
March 2018 Carbon Equivalents Measurement with Handheld LIBS
The SciAps Z has demonstrated the ability to measure carbon equivalents, as well as carbon content in low alloy and carbon steels. The Z-200 C and Z-200 C+ are the world’s only handheld analyzers capable of measuring carbon content.
March 2018 Carbon Analysis in Stainless and Carbon Steels with Handheld LIBS
Presented here is a method to analyze carbon content in carbon and stainless steels, utilizing the technique of handheld laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (HH LIBS). The method specifies the SciAps Z-200 C+, the world’s only handheld analyzer capable of analyzing carbon content in alloys.
March 2018 Direct Measurement of Lithium in the Field Using SciAps Z-300 Handheld LIBS
The capability to conduct in field, direct measurement of lithium [Li z=3] is now a reality. Using SciAps handheld Z-300 LIBS analyzer, Lithium Australia NL (LIT), an Australian based, ASX listed Lithium explorer and vertically integrated lithium processing technology developer, conducted real time measurement of lithium during exploration drilling at the Agua Fria prospect in Sonora, Mexico.
September 2017 In-field Measurement of Mn:C Ratios for Steel Embrittlement with Z LIBS Handheld Analyzer
SciAps has introduced a handheld analyzer for carbon and other elements. The analyzer, Z-200C+, is the world’s only handheld analyzer capable of measuring carbon content down to 0.015%, suitable to distinguish L-grade stainless from straight and H-grades, and to analyze most carbon steels.
February 2017 Lithium Concentrations in Brines: Instant, On-Site Measurements Using Handheld LIBS
Lithium concentrations in brines can now be measured onsite, in seconds. SciAps has updated the Z-300 handheld LIBS analyzer to now analyze lithium content in brines as well as geological samples.
February 2017 Carbon Equivalents Measurement with Handheld LIBS
This note describes how the carbon measurement with the Z-200 is easily extended to determine carbon equivalents (CE), provided a good carbon measurement is performed.
January 2017 First Ever In-field Quantitative Measurements of Lithium in Soils
For the first time ever a handheld device was used for quantitative on-site lithium in soil measurements as part of a lithium exploration project. The lithium analysis was performed using the Z-300 handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) analyzer.
October 2016 In-field Sulfur Analysis Using Handheld LIBS
The latest generation SciAps Z-300 handheld LIBS analyzer is expanding the world of potential applications for field portable elemental analysis. These new analyzers include extended spectral range, variable detector time gating, high laser pulse energy, and multiple options for purge gas.
August 2016 In-Field Analysis of Beryllium in Alloys and other Materials Using Hand Held Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy [LIBS]
SciAps has introduced the Z-series for in-field Be measurements. The Z is a truly handheld analyzer that utilizes laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). It can measure Be in alloys, soils and other materials with a limit of detection (LOD) of 5 ppm.
July 2016 Material Verification of Ionically Bonded Salts Using Handheld LIBS
SciAps has introduced a handheld analyzer, the Z-300, using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). The Z-300 offers a fast, highly precise handheld technology for analysis of ionic salts.
June 2016 Advanced Aluminum Alloy Analysis with Handheld LIBS
Handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) offers a faster, more comprehensive approach to aluminum alloy sorting and chemical analysis compared to x-ray technology. And it offers a handheld form factor not available in spark OES type of technologies.
May 2016 Lithium Analysis in Geological Materials Using Hand Held Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy [LIBS]
The analysis of Lithium in a range of geological samples using field portable equipment is now possible using the SciAps Z range of Hand Held LIBS [HHLIBS] analyzers.
April 2016 The Z: Discovering and Ending your 6063 and 1100 Mix-ups
We’ve visited hundreds of scrap sorting operations with our laser-based analyzer. One thing stands out. Many sorting operations relying on X-ray are routinely mixing their 6063 and 1100, thus not getting the full value from their more pure aluminum material in their possession.
March 2016 The Z: Handheld LIBS Analysis for Lithium in Aluminum Alloys
Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) offers an alternative technique to both handheld XRF and spark OES for the analysis of a broad range of elements and sample types.
March 2016 Fast, Laser-based Cr Analysis for Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) Applications
There are three “must have’s” for handheld LIBS when analyzing most alloys, especially ferrous, stainless and high temps. Those include a) a high energy pulsed laser, The Z uses 6 mJ/pulse at a 50 Hz rep rate, b) novel 50 Hz burst cleaning to eliminate sample grinding, and c) Opti-Purge™ on-board argon purge for 10x or better precision.
October 2015 In-Field Measurements of Major Elements and Base Metals with Handheld LIBS
Data for a handheld LIBS Device (SciAps Z-500) is presented demonstrating in-fi eld measurement of several elements critical for geochemical applications. In some cases these elements have never before been measured with a handheld device.
December 2014 Initial Quantitative Measurements with Handheld LIBS
The analytical technique Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for elemental analysis is rapidly evolving from a laboratory based to a field-able technology. Keys to this evolution include the development of more powerful yet compact, battery operable lasers, and combining the advancing laser technology with powerful processors and compact, high resolution spectrometers.
February 2014 The Z: Handheld LIBS Analysis for Lithium and other Critical Elements in Aluminum Alloys
The Z delivers the low atomic number performance of mobile OES, while maintaining the portability of handheld XRF.
July 2013 Inspector 500 Raman for Pharma
The Inspector 500, featuring a novel 1030 nm laser source, provides reliable identification of nearly any Raman-active compound.
August 2013 Inspector Scope
The Scope is the first ever combination of in-field handheld Raman (the Inspector 300 or 500) that docks seamlessly to a microscope and digital camera. It’s the only Raman system delivering high performance materials analysis in the field, and microscopic sample analysis back at the lab.
November 2013 Inspector Raman for the Medical Plastics Industry
Instant Verification of High Performance Medical Device and Surgical Tool Plastics
November 2013 Instant Identification of Plastics, Polymers and Resins for Quality Control and Recycling.
SciAps Raman is an easy to use, entirely non-destructive technique for verifying polymers. And with SciAps, we have an analyzer that can meet any user’s price/performance requirements.