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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 560x408, 0000917_beef-kidney-1-lb_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report]
10526368 No.10526368 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to get back in touch with the old country so I bought a kidney and heart figuring I would eat the way my ancestors did

no idea what I was supposed to do so I purged it in vinegar water to get the literal smell of piss out of it
cubed em up and made a simple stew
red wine, potatoes, garlic, onion, carrots, mushrooms, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, a handful of salt and some black pepper
let that puppy braise for a while until everything was soft

it turned out fine, the main thing I was thinking the whole time is how much better this would be if It was a normal cut of beef and not organ meat
so here I am wondering why someone would willfully eat this stuff if not for the price being so low, since I got 2 pounds of "meat" for about $1.50

is organ meat explicitly poverty food or something hipsters are actually pretending is delicious like IPAs?
would eat again if I was flat broke but that's about it

>> No.10526378
Quoted by: >>10526405

Organ meat is much more nutrient rich than regular meat.

>> No.10526384
Quoted by: >>10526410

So what I'm reading is you mixed two organs not knowing what you were doing, making a simple stew, and it was meh?

Certainly sounds hipster. Please avoid and don't jack the price up.

>> No.10526399

It's shit tier food for people with shit tier taste.

>> No.10526405

This is why you shouldn't eat things like liver more than once a week

>> No.10526407
Quoted by: >>10526413

Imagine having internet access and instead of using it, you just dump everything in a pot.

>> No.10526410
Quoted by: >>10527605

what I'm saying is when I opened the package the intensity of the smell of piss coming off of the kidney was surprising to say the least
and I'd say there's only so much you can do to make it taste good, and no matter what you do it will always still have that faint quality of something that makes urine all day

>> No.10526413
Quoted by: >>10527448

You just reminded me that I live in a town of old people who all have computers and internet access, but it never occurs to them to type anything into google.

They'll call a dozen people in town looking for a business's address or phone number, but they don't just look it up in the ten seconds it takes.

>> No.10526421
Quoted by: >>10529590

They kind of tend to be a bit too dank if they're frozen or too old. They should be reddish in colour moreso than brown.

Other than that they are an acquired taste, but I would also actually recommend eating them raw, say in tartare style or a salad as cooking both makes the texture less palatable and removes a large amount of the nutritional content. Also really depends on the animal, in my opinion pork for example never really tastes very good, while veal or lamb is very nice.

>> No.10526428

Usually liver is good with onions and apples. It Cooks fast and is rich flavor. Soup is just overcooking it.

>> No.10526436

I mean, if you were unfamiliar with the whole thing I find it weird you wouldn’t research it a bit, even just to know how to quality stuff.

But in answer to hour question, in addition to mean being a rare privelge to ever eat at all, everything was eaten.

And I think most pertinent, people eat organ meats because they’re very nutrient dense. That is why Eskimos have lived in polar conditions without plant life only consuming animal meat and especially treasuring organ meats for their nutritional value. Go check out Alaska’s food pyramid. Organ meats are literally classified as a vegetable.

>> No.10526470

If cooked well, it has it's unique flavours and textures, but it's still an acquired taste.

Usually, you give them an overnight soak in milk or brine to remove the worst of the urine flavours, draw out blood, etc, then cook them. I love the kidneys diced and quickly fried with mushrooms in a cognac sauce. Heart I tend to skewer and grill over charcoal, then serve with a strong sauce, like what you'd have with steak, chimmichurri or the like.

And as always, if you're attempting to get used to the taste, I'd suggest you start at chicken and work your way up.

>> No.10526477

I only eat liver and heart when it comes to offal; I wouldn't touch kidneys or any kind of chitterlings type arrangements

>> No.10526740
Quoted by: >>10527619

stick to liver and heart, liver is really simple and tasty from the grill (some onions and your golden). kidney is more niche, i ate it as a kid but only at my grandmothers and i didn´t enjoy it it. chickenhearts are a good starting point:

>get chicken hearts and wooden skewers
>soak skewers in water for a few min.
>marinate hearts in a bit of garlic, olive oil salt and pepper, maybe some red pepperflakes
>skewer them and grill/pan-fry

wala meat-popcorn

>> No.10527324
Quoted by: >>10527438

1- avoid kidney, is the piss filter.
2- start with heart, is the most tasty, less nutritious than other organ meat, but is amazing good
2.5- search for Brazilians chicken heart recipes (receita de coração de frango).
3. Cow liver is interesting, but cook in destroy all nutrients and taste, and ever the grass feed ones need to pass 14 days in the refrigerator to destroy the parasites and toxins, I recommend using fruits + coconut milk/cream and make a smoothie (yes, sweet meat) and avoid eat more than 100/150 grams a day.

>> No.10527438
File: 39 KB, 575x556, 1506088925770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report]

>kidney, is the piss filter
Please learn how your organs work.

>> No.10527443

High in nutrients compared to normal meat. A polar bear liver is so high in potassium it would kill a human who ate the entire thing.

>> No.10527445

Vitamin A, not potassium bro.

>> No.10527448

>grandma calls
>"can you use your google to look something up for me?"

