Our main number is (614) 722-2000 or (800) 792-8401. You may also visit our Frequently Called Numbers page for additional contact information.
To send mail to a patient, please use the following address:
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Attn: Patient Name & Room Number
700 Children's Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
If you are a neighbor or community partner, please contact us at CommunityRelations@NationwideChildrens.org.
If you have trouble accessing our documents (and cannot update your Internet browser to IE 7 or higher, or Firefox), please follow the below steps:
Right-click on appropriate link and select "Save"
Save the document to your computer
Access the document from where it is saved on your computer
Below are forms frequently requested by parents and/or caregivers. Please click the links to download these forms to your computer.
Mail your completed authorization form to:
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Health Information Management Department
Attn: Correspondence
700 Children's Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
For your convenience, Authorization forms are available in all clinic locations. Once you’ve completed the form, you can either have the clinic staff forward it to the HIM department or you can drop it off at the Radiology /Medical Records office located on the first floor of the Tower building next to Radiology..
Your completed authorization form can be faxed to (614) 355-0797.
All requests, whether delivered in-person, by mail, or via fax, require a 7-10 day processing time. No same day requests will be accepted. Fees will be assessed upon receipt of your request and an invoice mailed. When your cashier's check or money order is received, the records will be mailed. If you would prefer to pick up your records, please note this preference on the authorization form and a representative will contact you with the fees and arrange a pick up time.
For questions about your request or to speak to a representative from our office, please call (614) 355-0777.
To Contact Us for more information please complete the Online Contact Us Form below and submit:
If you have questions about Nationwide Children's physicians, education courses and services, you may also call our 24-hour referral service (614) 722.KIDS (5437) or 1-800-875-KIDS (5437). DO NOT use this form if you are having a medical emergency – call 911.
Please note that Nationwide Children's website offers general medical information only and is not intended to provide personal medical advice. Our email service will answer questions about our programs and services. However, for any personal health problem you should seek advice from your physician.