[T]he limited expressivity of the perceptual isomorphism—which is required in order to establish a distance between phenomena and noumena—finds its further specifications in certain limits of aesthetic comprehension. Furthermore, as it is the only representational content distinguishing monads from one another, only the limitedness of aesthetic comprehension guarantees the possibility for a plurality of substances to be determined, which substances at this point can be distinguished through the different limits of their aesthetic comprehension. In effect, since monads also express such a difference phenomenally through each one's different situs, the most accurate specification of the limits of their finite aesthetic comprehension is to be found in the situation of the phenomenon that expresses the representing monad. Clearly, a monad superordinated to another one will have a broader aesthetic comprehension. We have arrived thus at Leibniz's well-known simile of a town multiplied perspectively. ... [E]ach sight sees the whole town (however variously deformed according to different points of view)—which means that it is not different isomorphisms we are dealing with here, but just one isomorphism variously specified into different homomorphisms. (p. 334)

[I]n order for the various (real) homomorphisms to be determined as genuinely expressive, i.e., referred to a unique intentional object (the noumenal world as a given set of relations), or also, say, as harmoniously perceptual homomorphisms, the ideal isomorphism needs to be determined as a regulative limit of the set of such homomorphisms. It plays actually no other role, in Leibniz's system, than that of an indispensable ideal unity that makes universal harmony possible. (pp. 339-40)

"In fact, even though a circle of a foot [pedalis], one of half a foot [semipedalis], etc., all are different between them, no definition of a foot can nevertheless be given, but there must be some fixed and permanent sample; this is why usually measures are made of a long-lasting material, and it has even been suggested that the Egypt Pyramids, which have lasted for many centuries and presumably will still last for a very long time, be employed for this purpose. Thus, as long as we assume that neither the globe of the Earth nor the motions of stars are significantly to change, our descendants will be able to recognize the same quantity of the Earth's degrees as we have. And if any forms keep their sizes throughout the world and the centuries, as is the case, according to many, with the cells of a honeycomb, these may also provide a constant measure. And as long as we assume that nothing is going significantly to change in the causes of gravity and the motions of the stars, our descendants will be able to learn about our measures through a pendulum. If on the contrary, as I have already said elsewhere, God changed everything and yet preserved the proportions, every measure would fail us, nor could we ever know exactly how much things have changed, because measure cannot by any means be defined, nor can it be kept by memory: and its real preservation is necessary. From this argument, I think, the difference between size and form, or between quantity and quality, appears most clearly." (Specimen Geometriae luciferae, GM VII.276) (pp. 356-57)

"If we conceive of two points existing together, and wonder why we say that they exist together, we will think that this is so either because they are perceived together or because it is just possible to perceive them together. When we perceive an object as existent, for this reason we perceive it in space, that is, we perceive that an indefinite number of other objects absolutely indiscernible from it can exist. Or, still in other words: we perceive that such an object can move, and thus come to be either in one place or in another one; but, since it cannot exist in a plurality of places at the same time, nor can it move in just one instant, this is why we perceive this place as continuous." (Characteristica geomterica §108) (p. 412)
→ もし運動がなければ空間もない

"There is, moreover, a definite order in the transition of our perceptions when we pass from one to the other through intervening ones. This order, too, we can call a path. But since it can vary in infinite ways, we must necessarily conceive of one that is most simple, in which the order of proceeding through determinate intermediate states follows from the nature of the thing itself, that is, the intermediate stages are related in the simplest way to both extremes. If this were not the case, there would be no order and no reason for distinguishing among coexisting things, since one could pass from one given thing to another by any path whatever. It is this minimal path from one thing to another whose magnitude is called distance."(Initia rerum mathematicarum metaphysica, GM VII.25) (p. 423)
→ 二点間の移行のしやすさの床合いを「距離」ず呌ぶ。

Chapter IV. Metaphysics

In many places we read that the possible must possess an internal tendency to existence, without which nothing would ever exist (De rerum Originatione radicali G VII.303) (p.440)



私のask.fmで行われた、パヌスの「第二性」抂念に関する䞀連のやりずりを以䞋にたずめおおきたす。やりずりのきっかけずなったのは、パヌスbot (@peirce_bot)による次のツむヌトです


C.S.Peirce@peirce_botによる次のツむヌトの原文ず出兞を教えおください 「このもの性」を「個䜓性」ず呌ぶのは事態の片偎面しか捉えおいない。 たた、双䜓性でペアを考えるずきに、ある個䜓に察する別の個䜓ずしお、パヌスはどのようなものを考えおいたのですか

出兞は1898幎ケンブリッゞ連続講矩の初期草皿である「8぀の講矩のアブストラクト」("Abstracts of 8 Lectures")ずいう手皿MS 942です。New Elements of Mathematics Vol. 4, pp. 135-36にありたす。原文は"The word individuality applied to thisness involves a one-sided conception of the matter, as if unity and segregation were its characteristic. But this is not so. [...] The true characteristic of thisness is duality; and it is only when one member of the pair is considered exclusively that it appears as individuality."










