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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10518173 No.10518173 [Reply] [Original]

What's you're favourite home remedy food you cook up when you're feeling sick or otherwise shit?

I put a whole chicken in a big pot, fill with water and add 2 quartered onions, 1 lemon halved, 1 bulb of garlic halved, 3-4 chilli peppers split down the middle, half a hand of ginger chopped.
Let that chicken simmer low as possible for like 4-5 hours then take it out and take all the meat off the bones, chop the meat up roughly and put it back in the pot. Season, add some greens if you like and cook them down then dish up a bowl.
I sometimes even cook this when I'm not sick just cause I like it so much.

>> No.10518180
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Quoted by: >>10518226

Ginger chicken wine soup.

Very spicy from the high amount of ginger. Alcoholic from adding alcohol late in the cooking stage.


>> No.10518226


That sounds damn good, gotta try it.

>> No.10518228
Quoted by: >>10518322

rib steak bone in
2 min each side
basically still mooing
meat heals

>> No.10518322


Although good, not really the sort of thing you think of when you're wanting something as a remedy.

>> No.10519385

What else?

>> No.10519611


>> No.10519660
Quoted by: >>10519709

grab a couple mcchickens and turn them into mcchicken noodle soup

>> No.10519709

That's just blasphemy

>> No.10520118
Quoted by: >>10520242

Yellow mustard slathered on skin burns (not broken skin!). It is like god damn magic in keeping burns from being terrible and hurting forever and from blistering and even reddening. Just never put it on broken skin or the chemical burning it causes will hurt worse than the original thermal burn.

>> No.10520242


This sounds like a troll. Surely that'd fucking sting like hell. You mean American mustard and not English right?

>> No.10520307

garlic bread

>> No.10520355
Quoted by: >>10522267

Sounds fucking dope tbqh famalangalang
Can I pinch this recipe, please?

>> No.10522267

Go for it, if I didn't want anyone knowing I wouldn't have posted it.
The key is letting it bubble away low and slow for a good few hours. Then you just take the chicken carcass out and take all the meat off the bone, chop it up a bit then put the meat back in. You could also add noodles at the end and cook them if you like chicken noodle soup.

>> No.10522461
Quoted by: >>10522507

Does snacks count as cooking something up? I've been eating Mini Babybel cheese (that come in the red wax round-edge cylinders like a cheese wheel). Mini Babybel Gouda cheese is the best type of all the Mini Babybel cheeses, for all the other types taste like chemicals when eaten alone. Said Gouda does not taste like chemicals when eaten alone. So you have to eat the non-Gouda Mini Babybel cheeses with a cracker or something. I like those storebought crackers that are triangles and have lots of seasoning on them; I forgot the name or brand of them.

Recently I've been thinking about what it would be like to be a fat or obese person. I park in this parking garage every week and the parking throughout it is very tight, so it would be physically impossible to get into or out of my car if I was very fat. The fat rage would be immense, like as seen at the following:

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQGEu3-3BzI - Image at end

Body positively - nope

>> No.10522500
Quoted by: >>10523300

Tomato soup is my go to

Also will try and sip as much water throughout the day

>> No.10522507


Why not just wear one of those sumo wrestling fat suits?

>> No.10522540

dice potato, dice some ham
throw it in a pan with some butter
salt, pepper, paprika, garlic and onion powder, little bit of sugar
toss in some cheese at the end
maximum comfy

>> No.10523300


Mind sharing your recipe?

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