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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 14

    Wann immer Menschen die Luftangriffe auf Assad in der letzten Nacht als „Eskalation“ bezeichnen und ihre Legitimität infrage stellen, scrolle ich in meinem Handy zum letzten Samstag zurück. Es gibt NULL Zweifel an der Rechtmäßigkeit der Strafaktion gegen das Monster.

  2. Retweeted

    Dass es heute 100% erneuerbaren Strom gab, ist großartig! Jetzt Vorfahrt für Leitungen, damit der Strom auch fließt!

  3. Blick vom Balkon. Muss 1. Mai sein.

  4. Sehr interessant! Russland laut derselben Studie bereits am 19. April 2018. Wer hat die Schlagzeile bei gesehen?! - „Allein durch das ständige Wiederholen dieser anderen Zusammenstellung von Nachrichten, können Sie produzieren.“ - Hubertus Knabe

  5. More than 150.000 Syrians from , & are/will be displaced to region. Roughly the same amount of people which was displaced from Afrin earlier this year. Gives you a good hint of the wider implications of the collaboration in .

  6. Russia forced the Homs pocket into another “reconciliation deal”, turning more than another hundred thousand Syrians into . Th world remains silent amid these horrendous demographic engineering / forced displacement actions.

  7. Hama letzte Nacht. Die Kriegsverbrechen Russlands gehen nonstop weiter.

  8. Retweeted

    Interesting. After “watching” Kaliningrad for months this Swedish ELINT aircraft has deployed to Cyprus to join ISR efforts off Syria. With all the assets in the area (RC-135, RQ-4, IAF G550s etc) I wonder if the SwAF plane is there because it has sensors/capabilities others lack

  9. Three hospitals in the “de-escalation zone” hit by air strikes and put out of service over the last two days.

  10. 19 hours ago

    And this happens outside the toilet. ;-)

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  11. Show this thread
  12. Bibi asked for that! ;-)))

  13. Heavy retaliatory fire!

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  14. Twitter war between Iran and Israel already started.

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  15. Apr 30

    ONLY ON TWITTER Entire Q&A with 's geopolitical and security analyst . Great insights as always!

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  16. Apr 30

    ARTIKEL Nach mutmaßlichen israelischen Angriffen auf iranische Bases in Syrien Gibt es Krieg zwischen Israel und dem Iran?

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  17. Apr 30
  18. Apr 30

    And who are you? 'T-MLAT1' was earlier seen in as the registration of a suspected drone, but this is no definite answer of course.

  19. Apr 30

    Interesting genesis of the target of last night's air strikes. The building was constructed in 2011. It remained unused until May 2015. Then it turned into a busy "auto test center". In June 2017, it not just closed - all cars were removed for some reason.

  20. Retweeted
    Apr 30

    : PM Netanyahu to give national speech at 20:00 IST (1PM EST) with 'dramatic info on Iran'

  21. Retweeted
    Apr 30

    Opinion: With the world focused on the most flagrant barbarism of the Assad regime, writes about the bureaucratic machinery of death overseen in prisons across Syria


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