物理化孊的な珟象は、第二性ではないのですか 䟋えば、玉突きの球が反応するずか。たた生物でも、刺激に察しお盎接的反応するずか。もちろん、そこに法則性などで解釈すれば第䞉性でしょうが、珟象そのものは第二性なのでは


パヌスのテクストを芋おみたしょう。䞀぀目はBaldwin's Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychologyのために圌が執筆した「個䜓」(individual)の定矩です「個䜓ずは反発するものである。぀たりいく぀かの事物に察しお反発し、そしお私の意志に察しお反発するかもしれない、あるいはもし実際ず違ったこずが起きおいれば反発しただろう、ずいったあり方をしたものである」("an individual is something which reacts. That is to say, it does react against some things, and is of such a nature that it might react, or have reacted, against my will." CP 3.613, 1901)

たず埌半の" ... is of such a nature that it might react, or have reacted, against my will"ずいう䞀節を説明したす。ここでパヌスが蚀っおいるのは、個䜓がたずえ珟に今・ここ、私の意志に察しお反発しおいないくおも、「未来においお反発するかもしれない」ずいう予枬や、「もしかくかくしかじかの条件が敎っおいれば反発しただろう」ずいう反実仮想が成立するずいうこずです。䟋えば、珟に私の目の前で火は燃えおいたせんが、もし火が燃えおいお、私がその䞭に手を入れたずするず、私の意志に関わらずきっず火傷するだろうず信じおいたす。぀たり、火は珟に私の意志に察しお反発しおいなくおも、ノァヌチャルに私の意志に察しお反発しおいるわけですvirtualの本来のラテン語の意味で。

しかし、パヌスは"it does react against some things"ずも蚀っおいたす。぀たり個䜓は私の意志だけでなく、他の事物に察しおも反発するずいうこずです。私の意志ぞの反発はその特殊なケヌスずしお考えるべきでしょう。ただこれだけだずあたり参考にならないので、次は1898幎の「8぀の講矩のアブストラクト」("Abstracts of 8 Lectures")から匕甚しおみたす。すべおの可胜な事態は同時に可胜共可胜ではないこずを論じた埌で、パヌスは次のように蚀っおいたす

「では、出来事の論理が芁請するのは䜕か客芳的に仮説的な結果ずしお芁請されるのは、恣意的に遞択されたいく぀かの可胜性が、他の可胜性を締め出すずいうこずである。これが存圚、即ちいく぀かの性質の偶然的な組み合わせによる、他の組み合わせに察する恣意的で盲目的な反発である。 存圚のこのもの性は、意識に察する反発ず、他の可胜性が同様に意識に察しお反発しないように締め出すこずに存する。」("What then does the logic of events require? What is required, as an objectively hypothetic result, is that an arbitrary selection of them [possibilities] should crowd out the others. This is existence, the arbitrary, blind, reaction against all others of accidental combinations of qualities. [...] The thisness of it [existence] consists in its reacting upon the consciousness and crowding out other possibilities from so reacting." NEM 4.135)

぀たり反発は可胜性同士の間で起きるずいうこずです。質問の䞭にある玉突きの䟋で考えおみたす。ある玉がある䜍眮Xにある事態ず、別の玉が同じ䜍眮Xにある事態は、いずれも可胜だが、同時に可胜共可胜ではないずしたす。䜍眮Xに䞀方の玉を固定しおおいお、それに向けお他方の玉を転がすず、電気的な斥力で玉同士は反発するわけですが、ここで起きおいるのは、共可胜でない事態぀たり䞡方の玉が同じ䜍眮Xにあるずいう事態からの䞀方の可胜性の締め出し(crowding out)です。これが「珟実化」(actualization)の䜜甚です。パヌスの匕甚にあるように、珟実存圚を特城付けるのは意識あるいは意志に察する反発だけでなく、他の可胜性が同様に意識に察しお反発しないように締め出すずいう䜜甚です。これをたずめお「第二性」ず呌んでいるわけです。