>> No.10527449
File: 97 KB, 800x533, kidney1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report]

Don't ever bother arguing with people who think kidneys and livers are "filters" and somehow nastier than any other part of the body.
They either cannot or will not learn something as simple as basic human physiology.

>> No.10527452

But it's true. Kidney's literally takes the liquid waste in your body and converts it to piss and then sends it to the bladder. That's why you pee out kidney stones, fucking tard.

>> No.10527454
File: 27 KB, 384x288, 1421985095816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report]
Quoted by: >>10527475

"Every day, the two kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine, composed of wastes and extra fluid."

>> No.10527465
Quoted by: >>10527472

That was exactly it, it was the leftover cheap "meat". Your brain tricks you into thinking it makes you more full because it's from an animal, rather than the ground or a tree.

>> No.10527472
Quoted by: >>10527474

/ck/ needs to go back to biology class

>> No.10527474
Quoted by: >>10527498

what does biology have to do with the slaves and poor people getting the shit pieces of meat, while the owners/richers got the good pieces?

>> No.10527475

That's the same blood that constantly passes through every other part of your body, idiot.
Your muscles also "filter" the blood; they keep nutrients and deposit "waste" into. Water counts as waste, by the way.
The waster passes, largely passively, from kidney's to pre-urine, and the water, nutrients, and some electrolytes are then actively filtered back into the bloodstream by the kidneys.
End result; your kidneys are exactly as filthy as the rest of your body. No more and no less.

>> No.10527479
File: 37 KB, 600x600, offal-good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report]

I had amazing offal foods but it usually requires a lot of work compared to regular meat.

Opinions on pic related?

>> No.10527483
Quoted by: >>10527518

Sorry about the terrible typing. I'm drunk but I am also an RN and used to work in the fucking kidney ward.

>> No.10527486
Quoted by: >>10527521

Kidney and liver don't need much work. Overcooking them is what fucks them up. Just a quick fry on the pan is needed.
I don't find that kidney smells or tastes that much of urea, but if you don't like it you can leave the organ in cold water in the fridge overnight before cooking it.
Heart is better in a stew or maybe ground up and mixed with regular meats, and some fat since it's quite lean.

>> No.10527498
Quoted by: >>10527526

If you had a brain it wouldn’t be tricking you about anything. You’d feel more full because you are more full. Organ meat has higher fat and nutritional value than a equal volume of leaves and your body can work this out.

>> No.10527518

>i am runk
>isnt in al/ck
is u lost anon

>> No.10527521

Mentions a bunch of organs but 0 comments on the picture. Nice.

Has a nice bite and meaty tasty, the textures lends itself well to cold plates and the structural integrity means it works well curried too. Usually you’d use very strong flavours with it because besides vaguely meaty it doesn’t taste of much.

Cleaning from scratch is a bitch and will stink up you workspace for days. It’s even more tiring if you don’t use abrasive chemicals to clean, so I’d recommend buying pre-cleaned if you’re determined to cook it at home.

Authentic Chinese restaurants that do Sichuan foods will usually have it collect in chilli oil and it’s delicious

>> No.10527526

>If you had a brain it wouldn’t be tricking you about anything.
Which part of you is telling you this?

>> No.10527545

> I don’t know how concentrations work and I think kidneys are the same level of filthy as the brain or the colon
This is why the doctors all hate you. Time to drop out of your nursing program.

>> No.10527605

hey dickhead, what do you think kidneys are for?

>> No.10527619
Quoted by: >>10528779

>buy chicken livers
>the package was mislabeled and it was hearts instead
>fry them in a pan the same way
>take first bite
>they had filled with hot oil which squirted out of the aorta when I bit down and scorched my mouth

>> No.10527635

>Mentions a bunch of organs but 0 comments on the picture. Nice.
I haven't read it but decided to still share a little of what I know about "offal" that doesn't require a lot of work. I'm sorry I bothered, faggot.

>> No.10527668
File: 231 KB, 1300x956, smithfield-meat-market-london-uk-CBA1M5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report]

Offal is the true test of a chef; any monkey can sear a steak and check doneness, or put together a braise. But to take something like a kidney, and turn it into something beautiful takes serious care and experience, and a fair bit of dedication. You have a far narrower margin of cooking and pairing but the rewards are seriously great to the guy who bothers. I am a massive fan of offal and some of the best dishes I've composed/cooked feature them. Try making a terrine of pig's liver with cornichon, shallots, capers, parsley, chervil, and lard. Or lamb's sweetbreads with marjoram, paprika, and garlic. Alternatively check out Fergus Henderson's 'Nose to Tail eating'
Aside from being delicious, they are often cheap, super nutritious, and fun to learn about.
Let me know if anyone wants some cool recipes

>> No.10528734

>Mentions a bunch of organs but 0 comments on the picture. Nice
Actually, the picture happens to be an offal cookbook I'm considering to buy, on which you didn't comment either.

>> No.10528779

>can't tell the difference between liver and heart

>> No.10529025
Quoted by: >>10529611

enjoy your heavy metal poisoning

>> No.10529590

Veal and lamb are both young so it hasn't filtered as much piss

>> No.10529611

Yeah, and along with old ways of eating, add some toxic food coloring to your edibles:


(One of those pages was about the history of horrible food coloring.)

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