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    Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>

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    Houthis avenge fallen leader by assaulting Saudi troops in Jizan

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    12 hours ago

    Correction: The US-led coalition provided "intelligence support" for the operation to target Abu Luqman, that was then "planned and executed by the Iraqi Joint Operations Command". The hunt is still in the hands of the US apparatus

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    2 hours ago

    Pour rappel : 1ère partie de l'historique de la wilayat Khorasan (Afgh./Pak.) de l'EI, avec , pour , 2nde partie à suivre.

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    Apr 18

    Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in March: "You can look at the Bab-el-Mandeb – that is the strait between the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea – as the Aberdeen Proving Ground for the Iranian military."

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    2 hours ago
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    2 hours ago

    L'errance des femmes irakiennes qui ont vécu sous l'État islamique

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    2 hours ago

    What is going to do w the tens of thousands of fighters who currently live in areas under army's control

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    3 hours ago

    A consensus has emerged among ’s political and security establishments that a military clash with is likely

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    1 hour ago

    Debate between Prince Turki al Faisal, former Saudi Ambassador to US and Dir-Gen of Saudi intelligence & Amb. Hossein Mousavian, former spokesman for Iran’s nuclear negotiators and chairman of foreign policy committee of Iran’s National Security Council

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    "Western intelligence assessments assigning blame to the regime for the April 7 chemical attack have relied on an unusual degree on open source material, including social media", writes

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    12 hours ago

    : Guterres réclame une enquête sur des frappes ayant visé un mariage

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    12 hours ago

    Les Emirats arabes unis et l’Irak ont donné lundi le coup d’envoi de la reconstruction de la mosquée al-Nouri de Mossoul et de son minaret penché, ravagés en juillet lors des combats pour la reprise de la ville aux jihadistes.

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    12 hours ago

    Israel's Sinai Dilemma -

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    13 hours ago
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    17 hours ago

    More revelations from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism about the covert influence campaign that targeted Qatar last year

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    14 hours ago

    le + important ds le discours d’Abou Hassan al-Mouhajir renoue avec la stratégie classique du groupe depuis en Mésopotamie et son chef Abou Moussab al-Zarkawi en passant par l’État islamique en puis l’ puis : l’ennemi proche

  19. Retweeted
    15 hours ago

    Saleh al-Sammad is to be preceded by Medhi al-Mashat, who is close to the Houthi leadership. He is known to be a hardliner and influential among the Houthi militia. This, sadly, may not trun the tide just yet for but it most likely will lead to a new strategy now.

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    21 hours ago

    Macron Takes a Risk in Courting Trump, but Has Little to Show for It

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    Milestone: Culture Minister in today to finalize $50.4 million project to restore the Nouri Mosque in Old . Grateful for founding partner UAE’s support for ’s recovery after .


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