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24234 No.4757  


>> No.4778  

Lol what a faggot xd skeletons can't talk ;P. What a phoney.

>> No.4916  

In a state of the United States, I remember having a liberal overlord teacher. There was this bonus / extra credit question on a quiz that asked "What does this image mean?: [Then it was the following image]"


I wrote that it meant that women are like men only cheaper (where "cheaper" means that they are "of poor quality or of little worth"). Afterward I realized that the main meaning was that women were being paid less than men, according to the teacher. The meaning I wrote was that of men communicating that women are inferior to men. I didn't notice that the women in the bitmap were wearing suits (for some career) when initially looking at it. I think the aforewritten teacher deducted points on a question that, if I skipped over it, it would not deduct points from the grade of the entire quiz. Does that make sense?

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