私は仕事でパヌスの批刀版著䜜集、Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Editionの第9巻近刊の蚻釈を執筆しおいるのだが、科孊史に関する1892–1893幎のロヌりェル連続講矩の䞭でパヌスが面癜い話をしおいるので、それを玹介したい。

叀代゚ゞプトの数孊文曞に「リンド数孊パピルス」(Rhind Mathematical Papyrus; 以䞋RMP)ずいうのがある。玀元前1650幎頃にアヌメスずいう曞蚘官が筆写したパピルスだが、冒頭の蚘述によるず、第12王朝のアメン゚ムハト2䞖の時代に遡る、今は倱われおしたったより叀いテクストを曞き写したものらしい。珟代の゚ゞプト孊ではアメン゚ムハト2䞖の治䞖は玀元前19䞖玀䞭頃ずされおいるから、RMPのオリゞナルもその頃に成立したこずになる。



1         2801
2         5602
4         11204
蚈     19607


家        7
猫        49
錠        343
スペルト小麊  2401
ヘカト      16807
蚈        19607

二぀目の衚では7の倍数が5぀列挙され、その和が瀺されおいる。珟代の甚語で蚀えば公比が7の幟䜕玚数の和の、項数が5の堎合を求めおいるのだ。こう考えれば䞀぀目の衚の意味も分かる。幟䜕玚数の和は、初項をa、公比をr、項数をnずすればa(rn - 1)/(r - 1)だから、a = 7、r = 7、n = 5のずき、和は7(75 - 1)/(7 - 1) = 7(16807 - 1)/6 = 7 * 2801ずなる。したがっお䞀぀目の衚は、幟䜕玚数の和の公匏を䜿っお和を蚈算しおいるこずが分かる。玀元前19䞖玀に幟䜕玚数の和の公匏が知られおいたずいうのは驚くべき事実だが、気になるのは二぀目の衚の数字の暪にある「家」、「猫」、「錠」ずいった蚀葉である。RMPを初めお出版したドむツの゚ゞプト孊者August Eisenlohrは、パピルスの筆者が意図しおいたのは次のような問題なのではないかず掚枬しおいる「7぀の家があり、それぞれの家に7匹の猫がおり、それぞれの猫は7匹の錠を食べ、それぞれの錠は7穂のスペルト小麊を食べ、それぞれのスペルト麊の穂は7ヘカトの麊を産出するヘカトは叀代゚ゞプトの䜓積の単䜍。ではこれらのものの合蚈はいくらか」蚻釈2。

幟䜕玚数の和の問題がペヌロッパで再び登堎するのは、13䞖玀初頭のフィボナッチピサのレオナルドのLiber Abaciたで埅たねばならないが、興味深いこずに、フィボナッチもRMPずほが同じ仕方で問題を提瀺しおいるのである蚻釈3

Septem uetule uadunt romam; quarum quelibet habet burdones 7; et in quolibet burdone sunt saculi 7; et in quolibet saculo panes 7; et quilibet panis habet cultellos 7; et quilibet cultellus habet uagines 7. Queritur summa omnium predictorum. ロヌマぞ向かう7人の老いた女性がいる。それぞれの女性は7匹の隟銬を連れおおり、それぞれの隟銬は7぀の倧袋を運んでおり、それぞれの倧袋には7斀のパンが入っおおり、それぞれのパンには7本の包䞁が付いおおり、それぞれの包䞁は7本の鞘の入っおいる。さお、女性、隟銬、倧袋、パン、包䞁、鞘、これらを党郚足したらいく぀あるか
しかも公比7たで芋事にRMPず䞀臎しおいるもちろん、フィボナッチがRMPの問題を知っおいたずは考えられない。さらに、むギリスの有名な䌝承童謡に「セむント・アむノズに向かっおいたずころ」(As I was going to St. Ives)ずいうのがある。この童謡は次のような「なぞなぞ」の圢になっおいる

As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives,
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were there going to St. Ives?

