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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10523961 No.10523961 [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans actually put sugar in their sauce?

>> No.10523967
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>tfw sugar is a highly addictive drug without people realizing

>> No.10523969

A pinch of sugar in tomato heavy dishes can cut down on the acidity without drastically affecting the overall taste, and isn't an uncommon addition. That fucking horror in the photo, I have no words for.

>> No.10523980
Quoted by: >>10523993

If you use decent tomatoes (whether fresh or canned), you don't need to add any sugar.

>> No.10523986


OPs pic is an abomination and reveals possible mental issues or actual damage to the brain

>> No.10523992

>Shanice Richardson
I think the explanation is simpler than you realize.

>> No.10523993

Also true. I grew up poor as fuck though, and a lot of dishes we made (chili, spaghetti, etc.) with tomato heavy sauces were made with whatever quality tomato/sauce/paste was affordable - so it's something I picked up. Thankfully have better choices now.

>> No.10524004
Quoted by: >>10524037


A teaspoon of sugar added to a pot of tomato sauce does wonders. An entire bag of sugar added to a pot of spaghetti will just obliterate it entirely.

>> No.10524008

Honey from time to time.

>> No.10524017

No, the corporations put corn syrup in everything. Sugar is too expensive, got to make sure the CEO makes millions at the costs of millions of people's health. That's why special grocery stores like trader Joe's and whole food exists, only places where everything isn't literally made with cheap toxic fillers.

>> No.10524036

>Trader Joe's and Whole Foods
>not full of sugar and cheap toxic fillers
It's literally the same food. Just avoid processed foods in general. The only difference between those stores and others is that their stuff is (((organic))) but anyone who knows anything about nutrition knows that organic is a marketing buzzword with absolutely no meaning or regulation

>> No.10524037


>reduce the acidity

Some people here lack basic chemistry :^)

>> No.10524038

>got to make sure the CEO makes millions at the costs of millions of people's health.

>> No.10524046

What the fuck are you talking about. Quit it with your momscience and babby-tier economic pseudophilosophy

>> No.10524050


>> No.10524061
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if that's how she likes her spaghetti, it doesn't bother me one bit

And of course, it's possible she just spilled too much on there and decided to make a joke to her friends, not knowing the public image of the nation was at stake

>> No.10524071

Why would you want to reduce the acidity. Are tomatoes seriously too strong for some people? What the fukc happened to the human race?

>WAAAH this perfectly fine naturally occurring vegetable is yucky I'm gonna add a cancer-causing powder to make it more yummy haha I'm totally not a 5 year old

>> No.10524080

That is bad if true. I wonder if corn syrup instead of sugar is in the following:

https://www.google.com/search?q=brach%27s+christmas+tree+nougat&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=x&ved=0ahukewik8bon0idzahvc4imkhdhpbxcq_auicygc&biw=1920&bih=1094&surl=1&safe=active& - "brach's christmas tree nougat - Google Search"

https://www.candywarehouse.com/assets/item/large/brachs--christmas-tree-nougats-ff-125270.jpg - "brachs--christmas-tree-nougats-ff-125270.jpg (600×600)"

https://www.candywarehouse.com/christmas-candy/ - "Christmas Candy | CandyWarehouse.com"

And how exactly is corn syrup toxic?

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