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  1. Pinned Tweet
    30 Nov 2017

    basically anything i say or write about turkey these days i end up desperately hoping turns out to be wrong

  2. 13 hours ago

    and really if you think this counts as trendy academic jargon just wait till you see some of the jargon thats trendy these days

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  3. 13 hours ago

    When people dismiss compelling essays like these as "academic jargon" it confirms the suspicion of many academics that "write more clearly" just means "agree with my politics"

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  4. 15 hours ago

    From this interesting 1944 map

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  5. 15 hours ago

    Modernity: Before and After

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  6. 15 hours ago

    im curious if anyone insisting that turkey is simply at war with the pkk would be willing to acknowledge that this kind of thing at the very least makes it look otherwise

  7. Retweeted

    Turkey’s Afrin Operation: What are the challenges and risks? Join me, at our upcoming policy forum on Live-Broadcast will be available via:

  8. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Excited to publish a deep dive into Russia and the Montenegro coup attempt by , the first in a series of Russian Foreign Policy Papers

  9. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    Next Friday (4/20) on the Hill: "Turkey's Emerging Role in the Middle East" | MEI's and Robert Pearson join forum 10-12pm at Dirksen Senate Office Building (Date corrected from earlier tweet)

  10. Retweeted

    Laying the ground for public opinion in case of need to move ship closer to uncle sam?

  11. 18 hours ago

    *captured, according to wikipedia, from "a Tuscan adventurer by the name of Aldobrandini"

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  12. 18 hours ago

    Antalya's Conquest day celebrations appear to feature both an air show & speech by Ilber Ortayli. It commemorates the date the Seljuk captured the city from the Crusaders* rather than when the Ottomans took it from some other Seljuks.

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  13. 18 hours ago

    Less than two months to go till May 29!

  14. 19 hours ago

    police explained by saying it was just part of a regular investigation into the potential Gulen ties of people who had been in contact with future mayoral appointees...

  15. 19 hours ago
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  16. 19 hours ago

    Also the Cold War, which started shortly after Roosevelt’s death

  17. Apr 11

    then again, the iowa caucuses never looked so interesting

  18. Apr 11

    Another sensible summary of all the things that my favorite turkey experts have been saying for months

  19. Retweeted
    Apr 11

    While we wait for possible US action in Syria, useful to read this 5-year-old piece from , who looked at a Desert Fox-style strike in Syria and came down in favor of taking the chance that we might deter chemical weapons use.

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  20. Retweeted
    Apr 10
  21. Apr 11

    Off topic, but a fascinating piece on Dr. Seuss's paradoxical and revealing relationship with racism:


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