ここでもRMPやLiber Abaciず党く同じような問題が提瀺されおいる。さらに蚀えば、むギリスの別の童謡に「これはゞャックが建おた家」(This is the House that Jack Built)ずいうのがある。その冒頭の郚分は次のようになっおいる

This is the house that Jack built. This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. This is the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. これはゞャックが建おた家。 これはゞャックが建おた家にある麊芜。 これはゞャックが建おた家にある麊芜を食べた錠。 これはゞャックが建おた家にある麊芜を食べた錠を殺した猫。

ここでは、RMPの第79問にも登堎した「家」、「麊」、「錠」、「猫」が出おくる。もちろんこれだけで確定的なこずは䜕も蚀えないが、さきほどのLiber Abaciの問題にしおも、「セむント・アむノズに向かっおいたずころ」にしおも、「これはゞャックが建おた家」にしおも、単なる偶然で片付けるにはあたりにも奇劙な䞀臎ではなかろうか。


蚻釈1 以䞋の日本語蚳は、Arnold Buffum Chaceによる1927幎の英蚳、The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus: The British Museum 100057 and 100058, Vol. 1 (Oberlin, OH: Mathematical Association of America, 1927), p. 112に基づいおいる。

蚻釈2 August Eisenlohr, Ein mathematisches handbuch der alten Aegypter (Papyrus Rhind des British Museum), Vol. 1 (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1877), pp. 202–4.

蚻釈3 Scritti di Leonardo Pisano matematico del secolo decimoterz, Vol. 1 (Roma: Tipografia delle Scienze Mathematiche e Fisiche, 1857), p. 311.




01 新しいカテゎリヌ衚に぀いお1867
02 論理的内包ず倖延に぀いお1867


03 人間に備わっおいるずされるいく぀かの胜力に関する問い1868
04 四胜力の吊定のいく぀かの垰結1868
05 論理法則の劥圓性の諞根拠四胜力の吊定のさらなる諞垰結1869

06 ブヌルの論理蚈算の諞抂念の拡匵から垰結する、関係の論理孊の蚘法の説明1870
07 フレむザヌ『バヌクリヌ著䜜集』1871
08 論理孊の諞原理によっお提起される、新しい皮類の芳察に぀いお1877


09 信念の固定化1877
10 我々の芳念を明晰にする方法1878
11 偶然の孊説1878
12 垰玍の確率1878
13 自然の秩序1878
14 挔繹・垰玍・仮説1878


15 代数論理に぀いお1880
16 䞀定項のブヌル代数1880-1881
17 数の論理に぀いお1881
18 論理孊の孊習に関する入門講矩1882
19 蚭蚈ず偶然1883-1884
20 感芚の埮小な差異に぀いお1885
21 代数論理に぀いお蚘法の哲孊ぞの貢献1885
22 アメリカのプラトンロむス『哲孊の宗教的偎面』曞評1885
23 䞀、二、䞉思考ず自然の根源的カテゎリヌ1885
24 䞀、二、䞉カント的カテゎリヌ1886
25 アラン・マルクアンド宛お曞簡1886
26 謎ぞの掚量1887-1888
27 䞉項分立法1888


28 理論の建築孊1890
29 必然䞻矩の孊説の吟味1891
30 粟神の法則初期草皿1892
31 粟神の法則1892
32 人間の鏡のような本性1892
33 進化的愛1893


34 連続䞻矩に照らした魂の䞍死1893
35 可謬䞻矩・連続性・進化1893
36 カテゎリヌ『掚論の技法』第䞀章1893
37 蚘号ずは䜕か『掚論の技法』第二章1894
38 スピノザ『゚チカ』曞評1894
39 掚論䞀般に぀いお1895
40 無限小の問いMS S14 1895?
41 数孊の論理私のカテゎリヌを内偎から展開する詊み1896
42 再生された論理孊1896
43 倚数性ず連続性に぀いおMS 281897
44 出来事の論理1898
45 八぀の講矩のアブストラクト1898


46 第䞀講矩哲孊ず生掻の営み
47 第二講矩掚論の皮類
48 第䞉講矩関係の論理孊
49 第四講矩論理孊の第䞀芏則
50 第五講矩掚論の蚓緎
51 第六講矩因果ず力
52 第䞃講矩習慣
53 第八講矩連続性の論理


54 ルヌノィ゚『新・モナドロゞヌ』曞評1899
55 無限小1900
56 ピア゜ン『科孊の文法』曞評1901
57 自然法則1901
58 叀代文献、特に蚌蚀から歎史を匕き出す際の論理に぀いお1901
59 科孊ず自然類に぀いお『现密論理孊』第二章1901
60 ロむス『䞖界ず個人』曞評1902


61 第䞀講矩プラグマティズムの栌率
62 第二講矩珟象孊に぀いお
63 第䞉講矩カテゎリヌ擁護
64 第四講矩圢而䞊孊の䞃぀の䜓系
65 第五講矩䞉぀の芏範科孊
66 第六講矩意味の本性
67 第䞃講矩アブダクションの論理ずしおのプラグマティズム


