Family Pride Network's mission is to connect and support LGBTQ families and prospective parents through social events, educational programs, and professional resources.
Why Join Family Pride Network
LGBTQ parents and their children can benefit tremendously from having a strong support network, which FPN is dedicated to helping you form. For parents, having access to LGBTQ-friendly resources can make life a little easier and for their kids, knowing there are other families out there just like there’s can go a long way in boosting confidence and self-esteem.
Curious about LGBTQ Parenting
Starting a family is always an intimidating process but for LGBTQ individuals and couple the task can be especially daunting. FPN wants to provide you with educational resources and a support community to make the process less confusing and more enjoyable.
Attend an FPN Event
Whether you’re a family looking for something fun to do, a parent looking for a night away from the kids, or a couple curious as to what options you have to start building your family, FPN has events for you.
Donate to Family Pride Network
Family Pride Network relies upon the generosity of you to help us connect, support and educate LGBTQ couples. Donate money, your time or your skills to help our organization—and the LGBTQ families in our community—grow.