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110576 No.4886  

>> No.4892  

OP, I don't know what your on about, but I had this weird dream last night. It began with myself BEING the main character of a Zelda game. I was swimming underwater collecting collectibles or money or something. For one eye I had a normal eye and for the other eye were a pair of teeth (like the teeth of young-adult-but-not-child-or-teenager Nucky Thompson from Boardwalk Empire). I had perfect vision out of both eye sockets (whether they held an eye or a pair of teeth) like I was wearing contacts. I resurfaced and went to the shore to find someone selling the newest items for this Zelda game. I was surprised to find a bunch of weapons from CS:GO. I guessed that the game's creator's were to lazy to make new item assets from scratch, so they just used another game's (like Bennett Foddy was talking about in "Getting Over It"). The main character changed to myself viewing a hardened military soldier. Some interesting stuff happened with him, but I don't feel like explaining it. The main character changed to myself. I was walking away from my car (that I parked behind a Wal-Mart) with another guy. I walked over the hood of another parked car that's front end was touching a wall. We were watching by a semitruck that was also touching the wall it was parked by in a parallel manner. While walking around it we saw that the storage container (which I think is called the cabin or something) it was hauling was open and the door to the driver's seat was open. My friend stole some stuff from the long 3D rectangle it is attached to while I stood watch. I saw a stereotypical trucker coming towards it so I told my friend to GTFO. We went into the Wal-Mart and walking to an empty room of it. We found some products that looked like they were themed as minions from "Despicable Me". We shoplifted them: chapstick and set of minion-shaped objects (both were yellow but had the face of George Costanza on them in yellow paint). My friend told me that this theme of product was all the rage (maybe myself thinking about minions happened after I saw this high schooler wearing a backpack with minions all over it). I walked near the exit with my coat on (hood up, hands in coat pockets with the products); I looked stiff, and I could tell that the Wal-Mart employees that looked for shoplifters could tell. I walked back to the place that I stole the stuff and gestured as though putting it back (for the camera that watch all of the shoppers), but I didn't actually. I put the products in the pockets of my trousers then tied my coat around my waist (so it was covering said pockets). I returned to my friend, who was waiting in a line for some reason. Me and my friend walked out in a very relaxed manner, getting away with it. At this point I found out that my friend was this guy I knew in high school: Baily [last name starts with an M, I know it but will not say it here for privacy I guess]. He was only a friend at school but declined to be a friend outside of school, so it was strange/unrealistic that we were hanging out in this dream. (This shoplifting sequence may have been caused by myself being acquainted with a Wal-Mart employee outside at the college I go to; he would sometimes talk about shoplifters.) We got into my car that was at the corner of the parking lot of the Wal-Mart, far away from the Wal-Mart. I realized that my trip mileage was at 900. At 250 I refill my gas tank with gas so that I don't run out of gas. (My gas tank empty/full indicator did not work so I would always reset my trip mileage indicators each time I got a full tank at the gas station, then tell my trip mileage number whether or not I need gas.) Getting gas was now my top priority. There was a gas station right in front of my when I was sitting in my car; however, there was a small ditch between the Wal-Mart parking lot and the gas station. I drove through this barn for farm animals to try to get to the station quicker; there was only an entrance to this Wally World barn and not an exit. I drove out of the barn that had multiple farm animals in it an drove around the barn. I ran out of gas, so I had to walk next to the road then towards the gas station. THIS IS THE INTERESTING PART: Along the way I found some Tolman or Toman or Tollman rodents as we called them. They were like these snakes that could sort of talk to me, but most of them were stupid. I picked one up and pulled it close to my arm which cause green slime to cover that side of my arm. I told it not to fuck with me or something. I remember seeing this URL pop up of the English Wikipedia page for the Tollman rodent; when the URL popped up I remember thinking about how it explained how dangerous these things are to humans. They were dangerous in the sense of getting leprosy after touching dead Amarillos. I remember hearing this voice that informed me that each male Tollman rodent had at least 3 mates (that it had babies with). I saw another 3 or 5 dead or alive Tollman rodents along the way; some were small, some were large. I killed a large one (larger than the one I kept carrying from a while ago). I stepped on its head which was apparently its maggot controller. The "rodents" had a green body, brown head, and white part at the end of their body. They were more like snakes or collections of maggots in the shape of snakes than actual rodents. After you stepped on its head, killing its central control unit, the multitude of maggots that its body consisted of scattered. Each maggot was one color; all the maggots seen together formed the colors of the rainbow at various vibrancies. They all fed on the corpse of the very long snake-like organism that had no limbs; it was just skull, spine, and ribs, surrounded by muscle and skin, with a dozen or more organs. The dream then ended. (I could elaborate on more stuff if anyone wants.)

>> No.4894  

Dreams can be like sudden burst of creativity. I can think of create stuff like this digital bookmark of mine:

https://www.google.com/search?q=what+would+you+do+if+this+was+the+last+music+in+breaking+bad%3F:+https://m.soundcloud.com/sir-awesome/the-tough-alliance-koka-kola&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari - "what would you do if this was the last music in breaking bad?: https://m.soundcloud.com/sir-awesome/the-tough-alliance-koka-kola - Google Search"

But I can't easily think of these Lekgolo-like creatures. "Lekgolo" in Latin is Ophis Congregatio according to http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Lekgolo

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