
The Edge interview with high level scientology defector

Discussion in 'Media' started by Born2Shop, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Quentinanon Member

    Are you projecting?
    One of the attributes of a scientologist is a belief that they can read minds.
  2. I will publicly state that Bill Franks has made statements about things I have known (second hand) about for years, and also some First hand information of mine that he has reiterated. Hubbard knew, Hubbard knew it all, and he did tell his messengers " Oh... poor me, I knew nothing, nothing" and they went after MSH along with others under his control. What else do you need, read Operation Freakout, the programe to get Paulette -, dead, in jail or in a mental institution. I personally know for a fact he was all over that program.
    nancy many
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  3. JohnnyRUClear Member

    Obligatory question: why the new account?
  4. Ersatz Global Moderator

    It isn't a new account, that is a post made by the new "guest" feature for folks who don't have an account or don't want to login but still want to post.
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  5. JohnnyRUClear Member

    Oh... I guess I missed the announcement of that feature. I missed the one about the various "like"-type buttons, too. Seems I'm out of the loop around here! :-/
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  6. Anonymous Member

    Ah now it makes sense. They were secret lizard people Bothan MPs.

    That stuff is never on wikipedia. The lizard overlords censor it.

    The account is undoubtedly true. Carry on.
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  7. The most important questions here might be from the angle of trustworthiness, and have Bill Franks lied a lot?

    Did L Ron have a motive, and have L Ron Hubbard with Scientology tried to murder before? Someone tried to murder Paulette Cooper obviously on top of all the cold minded and evil harassment.

    L Ron Hubbard, his daughter and wife was not able to enter UK and UK had a ban on Scientologists enter. in early 1979 The Scientology church of California raised a case against The British health and Social security department, feeling humiliated by their descriptions of Scientology. The main critics in the english spoken word seems to have emanated from UK and i am pretty sure an grandiose alien like L Ron Hubbard wondered what laws of nature that where altered. And really did wanted to find the source of the claim that 1/Scientology was unscientific 2/dangerous. Being pushed back so hard and so long, Hubbard was here on a mission for

    The 3 main questions in my mind is
    -Did L Ron Hubbard have a motive?
    -Did L Ron Hubbard / Scientology have have the insights, know how to do it?
    -Did L Ron Hubbard alter something behavioristic in near proximity of time-frame to this even?

    1/Yes Hubbard can have a motive here from the basis of his reactive and hyper-reactive mind, just like the UNA Bomber was intelligent in intel, also totally out of intel despite being a brilliant former professor in mathematics still uncountable for his thinking. Hubbard had in UK the strongest backward pushing in the english speaking word. And the lawsuit in early 1979 speaks in that direction, L Ron Hubbard, L Ron Hubbards Daughter and L Ron Hubbards wife where already foreign aliens.

    2/ Yes L Ron Hubbard was a paranoid man and department of the Prime Minister at the time was infiltrated with Scientology believers or Scientologist if that sounds better in any means. So the very knowledge in Margret Thatchers best friend and the chief of her personal office Airey Neave was there, probably to a higher degree than in any other alien organization in the parliament.
    Yes the department was so infiltrated at that time, that it was even openly discussed

    3/ Ronald Lafayette Hubbard does under this period reaching max in paranoia. Airey Neave was murdered in 1979 March 30. in April 1979 L Ron Hubbard moves without any further notice to spend his life hiding first with just 10 trusted connecting agents to the outer world (The Commodore's little girls). Then to Whispering Wind Ranch Creston with just one connecting person to the outer word as his trustee. L Ron Hubbard did alter his behaviors considerably in this time-frame considerably. His Wife saw him just once after the first hidings and pretty nobody else. Pat Broeker did not deliver anything to anyone outside, but only to the middle man. I being under surveillance and so on ... The middle man was David Miscavige and he had never been at L Ron Hubbard's Creston home before Hubbard dies. That's how paranoid Hubbard had became.

    I Hate conspirator theories and IRA itself and INLA itself claimed that they where behind the murder and i guess several more individuals have confessed to the murder. Yes i know that perfectly well, thank you. The fact that the author to bare faced messiah Miller was framed to a murder of PI in London and the mention of a murdered MP in this area and time-frame, gives me the image of a potent org that has less brakes in bringing forwards it's way of abstraction. And UK to Hubbard seems to have been the centre from which he received so much shit, although it was just pure feedback.

    A little bit much here... Bill Franks can you tell us a little bit more?

    ---------------------PETITION TO IRS SCIENTOLOGY TAX EXEMPT-----------------------

    "Steve ‘Sarge’ Pfauth, who worked under Hubbard for four years until the founder's death in January 1986, said his owner regretted ever making up the Church. Hubbard's former chef and 'runner', Sinar Parman, says that everyone on site was so paranoid of the outside that they'd even bury their own vans"

    Now that's Cargo Culture in disguise
    Controlling everything from cars to parking like the lords mirrors of martian embassy
    they create their own opposition by the curl curl in the tunnel-sight

    Hubbard has mostly spoken curl-curl as to hook hook in the tunnel-sight. So yes there might be more gibberish in the core of the decor here but also the sign of design.
    I Hate conspirator theories and IRA itself and INLA itself claimed that they where behind the murder and i guess several more individuals have confessed to the murder. Yes i know that perfectly well, thank you. The fact that the author to bare faced messiah Miller was framed to a murder of PI in London and the mention of a murdered MP in this area and time-frame, gives me the image of a potent org that has less brakes in bringing forwards it's way of abstraction. Non of the murder is Yet solved btw.

    A little bit much here... Bill Franks can you tell us a little bit more?
    Anyone able to add any fact to this matter?

    Offering JFK Help in Space Race 13 AD!
    Tied from other bonds you are on his road now. the bridge and then, you know comes the starmark! Holy shit & you know it.
    View attachment upthe-bridge-no-reactivity-in-fact-no-reaction-at-
    telling the truth would not be working, since Scientology has never been working would point out the emotion and nullified the efforts. So Keep Scientology Working would be a better melody to spread the lurid lies of something that never has been working NHBW.

    Ok! Be positive now, Eternal growth & Successes

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