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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 8

    Un zadiste prend feu en voulant lancer un cocktail molotov

  2. 6 minutes ago

    Quand Trump et Macron se débarassent des preuves de "l'attaque chimique" de Douma

  3. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    Extraordinaire de voir que cette presse qui, il y a peu, conspuait Trump et avait même déclenché le compte à rebours de sa destitution pour incompétence et démagogie, soit aujourd'hui la même qui lui tresse des lauriers, pour vendre la visite de Macron 😉

  4. 17 hours ago
  5. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    One of the chemical labs in , suspected to have belonged to Jaish al-Islam terrorist group, had stockpiles of hexamin - precursor substance used for making explosives as well as sarin-type nerve agents

  6. Retweeted
    Apr 21

    Reminder: A bunch of pro regime change people who accused of having cosmetic surgery. When she responded with a photo of herself as a child proving them wrong, Michael Weiss compared the photo of her as a child to looking like a prostitute. He's a sick demon.

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  7. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    Calling a "blogger" is the most childish nonsene we've seen in the story. She's an investigative journalist, she has actually BEEN to Syria many times. Can anyone from say the same?

  8. Retweeted
    Apr 21

    Bravo et felicitations a du 44 pour ce superbe boulot. Au nom du souvenir, au nom de tous les , merci.

  9. Retweeted
    Apr 20

    The Guardian also falsely identified as a Russian bot, along with , who is well known as a living person named Maram Susli. I think it’s time for to totally retract her false reporting, and for May to apologize.

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  10. Apr 20

    La France n'avance toujours pas la moindre preuve, mais accuse la Russie de manipulation

  11. Retweeted
    Apr 19

    Exclusive emails show how the White Helmets tried to recruit Roger Waters with Saudi money and a slick public relations firm:

  12. Retweeted
    Apr 20

    Conférence de presse conjointe du ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov et l’envoyé spécial de l’ONU pour la Syrie Staffan de Mistura

  13. Apr 20

    Avis aux bricolos. J'ai changé la batterie de mon (sans problème) par contre en ce qui concerne mon nouvel écran... Il fonctionne, mais pas le tactile. Ça peut venir d'autre chose que la nouvelle pièce ?

  14. Retweeted
    Apr 19

    Look at the replies. No one is buying ’s straw man argument that the “anti-war far left” opposes regime change because of some special affinity for Assad. The Intercept should be renamed “The Intervention.”

  15. Retweeted
    Apr 19

    Syrian troops unearth mass grave in Douma contains bodies executed since two weeks ago

  16. Retweeted
    Apr 19

    «Attaque chimique» à Douma : un père et son enfant battent en brèche la version occidentale (VIDEOS) ➡️

  17. Retweeted
    Apr 19

    Des Casques blancs auraient tenté de faire pression sur Roger Waters, l'ex-leader de Pink Floyd ➡️

  18. Apr 19

    La France une nouvelle fois humiliée... Merci Macron.

  19. Retweeted
    Apr 19

    Looks like has joined the McCarthyite witch-hunt against those who challenge the official narrative on .

  20. Retweeted
    Apr 19

    In briefing to Congress, DNI, SecDef, and SecState provided zero real evidence. Referenced info circulating online. Which means either they chose not to provide proof to Congress or they don’t have conclusive proof that Assad carried out gas attack. Either way, not good.

  21. Retweeted
    Apr 19

    "There are two competing versions of events" says former British ambassador to Syria Peter Ford as probe in Douma is delayed following 'security concerns'.


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