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    The security architecture in the region is already showing serious cracks, like 1) using the river as deconfliction 2) having too many competing parties involved in border security. My early warning, in this week's column:

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  2. Really good piece on the ’s rising military might across the region — and how things continue to move (it slowly) in favor of the Saudi-led Coalition:

  3. “the impulse from the Barack Obama and Trump administrations, as well as large numbers of Americans, is to stay out of the conflict. Maybe it is Iraq fatigue, but Iraq fatigue is a function of the same problem: Americans are unable to answer whether the investment is worth it”

  4. 17 hours ago

    Incredible insights and scoop: “the UAE already has troops operating inside Syria alongside American, French, and British special forces, according to civilian sources involved in the anti-Islamic State effort in the country,” by

  5. The chemical attack, a mere week after Trump signaled he would leave Syria, re-energized the discussions around Iran in Syria and ultimately led the president to reverse his position and articulate a plan bespoke for his political inclinations that brought him to power.

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  6. "... it inconceivable, at least in the eyes of generals involved closely in the battle against jihadis, to withdraw from Syria in the foreseeable future."

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  7. .... Saudi officials passed on the message to the Trump administration. Washington has since sought to bridge differences between it and Turkey, but it is unclear whether the two efforts are related.

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  8. The Saudis sent a delegation to Turkey to discuss the matter. Officials in Ankara told the Saudis they would support the effort, through Turkey’s borders, but not while the Syrian Democratic Forces were dominated by the Kurdish YPG.

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  9. Soon after Trump’s inauguration, Trump asked Gulf leaders to step up their financial support for the mission in eastern Syria. The Gulf leaders agreed in principle, but reconvened joint teams to “study” the plan.

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  10. "The Saudi-led Islamic Military Counter-Terrorism Coalition had proposed sending 40,000 troops from various countries with the aim of fighting extremists in eastern Syria."

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  11. "The UAE already has troops operating inside Syria alongside American, French, and British special forces, according to civilian sources involved in the anti-Islamic State effort in the country."

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  12. . breaks some news: the UAE already has troops in Syria.

  13. NEW -- my overview of the US policy in Syria and how the discussions since the chemical attacks actually re-energized the debate about Iran. With hitherto never reported news (aka )

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  16. Kanye West has performed a great service to the Black Community - Big things are happening and eyes are being opened for the first time in Decades - Legacy Stuff! Thank you also to Chance and Dr. Darrell Scott, they really get it (lowest Black & Hispanic unemployment in history).

  17. •The wave is unprecedented in its scale •Dozens have been targeted, clearly by a force that knows all too well. • officials are clearly perplexed & alarmed •HTS has been going after ISIS cells for years in that area. Remarkable but unsurprising if it’s still

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  18. •A significant turn of events, shortly after militias there agreed on an indefinite truce and to resolve differences. •Muhaysini said the meeting at dawn prayers was meant to release prisoners held by militias. •Unclear who’s behind these attacks, ISIS & the regime hallmarks.

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  19. •Saudi jihadi in Syria Abdullah Muhaysini survives another IED after dawn prayers in Idlib •The rebels impose a curfew citing “lawlessness”, a “ of assassinations” targeting “mujahideen, clerics & people in charge of services” •An HTS leader vows to uncover the conspiracy

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  20. Apr 27

    Wow this is astonishing to see. Kim and Moon are at podiums, side by side, giving statements to the press. Never seen this from North Korea's dictator

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  21. “The villages that the US complained about in regime areas contain, more than the rest of Abu Kamal, lush river reeds and palm orchards that make it easier for militants to hide and survive.”

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