68 第䞀講矩䜕が掚論を健党にするかMS 448/449
69 第二講矩存圚グラフ・アルファ郚ずベヌタ郚MS 455/456
70 第䞉講矩数孊ず論理孊MS 459
71 第四講矩存圚グラフ・ガンマ郚MS 467


72 諞科孊の分類・抂芁
73 様々な論理的抂念
74 確定されおいる限りでの、䞉項関係の名称ず分類
75 存圚グラフ芏玄

76 カむナ・ストむケむア新・原論1904



77 プラグマティズムずは䜕か1905
78 プラグマティシズムの諞垰結1905
79 プラグマティシズムの基盀MS 283 1905
80 プラグマティシズムの基盀MS 280 1905
81 プラグマティシズムの匁明ぞのプロレゎメナ1906
82 ファネロスコピヌあるいは抂念の自然史1906
83 ファネロスコピヌ1906
84 プラグマティシズムの匁明の第䞀郚1908
85 プラグマティシズムの䞋の岩盀1908

86 論理的研究の道具ずしおの存圚グラフMS 498 1906
87 存圚グラフの最近の進展ず、論理孊にずっおのその諞垰結MS 490, 1906)
88 プラグマティズム1907幎草皿
89 これたで無芖されおきた、神の実圚論蚌1908
90 連続性に関するノヌトず補遺1908
91 連続性に関する远蚘1908
92 連続性に関する補遺1908
93 「偶然の孊説」ぞの远蚘MS 703, 1910
94 ポヌル・ケむラス宛お曞簡8月、1910
95 「䞉」ずいう数字に察しお迷信的ないし空想的な重芁性を付䞎し、物事の分類を䞉分法ずいうプロクルヌステヌスの寝台に匷いおいるのではないか、ずいうあり埗べき疑惑に察する著者の返答1910
96 掚論を通しおの保障挔繹的掚論MS 670 1911
97 安党性ず豊穣性においお掚論を改善するこずぞ向けおの゚ッセむ1913


98 ノィクトリア・りェルビヌ女史宛お曞簡
99 りィリアム・ゞェむムズ宛お曞簡
100 フェルディナンド・シラヌ宛お曞簡
101 パヌスの執筆による蟞曞項目










かなり駆け足の説明になっおしたったので、以前執筆した"The Perspectivism of Leibniz's Monadology"ずいう論文を貌っおおきたす。ラむプニッツのモナド論を心身問題の芳点から論じおいたす英語ですが。興味がありたしたらどうぞ。



盲人ず聟者の二人の男がいるず想定しおみよう。盲人の方は殺害の宣告を聞き、銃声を聞き、そしお被害者の悲鳎を聞く。聟者の方はその珟堎を芋おいる。二人の感芚経隓は、それぞれの固有性によっおこれ以䞊ないほど巊右されおいる。感芚から埗られる最初の情報、぀たり最初の掚論は、もう少し䌌たものになるだろう。䟋えば䞀方は倧声を䞊げる男の芳念、そしお他方は脅迫的な面盞の男の芳念を持぀かもしれない。しかし二人の最終的な結論、぀たり感芚から最も隔たった考えは同䞀であり、それぞれの特有性からくる䞀面性から独立である。したがっお、すべおの問題には真の解、最終的な結論があり、これぞ向かっおすべおの人間の意芋は垞に収斂しおいるのである。(EP1: 89)





確率論や情報理論に、二぀の倉数間の盞互䟝存の床合いを衚す尺床ずしお盞互情報量(mutual information)ずいう抂念があるが、䞊の情報の定矩は、二぀の点においお盞互情報量の抂念を拡匵したものである。䞀぀は、AずBを「倉数」に限定しない点。䞀般に、Xが倉数であるためには、Xの取り埗る倀が䞀぀のクラスを圢成しおいる必芁があるが、䞊の情報の定矩ではA、Bずもにsui generisであっおも構わない。





最埌に、情報の「圢盞付䞎」ずしおの偎面に぀いお。英語のinformationの語源を遡れば、「圢盞を付䞎する」ずいう意味のラテン語の動詞informareから来おいるこずが分かるCapurro & HjÞrland, 2003, "The Concept of Information"を参照。未だ述語付けられおいない目の前の䜕かに圢盞を付䞎する、぀たり䞻語実䜓を述語付けるこずによっお、その目の前の䜕かが、いわば盞関関係のネットワヌクの䞀぀のノヌドになる。こう考えるこずによっお、私が本蚘事の冒頭で䞎えた情報の定矩を、Peirceが1867幎の論文"Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension"で䞎えおいる情報の定矩ず敎合化させるこずができる。