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Afrin, où le drapeau des révolutionnaires syriens
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Axel Joly Retweeted
#Breaking: Netanyahu to address Israel tonight with “dramatic” information relating to Iran.Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Axel Joly Retweeted
Notre camarade Shah Marai, chef du service photo de l'AFP à Kaboul, a été tué dans un double attentat-suicide qui a frappé la capitale afghane lundi matin. Notre tristesse est infinie this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
« Les atrocités de Daech ont fait oublier les crimes de masse de Bachar Al Assad » …
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Axel Joly Retweeted
Today has not been a good day for the pro-Asad coalition: - A probing attack against the Americans repelled with airstrikes this morning; - Military attacks on a base in Hama this evening, likely by
#Israel. …1:59Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Axel Joly Retweeted
BREAKING: Bombing of Syrian military base in Hama was so powerful, it showed up as a 2.6 magnitude quake on the Richter scale.
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Axel Joly Retweeted
SDF has recaptured most of the positions that the Regime has captured in the Janinah area in Deir Ez Zor this morning,after heavy local resistance against the Regime
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Axel Joly Retweeted
To the right, the model we want to build in Syria: democracy, development, transparency and openness. To the left, the model Assad built, and the one Putin and Khamenei want us to maintain: totalitarianism, poverty, hostility towards neighbors, and nuclear proliferation (at best)
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Axel Joly Retweeted
"L’organisation dispose d’un trésor de guerre de plusieurs centaines de millions d’euros, mais il est impossible à estimer avec précision", nuance
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Axel Joly Retweeted
Non, cette fillette syrienne n’est ni une figurante mise en scène ni une rescapée de plusieurs attaques …
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Axel Joly RetweetedThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Ce qu'il se passe aujourd'hui entre la Corée du Sud et la Corée du Nord est historique. …
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Axel Joly Retweeted
L'image est historique : Kim Jong Un est le 1er leader nord-coréen à traverser la frontière entre les deux Corées depuis la fin de la guerre.
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Axel Joly Retweeted
NEW: Bashar al-Assad is already manipulating international reconstruction efforts in Syria to benefit his allies and punish his enemies. The West must not wait to intervene, argues
@ejbeals. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
(Inutile de préciser que je ne cautionne ou supporte nullement les exécutions en Arabie Saoudite)
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Mariani dénonce les 48 décapitations en Arabie Saoudite cette année, toujours aucune condamnation concernant les dizaines de milliers de morts dans les geôles de son ami Bachar al-Assad …
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Axel Joly Retweeted
Iran shall never possess any nuclear weapons. Not now, not in five years, not in ten years. Never.
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